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Everything posted by Brickverse

  1. Thank You for the advice! I was thinking the STAP from Star Wars and the Ninja Glider would be a good start. The STAP because it has army building potential, plus the clear stand. The glider would be good for the six golden swords and minifigure.
  2. Hello All! I love the site! An AFoL here, My wife and I have been collecting for about a year and half. We ran across a LEGO store on our honeymoon with a display of the Medieval Market Village and we were hooked. This site looks like a great way to keep track of our unopened LEGO sets.
  3. I was wondering if poly bags made a good investment? I have limited storage space and I do not want to devout a large sum to LEGO investing. My goal in investing with LEGO is just to have fun and maybe someday down the line have the hobby pay for itself.
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