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About Meiko

  • Birthday 11/28/1997

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  1. We have a complete backup of the webserver content at GitHub, also being open source. Databases and uploaded images will be backed up privately.
  2. It was actually an attack on our server host, RamNode, not us individually, but in result, we were one of the servers that was affected. I'm glad you all appreciate the site so much.
  3. Hello everybody, This is quite a delayed reply (and I apologize if there are policies about replying to old topics), but I wanted to inform you all of the current status. If you don't know, I'm a system administrator and developer for the Brickimedia Network. We've been working very hard to restore the sites, and we're close to a point where we can open a "beta" period. Around the time this thread was created, the main complaint was that the wikis were very slow. We addressed this issue already, so it should be much easier to use once we relaunch the site. Anyways, thank you all for your support, and if you have any questions or suggestions, let me know. Thanks, Meiko
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