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Hello LEGO fans, collectors and resellers…

Many of you may already know who I am, but for those of you that may have just learned about Brickpicker, my name is Ed Maciorowski and I would like to ask you for a few moments of your time. Over the past five years, my brother Jeff and I have operated the BrickPicker site at no cost to members and fans. All we ever asked from members was to click on affiliate links to help pay for the site expenses, which cost members little or no out of pocket money. Many of you have gained valuable information and insight from our data and forum community that enabled you to make money from LEGO collecting and reselling. Often, people would ask how can we help the BrickPicker site and its creators and we would say thanks for the offer, but no thanks, we felt uncomfortable taking donations. Well, we have a way for all of you to help out not only me, but over 150 children and their families.

Let me introduce you to the St. Paul School of Burlington, NJ…

My son, Max, is a member of the Kindergarten class in St. Paul School. He has attended the school since September and adores it. My wife, Jane, and I also adore the school. It is everything a school should be. It’s a school where everyone knows your name and there is a sense of pride and respect not found in many other larger schools. I cannot explain it, but there is an ambience of goodness in the building. Sounds corny I know, but as a person who has the word “evil” in his email address, I can tell you that I know when something deserves special recognition as a “good” thing. But it’s not only me who recognizes a great school. St. Paul School was voted the “Best Private School” in Burlington County, NJ and won numerous other awards. St. Paul School’s graduates constantly excel in high schools throughout Central NJ, with a large portion of graduates appearing on the National Honor Society and finishing top in their classes as Valedictorians and Salutatorians. To find out more about the St. Paul School, you can check out their website


So here is the situation. St. Paul School is a Catholic school and as many people know, Catholic schools always have a hard time paying the bills to remain open. While St. Paul School and other Catholic schools welcome all religions and people, they are not funded by state or federal tax dollars and must adhere to many policies of the Catholic church and their Dioceses. Unfortunately, due to the weak economy and other forces outside of their control, enrollment in Catholic schools is down, putting more and more pressure on the school’s and local church’s budgets to remain open. This is an ongoing battle and fundraising has become an annual ritual in every Catholic school in the nation and most likely, the world. Everyone has to do their part to help out and Jeff and I are doing ours. Here is our plan…

Jeff and I are going to personally RAFFLE OFF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF RARE AND RETIRED LEGO SETS! These sets are from our personal collections and they include the:

  • 10188 Death Star
  • 10228 Haunted House
  • Sealed Case of 64 Series 10 Collectible Minifigures (MR.GOLD might be in there!)
  • 10224 Town Hall
  • 10225 Ultimate Collector Series R2-D2

That is well over $2000.00 in LEGO sets. All are retired and appreciating in value as we speak. I will personally ship them to anywhere in the world at my cost and in a proper shipping container. There will be one winner for each set and you must buy tickets for each raffle separately. One person can win all the sets if they enter all five raffles. There are discounted tickets available and the raffle will be run on the www.rallyup.com website, which is a very reputable and trustworthy fundraising site. They will automatically pick the winners at 11:59 PM on January 31, 2016 and will notify the winners. I will then ship out the winning LEGO sets to their new owners. The raffle and link to share can be found below:


Each ticket costs $10.00 and enables you to enter one LEGO set raffle of your choice. $50.00 will cover all five iconic LEGO sets. ALL OF THE PROCEEDS (besides the commission to www.rallyup.com) goes to St. Paul School and to its corresponding church, The Parish of Saint Katharine Drexel, which helps the school operate. Tickets can be paid with any major credit card and the site is secure. Unfortunately, PayPal does not get involved with “raffles,” so PayPal can only be used for direct donations. I know that is a minor inconvenience, but if their is an issue, contact Jeff or I and we can see what we can do about transferring money to our PayPal account and paying for your raffle tickets. If we get a great response from people, we might add a few major sets or collectible and rare items to the raffle contest.

On a personal note, I just have to say that I feel awkward asking people to help and for money, but the St. Paul School kids, faculty and community are worth it. They need to raise $200,000 by the end of January in order to keep the doors open and I am pulling all of my strings to help get them to that goal. I need your help. Period. If you value quality education and teaching children morals and respect, then supporting a school like St. Paul is paramount to the future well being of this planet. To the BrickPicker community...Show the LEGO world that we are more than just a bunch of Quick Flipping Low Lifes….that we care and have a heart, even though we buy all of Little Timmy’s LEGO sets up to resell. LOL. Honestly, this is important to Jeff and I and I want to be proud of our community that we have built over the past 5+ years. If you want to repay us for all of the efforts we have made over the past five years, buy a ticket...or two...or five. My son and 150+ other kids and families, faculty and friends of the St. Paul School will thank you…




If you are interested in just making a donation and want to use Paypal, you can.  Just click the purchase link on the right side bar.  On the next page you will see a checkbox that will allow you to just make a donation.  Check that box and you will then see options for payment.  Paypal is not available for buying raffle tickets, it is against their terms.


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What a great idea! I hope you guys raise what you need... My boys go to a public school and even they must fund raise so I bet we all understand the financial hardships for school these days - but they love the school and I wouldn't want them to go anywhere else. Good luck!

8 minutes ago, meowsmeowsmeows said:

Good luck and I will be happy to support.

I didn't see it on the raffle web site page, but is the deadline for purchasing tickets Jan. 30 or anytime before 12 p.m. on the 31st?

You can purchase raffle tickets or donate anytime before 12PM Eastern, January 31, 2016.   

6 minutes ago, pstebbing said:


This is a great idea esp for us BPers.

Absolutely!  Every Brickpicker's name should show up on that list.  Maybe it can't be now, but they are giving a full month to to buy raffle tickets.  Sell a set and take your profits to buy a ticket. Maybe you will win one of those great sets.  There are no excuses whatsoever to not be able to buy at least one ticket.  If you don't buy one, you should be banned for life.


Thanks for creating such a great site to remind me how to spend hours of time with Lego when I thought it was just for kids.  I think I might spend more time with Lego sets now than when I was a kid. This site and you both deserve a cut of my proceeds.  Good luck.  I would love to know the metrics of BPs donating.  We should be able to get half way to $100,000 without too much trouble.

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1 hour ago, Ed Mack said:

You can purchase raffle tickets or donate anytime before 12PM Eastern, January 31, 2016.   

Thanks.  I purchased some Haunted House and Town Hall tickets, but may come back for some R2 or Death Star tickets later.  Again, good luck.




If anyone wants to donate some sets, I could make sure they get listed as well.  I would be willing to pay for shipping.  I will also throw in a signed copy of our book to all the winners.  


I will ship them with tender, loving care.  I will also throw in some autographed copies of the new book as well.  I'll will even have my son sign them.  That signature could be worth thousands one day.  With the name Maximillian Maciorowski, he has to be famous...or infamous.

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We appreciate it. I really want to keep the wonderful teachers and staff at the school employed as well. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of people that could be negatively affected. Plus, I wanted to start a LEGO Club in the school, but without s school, there is no club. If the school sucked, I wouldn't care. But it is exceptional and needs to survive...and thrive.

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22 minutes ago, Jeff Mack said:

If you win all 5, that is some serious good luck you have. All winners are picked by the system at random.  

"THE SYSTEM", how many times have we heard that?

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