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Everything posted by westalbott

  1. Kroger, they were P off first and I bought all of these. http://screencast.com/t/kSSUWtJFj (apart from the hobbit sets, I had bought those earlier in the day at retail price) and then later I went back and they were 75% off so I bought the rest. It was a great day :p
  2. Sorry if there is already a topic about this, I am very new here. I just bought 6 planet sets (2 cloud cars and 4 x-wings) for 2.50 each. I have never held on to a set to sell later because I am still trying to expand my personal collection, but what is the expected demand of these sets? At such a great price I figured it shouldn't be too hard to make a profit and I might as well start small.
  3. My name is Wes Talbott, I am an AFOL and just came out of my dark age so a lot of the sets I have been buying I've been opening and building. I recently bought a decent amount of sets for 50% off and some of them are ranges that I wouldn't normally collect for myself so the curiosity of their resale value lead me here. If anyone is interested in what I do I am a freelance Illustrator by trade. here is my website. http://westalbott.com/ I also enjoy designed sets and have recently starting combining my illustrations with my sets to come up with cuusoo projects. Here's my Cuusoo page. http://lego.cuusoo.com/profile/westalbott I look forward to meeting some of you and learning a bit more about the financial side of LEGO.
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