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  1. Ok let's go back & forth on where/how to get free boxes now. Ready, GO!
  2. Mainly the sets with Limit 1.
  3. Works for me. https://www.target.com/p/lego-174-architecture-buckingham-palace-21029/-/A-50636103
  4. This info is available on targets website. Click 'show more' on the details tab and it's at the bottom.
  5. Shipping worked for 1, not 2.
  6. YMMV but I have also tried this in recent ebay buck promos and even though it showed i was getting ebay bucks on the checkout screen for auctions won prior to the promo i was never actually credited with the promo bucks on those purchases, just the standard 1%.
  7. Hoping this is a 2-3 hour flash sale and it just hasn't started yet.
  8. Saturn V back in stock @ Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01MUANC80/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1497637412&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=lego+saturn+v&dpPl=1&dpID=51iJ1TR992L&ref=plSrch
  9. There is a lot of hype about this set but i have no info of the scarcity over time. 2019 will be 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 if it lasts til then. I like this set, I'd bet the kids on this one.
  10. 4 Saturn V's at Amazon left. Prob gone by now.
  11. I tried and couldn't reuse on another order. That's strange. It was a different item was a different store too.
  12. Can only use once and they do ship some items. I also saw no shipping on every item but inside cart you can see which items are available for shipping.
  13. 21127 The Fortress is back to $67 at Amazon. BOGO 40. 8 left.
  14. Looks like Amazon has matched some of the BOGO 40%. Anything good?
  15. Amazon price matched 42054. $111.69. 5 left
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