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  1. That's messed up. I was just so eager to get into this lego stuff and coming from someone who owned 3 comic book stores among 4 other stores of a different business and being in my 20s I talk to teenage customers all day. Our demographic is about 17-32 year olds. Nowadays I don't even care about the monthly builds. I didn't realize that it's basically something that's done monthly or every other month. I had just got into lego buying so I was just over eager to buy. Getting a group of 17 year olds to get me 40 sets is just like me talking to my customers. I realize a lot of people in this forum are 40 year olds that play with lego so that's a lot more weird.
  2. I'm glad I was able to contribute to something no one knew about I wonder if they would retire a set less then a year after it coming out. This might be the best chance to get it for such a low price. I will stick up
  3. All local lego stores should have this set at 20% off starting today. For sure I know my local store is. Seems crazy for lego stores to be putting a new set on such a discount already.
  4. Lol I know the feeling. It's like I need to shop daily! Just do something random. I've never been to a Ross store before but went to 2 and found lego watchs for 8.99 and some other stuff and some Legos for 30% off but nothing great. Surprised a place like Ross would carry Lego. I'm just thinking its a treasure hunt to find mixels lol!
  5. Where? In store only? If so all stores in my area have been long sold out
  6. Just had mcd last night. Probably my favorite fast food of all time lol. I decided I never wanted kids and never wanted to get married either. All I thought about was making money. Some people say I'm missing out which might be true I'm not sure.
  7. Also to everyone else that was only directed to one person who happens to be a huge troll. I like everyone else
  8. Lol at all of you got jokes. Actually I'm with my girlfriend. I know it's so hard for you guys to comprehend what it must be like to go for 300$ dinners at craft steak or 800$ dinner and Joel Robuchon or go gamble for 10k in a night or do whatever whenever. It's understandable you guys don't get it. That's why I'm where I'm at in my life and you are where you are in your life. So joke all you want! Because my friends, business associates etc we all laugh at the masses so its mutual
  9. Well a lot of people on this forum would say who that's horrible etc but who cares what they think!! I say super nice score!!! I just saw some at my local store but jerk manager there so I didn't even try to buy 1. But will go back in a few hours and maybe he's not there since I'm at the mall for a few hours
  10. What series are you guys selling that are selling so much? I can understand series 1 and maybe series 2 but no way series 3?
  11. What would you invest in lego wise with 10,000$?
  12. I really like the 10230. Makes me want to try and buy 20 of them even at the 150$ price
  13. I'm going to do exactly what Mr Mack says!
  14. People pay more for a limited promotional item. Like others said the 10230 was clearanced and wasn't a hot seller and still isn't. Although after seeing the 10230 I like it more as a collectors piece then the bricktober sets. I buy the bricktober sets to flip a few and hold a lot for next year to see if they do the promotion again
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