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HandyHand last won the day on September 7 2021

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About HandyHand

  • Birthday March 6

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  1. Have you tried using your phone on data (not WiFi) so it's not linked to your home IP-address? And how about using an incognito browser screen to visit Brickpicker?
  2. And the general economic downturn globally with decreased demand for retired Lego sets doesn't help either.
  3. Interesting to look back at this topic, almost 3 years later. Now we can compare the actual retirement dates with the poll predictions (data taken from Brickset) 10220 Volkswagen T1 Camper Van (since 2011) --> Retired December 2020 10252 Volkswagen Beetle (since August 2016) --> Retired December 2020 10258 London Bus (since August 2017) --> Retired December 2021 10262 James Bond™ Aston Martin DB5 (since August 2018) --> Retired December 2021 10265 Ford Mustang (since March 2019) --> still available 10269 Harley-Davidson® Fat Boy® (since August 2019) --> Retired December 2021 10271 Fiat 500 (since March 2020) --> Retired December 2022 The correct answers were both Volkswagen cars.
  4. Nice offer from FNAC (French store) at ~ 100 Euro discount. Including shipping I got it delivered for EUR 309,55. Nice discount from the LEGO MSRP of EUR 399,99. And thankfully not damaged during transport.
  5. Granted, the going price on the platform you use for selling is the price you will look at. People selling on eBay also have different selling prices than what I'm used to, and then there are price differences between regions in the world. Sets that are rare and expensive in the USA might be more prevalent in Europe, and vice versa. For me, in The Netherlands, my #1 platform to sell on is Bricklink, knowing fully well that on average the prices there are lower than on other platforms. Regarding Kylo Ren's shuttle (75256) still selling for ~ original retail price on Bricklink (EU) I think is caused by the sequel trilogy generally not being very appreciated by Star Wars fans. I feel the same way and am not at all interested in sets from the sequel trilogy. I even sold my Resistance Bomber as a 2nd hand built set (with a small profit even), but I'll keep my 75256 set because it's still a great looking set and well designed. Also keeping BB-8 because it looks nice next to my R2-D2 UCS set.
  6. Good thing LEGO said the bigger sized Harry Potter (UCS) Hogwarts Express train is a one-off in that scale. A detailed Orient Express train that fits on the regular LEGO train tracks and is also PowerUp ready (no need to include power functions to keep the cost down, as long as it's ready to be powered if desired) should be a winner. Really looking forward to see what the LEGO designers will turn this project into! I'm not at all interested in the Polaroid Camera, just like I wasn't interested in the LEGO Typewriter either. Regarding the Insects ... It depends on whether it will be similar to the Birds set from 2015, or be something different. We'll have to wait and see. The Tales of Space look nice, but are probably boring to build. We'll also have to see what the LEGO designers will turn this into for the final product.
  7. I think this set will be a failure, sales wise. I understand how they've tried many different ways to make it work, but ultimately if it's technically not feasable, then instead of making a downsized version that not many people actually want just admit defeat and move on.
  8. Some interesting background information about this set by Racing Brick:
  9. Just checked, but it's still under LEGO Sale @ 40% off. And I'm still not interested in this. Equally not interested in the ***** Eye set at 40% off. There's a reason Lego dumps these sets at 40% off. They're not selling and just collecting dust in the warehouse.
  10. The boxes do give me a bit of the former LEGO Elves vibes. Those Banshees and Toruk Makto might make future gold nuggets like the dragons did with the Elves sets.
  11. Coinciding with the upcoming new Avatar movie(s) new LEGO sets have been released in July 2022, some based on the first Avatar movie, from 2009. These sets are: 75571 - Neytiri & Thanator vs. AMP Suit Quaritch 75572 - Jake & Neytiri's First Banshee Flight 75573 - Floating Mountains: Site 26 & RDA Samson 75574 - Toruk Makto & Tree of Souls
  12. Now officially introduced, the latest Ideas set: Motorized Lighthouse. https://ideas.lego.com/blogs/a4ae09b6-0d4c-4307-9da8-3ee9f3d368d6/post/fad6a848-a50d-49c7-9130-dbf03b4dd86d Towering in height at 50cm tall, the Motorized Lighthouse is a unique way to add a new display piece to your home as it comes complete with a motorized light. Full of details, the 2,065 piece set is designed authentically to mirror how a real lighthouse operates. It sits on its own island, with a staircase leading up to the lightkeeper’s cottage, plus two minifigures and their boat also add detail to the display. The lighthouse model features a revolving lens (created using a new element) powered by PowerUp components - battery box, motor and LED light with a cable.
  13. This is currently the situation here with places where it's still available: And all de webstores where it's NOT available any longer:
  14. Update 14 July 2022: Bricklink, EU zone, NISB, between €100 and €120 Bricklink, US zone, NISB starting at $140 (Dutch) Marktplaats, NISB, between €120 and €125 Clear supply vs demand difference between the US and the EU.
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