Hi Everyone,
Just thought I would say hello, and say how impressed I am with this website.
I rediscovered Lego again over the last couple of years - The BTTF Time Machine started it off along with Ecto-1......they reignited the big kid in me.
I would describe myself as a reborn collector who will dabble in a bit of flipping to help fund the collecting. I began to build the portfolio last week.
My current collecting/selling portfolio now consists of
3 x Tumblers - 2 of which will be for immediate sale to fund another purchase.
2 x Ecto - 1 (1 built)
2 x Easter Bunny (not built)
1 x BTTF Time Machine (seal broken, but packs not open)
1 x VW Camper Van (on back order with lego)
1 x Pet Shop (not built)
1 x Creator Rainforest Animals (not built and my personal favourite)
1 X The Brick Bounty (not built)
I have one dilema though....I am thinking of exchanging The Pet Shop for a Lego Star Wars AT-AT (75054) is this advisable ? - its for selling purposes.
I had also thought of buying the new Valentines range to try flip these for a few extra £'s coming up to the 14th February, is this doeable?
Any thoughts/opinions on these questions are greatly appreciated.