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  1. I kinda dug the unnumbered bags. Make you earn it! Big Ben is on my to-do list. Does not really jump out in photos, but seeing it in the Lego Shop really sold me on the details and displayability.
  2. I totally agree. In regards to favorite builds I move it right up there with T1 and the TB. It's too bad this set is going to be massively hoarded because it has a ton of unique pieces and the finally product is amazing, fragile, but amazing.
  3. What were the two modulars per year since 2014 that have retired?
  4. If you sell over $20,000 in merch, AND over 200 transactions, then yes, you have to declare on taxes. I gotta believe that is a very small portion of sellers here...but who knows.
  5. These are asking or actual sold prices?
  6. I probably will get blown up for saying this, but the BB is probably my least favorite of the bunch so far. There is almost TOO much going on. Tiny, tiny little details on so many sections. Instances of using three flat 1x2's or 1x4's on top of each other when a regular 1x2 or 1x4 would suffice. Very stuffed full interior which looks great but just is just...full. The height of the main floor also makes it hard to navigate around (play with or show friends the features), the chandelier is brilliant but hidden, and honestly the short, square shaped exterior is not very appealing compared to other modulars. It just felt like a clunky build, and it's even worse to tear apart. I think I will bust open a PS next and see what all they hype is about on that one.
  7. Numbered bags have nothing to do with newer sets. This is an expert set and part of the challenge is the sorting.
  8. All capital letters? You have me convinced!
  9. Dos por uno?
  10. Cool little set. I am a bit surprised it has not performed better.
  11. I think the Delorean was about 1.5 years ( give or take) and given that the Ecto was well-received I imagine sales have been pretty decent, thus the longer shelf time. I don't think many will be concerned about the viability of the original Ecto vs the reboot version. Two completely different animals. One is original cast and 25th anniversary packaging to boot. Should be a winner without a doubt.
  12. Why Ecto? It will have only been out two years in April, if my math is correct.
  13. The way things are going with this new wave of investors, you are going to soon have a lot more of "I hate you" sets.
  14. I really don't think you do.
  15. I am but a humble ebay seller. Sales are more around 85-100 tops. Does not work for me. Glad it does for you and that you are letting everybody know it though.
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