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Everything posted by Jondog21

  1. I know that everyone has moved on to series 16 now, but if you still want a sealed case of these, Chapters Indigo has removed their buying limit. I can confirm that ordering 60 got me a sealed case, in the Lego shipping box. With the exchange rate, makes for a pretty good buy for those of us in the States.
  2. I think these may be unique one time use codes. In any case, here is my code, which I do not plan to use: gW1ttwTa0Eik
  3. My little anecdote from today, which I at least found humorous. After my purchase had been totaled, I did the partial pay of $1.00 on my credit card. The kid cashier was busy getting the spider wrap off of the set, and as soon as he had it off, I handed him my gift card and said I'd like to pay the balance using it. He at first looked confused then said "Oh. I know what you're doing. I do that too." So I thought to myself "Cool. This guy isn't going to give me any trouble, if he uses the same loophole we all do." But then he continued on with "I do that all the time for my credit score." I just smiled, trying to not give away that he had my motives all wrong, and said "Yeah and the credit card won't accept gift cards as payment, so I gotta use these up somehow." Sorry kid, but there is a bigger game afoot here
  4. We're back in business! For two weeks at least. Came attached to a TRU Easter mailer I got today.
  5. If you search for toys r us coupon on eBay and check sold listings, you can see there is a 15% and 20% off coupon that expires 3/12 from somewhere. Not the usual peeled off the catalog ones though. I took this picture from an ended auction. The way the barcode and date are printed makes me think they might be unique barcodes for true one-time use. I'm sure someone here will try and report back.
  6. It worked for my order placed on 2/12, which I placed before I even noticed promotion on the website. I think they forward dated to 2/14 in the email since it was just sent today.
  7. I will add that I bought some of the new speed champions sets using some rewards I had and paid the balance with a discounted gift card. I did not use my r us credit card, but was given 3 x points and not just 2 x. So it looks like the triple points is not dependent upon use of the credit card but just having one.
  8. I received two of the eBay buck promotions late last year. When I got the first one I was hopeful that I would get them from then on. But I only received one more and since then I've been back to only getting free listing or sell your old cell phone for a guaranteed amount promotions.
  9. This does happen some with AWD, but I'd say you are a bit unlucky from my experiences. They claim to verify the contents, but I doubt those people putting the stickers on the box are paid enough to do any deep research into f the sets are complete. And most probably have no idea what should be in a box anyway. I've bought a lot from AWD and almost all have turned out well. Many have been opened or damaged boxes, but have sealed and the proper number of bags. I've had a couple sets with damaged plates, but have just gotten those pieces replaced through Lego. The worst I had was a UCS Slave 1 which had clearly been assembled by someone and then sealed the pieces into a single plastic bag. I returned that one right away. Amazon is easy enough to deal with that I don't shy away from pulling the trigger when something I want pops up.
  10. I know there are differing opinions on the use of these gift card reselling sites, as the sources of the cards invite themselves to speculation of shady or downright illegal behavior, but cardcash is running a 4% off sale and have some physical Lego cards in stock. They come to about 8.8% off with the promotion. Use the code ohbaby at checkout for the additional discount
  11. My CMF order of series 15 from Indigo arrived today! Amazingly fast! anyway, my order of 60 did result in a sealed display box. I'll be opening to practice my smoothing skills later and can update if the distribution is off, but I have no reason to expect it will be.
  12. I posted this in deals, but thought I'd cross-post here: Indigo.ca is showing series 15 minifigures as in stock now. For series 14, I ordered 60 and got a sealed case. I'm trusting I'll get the same for series 15. The Canadian dollar makes this a good value. $252 Canadian shipped to the U.S. Should cost me a little over $180 with my foreign transaction fee free credit card. Some people did report not getting sealed cases of series 14 though. https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/kids/toys/minifigures-series-15_71011/673419249423-item.html?ikwid=Minifigures&ikwsec=Home&ikwidx=12
  13. But the current Orthanc on AWD is also labeled as repackaged. I'm fine with buying damaged boxes from AWD, but I'd need a bigger discount for a repackaged set. Even if for a personal build, I like to have the damaged box. Right now there are a few 3rd party "fulfilled by Amazon" new ones for $261 which would only be a few more dollars than AWD for me since AWD charges me tax and the 3d party seller wouldn't. It's odd that a greater discount hasn't been triggered on that AWD one.
  14. I agree. My understanding is the items should be damaged product from the warehouse or damaged, but unopened, returns from customers. I'm fine with the seals being broken, since that can easily happen when a box gets damaged, but sets that are obviously used should not be sold like this. I'd guess that some of the returns employees either aren't aware of how LEGO should be packaged inside the box or just don't care. Luckily in my experience most of these sets end up being complete with all the interior bags sealed. And Amazon is pretty hassle free with returns (which also helps create the problem in the first place). I hope this one doesn't just end up back on AWD though.
  15. I just received a Slave 1 I purchased from AWD. One end had broken seals and was taped shut. But I find this is pretty normal for LEGO sets from Warehouse Deals. When I opened it to check the contents (as one should do with every AWD purchase, even if it looks unopened) I found one big sealed bag with all of the pieces loose in it and I could see the stickers had been applied. Someone obviously built this and then returned it. I'm sending it back as not as described. Here is the condition Amazon listed Condition: Used - Very Good - Item has no cosmetic scratches or blemishes. Item has no cracks or dents. Item will come in original packaging. Packaging will be damaged. I have bought a lot from AWD and this will be my first return to them. I've had two other issues where a single bag in a set was ripped open and pieces were missing, which I was able to get partial refunds for. And once one set was missing a complete bag and I just contacted LEGO to get a replacement since it was a current set. So overall I'm still pleased with them and will continue to take my chances.
  16. So who is there this morning? What does the line look like? I toyed with the idea of driving up there from Virginia, but I just didn't have the time.
  17. found these additional images on eBay. There is a 20% off a single item and it looks like a 15% off a single item coupon too. Guess its luck of the draw with which you get attached to the holiday catalog. It will be interesting to see the stacking this time around.
  18. Yesterday when I was doing my TRU shopping, I heard a mother say to her young son "Let's see if we can find the Jurassic Park [sic] sets." I didn't have the heart to tell her she's too late to find them very easily at retail this year.
  19. right. I normally don't buy sets that are over msrp. I was even reluctant to post my transaction knowing my set selection might be commented on. But I was buying these as a gift for my god daughter and using discounted gift cards. Sure, I could better use those discounted gift cards, especially since they have become harder to get at decent discounts, but I have money tied up in the gift cards and used my free cash this month at Lego shop already. Not everything is for investment and maximum profit. The fact is I still saved money from even the best possible current prices and got my 3rd Bricktober set. I'm happy. I really was just pointing out that the coupons didn't apply the way I expected. I've never seen a % off an item coupon stack with another % off an item coupon on the same item.
  20. I was wondering about this after my experience today. I just wasn't sure if you could use 2 coupons and have only one item in a transaction.
  21. I ran into a similar situation as Grynn above. I usually buy a single item and have never tried more than one coupon, but today I did and it didn't turn out like I expected. I will use the phone coupons we have posted here, but I don't like to if I have a physical coupon option. Today I actually had 2 physical coupons, one was a 20% off that came in the mail with my new credit card and the other was the 15% off that was posted here as a PDF. I bought two items in order to spend enough for Bricktober and I thought 20% would come off one item and 15% off the other. But instead both applied to the more expensive item, which then cancelled out the 10% Thursday discount. So the cheaper item only had the 10% applied. I calculate I spent a little over $2 more than if the coupons applied in the way I expected them to. 1. LEGO 41052 DP:ARIEL MAG 31.49 T1 673419210812 REFUND PRICE 24.70 QUALIFYING ITEM BRICKTOBER PROMO 3.50 SAVINGS 10% OFF PURCHASE 3.50 TOTAL SAVINGS | REG. PRICE 34.99 2. LEGO DP ARIELUNDERSEA PLC 40.79 T1 673419231398 REFUND PRICE 31.48 12.00 SAVINGS 20% OFF ITEM QUALIFYING ITEM BRICKTOBER PROMO 7.20 SAVINGS 15% OFF ITEM 19.20 TOTAL SAVINGS | REG. PRICE 59.99 3. LEGO BAKERY BRICKTOBER 0.00 T1 673419232135 19.99 SAVINGS BRICKTOBER PROMO 19.99 TOTAL SAVINGS | REG. PRICE 19.99
  22. One of the cards was a new card I had purchased and had a scratch off pin. The other was one from a promotion. So one might have been recycled, but not both. like you, I always transfer my third party cards immediately after I get them. And now I agree with your point b too. I thought transferring them to a card that only I had ever possessed was enough. But someone got to them somehow anyway. my biggest lapse was probably in always using the same cards and just reloading them. The limited evidence I have on what happened points to the fact that it was gift cards I had used a few times online and maintained a balance on them by reloading them. It's best to let a gift card "die" and replace with a new one, even if I have to go buy a new one to do it.
  23. I am pleased to report that after communicating with Target's executive offices, that Target has issued me a new gift card with the full value of what was stolen. They conducted an investigation with the information I provided them, but did not inform me of what they found out. But I'm happy that I'm not out any money. They disabled my Target.com account and I had to create a new one. I found that a bit odd, but no big deal. I still think the vulnerability came from using the gift cards on their website and having a remaining balance stored there. From now on if I do not use the entire value for an online purchase, I will transfer any remaining balance to a previously unused card to hopefully prevent this from happening again.
  24. Got a couple Amazon Warehouse a Deals in today. After verifying the contents, I thought I'd add to our post here. 10218 - Pet Shop 4 each - bags # 1, 2, 3, 41 unnumbered bag2 loose green plates2 instruction bookletsTOTAL = 17 bags (16 numbered, 1 unnumbered) 10244 - Fairground Mixer 5 each - bags # 1, 27 each - bag # 32 loose black rods3 instruction booklets1 sticker sheetTOTAL = 17 numbered bags
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