Everything posted by imperial_peter
and carbon solo!! my son just got this set last Monday, he loves it. I myself want the one with the bounty hunters but 7144 was $25cdn with no shipping. couldn't pass it up.
I have been talking to my wife about investing more and more into lego and have been doing pretty good. The size of our collection has almost doubled in the past two months. Doubled!! just hit 250 sets. I originally came here to find out what our lego was worth and it was more than a relief to see that all that money I have spent on my son has not been thrown to the wind and even better a large profit on mainly used sets. I have never sold any lego and plan to hoard as much lego as I possibly can at the best price on sets I feel comfortable buying for as long as I can, Brickpicker helps me see angles and views I never thought I needed to think about. This site is awesome and the information is very valuable to me. Sign me up for premium membership Our new sets value is small but has grown a lot in two months. In a very short period of time I have done very very well, thank you very much BP!!! Im close to 300% profit without even trying that hard. I like reading about tips on how to do it better. I don't mind waiting for time to go by. Been collecting star wars for years and most of all that purchase is a loss. my son has a lot of expensive toys. Thank god for lego lol. Peter ( actually trying to distribute lego, full time, for lego!! does anyone here?)
Awesome!! Star Wars lego is our favorite!! We debate which trilogy is better 123 or 456. Im old school but my son loves battle droids and clones. What do you guys prefer?
Canadian Superstore - 20% Off all Superheroes and Ninjago
imperial_peter replied to DLowe's topic in Canada
I have done very well at superstore the past few weeks. 50% to 75% off everything I bought. Keep scanning my card but still no extra points for buying lego, yet!! Was hoping my online offers would include lego by now. -
Need help figuring out these pieces
imperial_peter replied to imperial_peter's question in Name That Brick
Jeez that amazing. Your good, Real good!! lol -
Need help figuring out these pieces
imperial_peter replied to imperial_peter's question in Name That Brick
Wow awesome. You guys are fast. Thanks for the help. -
Need help figuring out these pieces
imperial_peter replied to imperial_peter's question in Name That Brick
We bought a lego lot off used Regina a few weeks back and did very well. $110 for 21 different lego sets. Most with the box and the majority have instructions. There was a tie fighter and at-rt and a city fire hovercraft that I found instructions for but now there are a few odds and ends and i'm not sure which sets they are. I am missing a few pieces but did very well overall. There was also $300+ of halo and $150+ of pirates. I haven't started sorting that stuff out yet.. I cant wait to find the next one!!! Thanks for any help. Peter
Article on Life as a LEGO Professional
imperial_peter replied to Jeff Mack's topic in General Collecting and Investing Forum
Thanks for sharing. Great article. -
Hello from Germany
imperial_peter replied to Ciglione's topic in Introduce Yourself & New Member FAQs
Im glad my wife is so awesome!! At times you can see in her face that im pushing it spending to much on lego (3 3/4 and gg Jumbos!!) lol. But if we can afford it she is usually cool with it! Im trying to persuade her into taking a big step into investing a lot more into lego and hopefully in the next year or so it is something we can do together ;) We already own one business together so why not get another on the side during the winter? Welcome to the boards, I have relatives in Germany, my cousins speak like 6 languages each!! its crazy Peter -
I used my pc points to buy 3 3/4 black series when they were marked at 7.77 at my north superstore and im glad I did cause they were marked up to 12.99 the next week!! I am still waiting for my online pcpoints offers to show lego or Hasbro or something!! lol and to Sandwraithx157 thanks for the redflagdeals. im gonna save a lot of gas checking it!! Do you know how often its updated? Who would post that lego on sale? the store? or the website?
Redflagdeals eh? Never heard of it. Going to check it out now !! Thanks
I have two superstores here in Regina and I purchased 5 Geonosian cannons, 2 endor battle packs, a desert skiff and a clone/commando battle pack for 75% off. It was like 6.22 cdn for the cannon!!!! I thought they were 50% off at first then it took another 50% off at the till cause of the pink tickets on them (which came off with no problems!!!) This was at my east store and have yet to see them go on sale at the north store. They have way more lego at the north store so i hope they put it on clearance soon. Im wasting to much gas . Other lego is on sale at 50% off. Eagle and few others. chima bags? not sure what they are but they were 75% off. I think i spent $50. Awesome, Nothing better than getting a great deal on lego!! Peter
Brickfolio and Price Guide FAQs (Site Update)
imperial_peter replied to plasticbrix's topic in Site Information and Updates
That happened to me too, I just cleared everything and it worked. I am having problems viewing my brickpoints. Nothing comes up. Is there something wrong with it? -
Hello from Belgium
imperial_peter replied to work4fbi2's topic in Introduce Yourself & New Member FAQs
I have no problems keeping my sets closed, its my son who wants to build everything. If he is having a bad day or not in the best mood I just go in his room and give him a set to open, works great !! I told him that I plan on getting 4 kashyyyk battle packs and he wants to open them all!!! I told him two! That is the one set we are excited for right now. I just wish I had more money to spend on lego so I can get it home and keep it closed! -
I like the ww2 idea. Hitler and Nazis wouldn't work well though I don't think. futurama, since the simpsons is released, probably isn't far away so does that maybe even make room for family guy? I liked the Scooby doo idea too, vintage cartoons, flintstones, jetsons. They would all be cool. I would pick and choose though, we concentrate mainly on star wars!! Maybe a national country theme with flags and obvious culture that goes with it. usa could have guns and cheap smokes and booze (jk) and Canada could be all parkas and toques eh lol. with polar bears (not jk)
XXII Olympic Winter Games SOCHI 2014...
imperial_peter replied to brickolodon's topic in Odds & Ends
Go Canada Go!! Gold medal for sure!!! Only thing that sucks about that is waking up at 6 on sunday to watch it!!! -
There are lots of these at my local Chapters. $59 I think.
Hello from Canada!!
imperial_peter replied to imperial_peter's topic in Introduce Yourself & New Member FAQs
Im in regina sk. No new sw lego here. Any sign of it where you are? -
Thought I would say hello, and introduce ourselves!! lol Im Peter obviously and im a dad with a 12 year old son who loves sw lego more than anything, well maybe tied with 3 and 3/4 action figs. I like buying lego and keeping it sealed and minty and my son likes to rip it open and play with it. I make him use a knife to open and keep all the boxes mint. I love the brickfolio part of this site!! I would never have guessed we had that many sets and really had no organization to our collection. As the person in the house who spends all the money on lego its nice to know that its not money thrown out the window but an actual investment and that makes it all a little easier to swallow. Anyways its nice to be here and Go Canada Go!!! That gold is ours!!!!
local sw lego for sale. advice needed
imperial_peter replied to imperial_peter's topic in The Deal or No Deal Forum
So I heard back and he accepted my offers!! I got all the sets I listed in the first post for $450! 13 lego sets I have never even seen in real life!!! I figure I saved about $200 and im gonna throw a few more offers at him soon. Super stoked!!!! -
local sw lego for sale. advice needed
imperial_peter replied to imperial_peter's topic in The Deal or No Deal Forum
I can deal with the 5 bills for the two offers I already sent him. 13 sets for 500 this old is good for us. There is no lego in my area, so to have all this available. Minus of course lego you can buy in a store is rare. I just get excited on a purchase like this!! -
local sw lego for sale. advice needed
imperial_peter replied to imperial_peter's topic in The Deal or No Deal Forum
I did. I looked up everything through bp and ebay. some of them are off by hundreds but some are good. 500 on my first two offers is steep for us. any guesses on any sets left that would be an obvious set to get? The ds2 seems to go for around 800 and its listed for 500 but others are yikes!!! -
local sw lego for sale. advice needed
imperial_peter replied to imperial_peter's topic in The Deal or No Deal Forum
this is the posted price list he has 7155 $50 7144 $50 7111 $10 7131 $20 7104 $10 7127 $30 7139 $30 7115 $20 7126 $40 7151 $40 7134 $15 7203 $20 7141 $20 7161 $80 7184 $80 7150 $80 7180 $30 10143 $500 4483 $100 10175 $300 10212 $400 7190 $250 10134 $500 10198 $200 7181 $500 7191 $500 10174 $200 7186 $150 7166 $150 I know that some of these prices are ridiculous but he said he was open to offers. Does anyone here see anything worth it? -
So I found this young university kid and he needs to sell his lego as he doesn't have room for it!!! So to check it out, I picked up a 7111 vulture droid and 7104 desert skiff in mint condition with box and intructions complete. $20 and it local so no shipping!! So now I have checked it out and have made two offers and they are like this 7139 ewok attack 7115 gungan patrol 7126 battle droid carrier 7134 A wing 7203 jedi defence 7184 mtt 7155 aat that's offer one and its all open but 100% complete with box and instructions. offer two is this 7186 wattos jy 4483 at at 7180 b-wing 7141 naboo fighter 7144 slave 1 7131 anakins podracer So my dilemma is - this came up fast and It wasn't in my budget to get more than what my two offers say. I have spent quite a bit lately on 3 3/4 and lego, so I made offers and am waiting to hear back. 500 for the two above. So now im thinking maybe I could broker the rest of his sets? or just help sell the rest to make another deal on top of these. I need to do something and I never use the internet so sell or buy after being ripped of before. unless its through visa debit. paypal ripped me off and I never looked back. Any advice? The sets he has remaing are way out of my price range. Is anyone here interested? any good guesses on what you would offer for the two listed above? This is what he has left, 7127 - at-st 7151 - sith infiltrator 7161 - gungan sub 7150 - tie and y-wing 10143 - ds 2 10175 - vader tie adv 10212 - imperial shuttle 7190 - mill falcon 10134 - y wing 10198 - tantive iv 7181 - tie interceptor 7191 - x-wing 10174 - at st 7166 - imperial shuttle Do you guys broker deals? is it time to go toy hunter ? lol