Your right Ive noticed that a lot of the Lego movie sets are harder to find at a lot of the brick and mortar stores. I am just glad I got a Flying Flusher.
Picked up Lego Movie The Flying Flusher 70811 from Walmart. I only found 1 set from 5 Walmart and the set I got was a damaged box. Is this set really that hard to find?
Yeah I think I will return the Hoth Echo Base set and get the Bat Cave. Comparing the 2 sets, I am finding the Bat Cave is more appealing to me. Although, the HOth Echo base set has some cool minifigs that I wouldnt mind keeping
I only have the cash for 1 set and went ahead and picked up the Pirate Ship Ambush for 80CDN. This was at Walt-mart. The store had 5 sets but the initial clearance price on the sticker was 119 only. I scanned it and showed up at $80. I am selling some stuff this weekend so with the funds I will pick up The Bat Cave.
I picked up 7879 Both Echo base last week from ToyRus Canada when they were having their 20% off sale on Star Wars sets. I am wondering if I should return it and get the Bat Cave instead.
Again, thanks for all the opinions. Much appreciated
Interesting that most replies have been for the Batcave. I was actually leaning towards the Pirate Ship Ambush just because it's a bigger discount and if I decided to build it, I think it would be something cool to build with my kid as she is a big LOTR fan.
Both sets are on sale near me. Only have cash for 1 set. Which set to get for investment purposes:
6860 Batcave - $72 CDN
79008 Pirate Ship Ambush - $80 CDN
Value the opinions on this site.
ToyRus Canada is having a 20% off sale for selected Star Wars sets this week.
My local store had 1, 7879 Hoth Echo Base left so I picked it up for $103CDN. Have been eyeing this set so could not resist.