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Everything posted by KB-Bricks

  1. Shopkos have different prices even within the same town. We have 4 of the blasted stores here and they are all different, with different sets available, all at differing prices. Yeah Prices will differ depending on what district the store is in. Clearance markdown prices are sent down all at the same time from Corporate but it is up to the District to decide when it is best to mark them down. In your case with that many stores near each other they could all very well be in different districts.
  2. Not too long ago Shopko had TRU style mark ups but worse, and the fact that the lego never went on sale I'm sure scared away a few of us crazy people. But now they have lowered their prices to MSRP and like you mentioned even under retail for sets like Helms Deep, Jabba's Palace and the Vampyre Castle. As of late they are trying to clear space for the new 2013 sets and off the top of my head my local store had the following Clearance prices. 9500 Fury Class interceptor $55.99 9497 Republic Starfighter $34.99? 9493 X-wing $55.99 9492 Tie Fighter $39.99? 9498 Sasee Tiin's Starfighter $24.99 9490 Droid Escape $14.99 9489 Endor Rebel Trooper Battlepack $11.99 And some Star wars Advent calenders for $13.99 They are also clearing out some of the ninjago stuff don't remember which ones. But if you have a local Shopko I do suggest you stop by and take a walk through the Lego aisle.
  3. Location US Have: 30163 Thor and the Crystal Cube 30165 Hawkeye with equipment 30162 Quinjet 30017 City Police Boat 30200 Monster Fighters Coffin Chauffeur 30152 City Mining Quad 30085 Ninjago Jumping Snakes 30211 Lord of the Rings Uruk Hai with Ballista 30210 Lord of the Rings Frodo with Cooking Corner 30201 Ghost and Grandfather Clock (x3) 30161 Bat mobile (x3) And an Elrond minifigure. Wants: 4547551 Chrome Vader 40076 Zombie Car
  4. Well It was supposed to come out Oct. 30th but an error in the printing machine printed the demo disc version onto the actual full game disc. So the DS and the PSP version were released on the 30th and the rest were to come out on the 13th but the Wii and the PC version took a backseat to the 360 and PS3 due to demand. I would think it should ship in the next day or two. If not contact their support. But I just picked up my version today. Not sure what I want to do with the Minifig yet.
  5. This is True. 9516 Jabba's Palace - $89.99 Reg $119.99 9474 The Battle Of Helm's Deep - $99.99 Reg. $129.99 9468 Vampire Castle - $69.99 Reg $99.99 I meant to Post this info a few days ago when they had the Friends and Family and Members 20% Coupon but I was too busy Chasing around Sets during those days.
  6. We also do this at the store I work at not just because of people walking out with them but people lately have also been ripping the boxes open and finding the bag with the minifigure parts in it and just stealing that. As it was mentioned people are getting bold, it's kinda scary to tell the truth.
  7. If I find the time I might look up the total collections current value. But that could take awhile so if someone else wants to I'll let you, Haha.
  8. This is nuts. Ebay lot of every Star wars Lego set From 1999 to the new summer 2012 releases. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Complete-collection-of-Lego-Star-Wars-every-single-set-from-1999-to-July-2012-/200805970072?pt=UK_Construction_Toys_Kits&hash=item2ec0f7f098 Thought you guys would find some interest in it. As you can tell I do a lot of lurking and never post but I just had to take the time to post this.
  9. Hope you mean POTC The Mill, haha. Anyways 25% off is still nice!
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