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Everything posted by Banjoman

  1. Can someone please share the reddit thread or forum where the Amazon account situation was discussed?
  2. Can someone please share the Reddit thread or forum?
  3. Didnt these JUST retire??? Castle still available....while sellers monitor retirement lists, not so sure the general public does and would expect a little longer gap needed between retirement and appreciation. That being said, the Castles and Ferris Wheels were pretty snaggable at 50% off so decent money could be made for some sellers just above RRP....
  4. Hopefully a single case, but Kohls is still holding $375 of my Kohls cash from last sale...... when I called, I was given the reason of reselling....
  5. Are you able to search local inventory online?
  6. https://www.walmart.com/ip/LEGO-Star-Wars-66787/5427320315. approx 40% off tNew (I think) Star Wars Jedi Masters Gift se
  7. Have given a couple a spin and would not waste 5 minutes of my life on these garbage videos....
  8. Received my first set of big Blains Fleet and Farm today and it came Kohls-like half flattened in a bag
  9. Showing Limit of 5
  10. I think it was an accident ....
  11. Was 3 for me.....
  12. Sold the last of the eighty+ 75319's I snagged last Christmas....between 64.99 and 69.99.... 20.75 buy in. Wondering if I should have held until next year?
  13. They sent my entire order....so at keast they arent cancelling
  14. Possible stock held bacK for non Walmart+ folks...more released at 7?
  15. There was NO LIMIT
  16. The retiring Venom mask at $55 = $45 / approx 35% off
  17. Hoth Combo Pack.... a little underwhelming.... https://www.walmart.com/ip/LEGO-Star-Wars-Hoth-Combo-Pack-66775-Toy-Value-Pack-Christmas-Gift-Kids-2-1-Snowtrooper-Battle-AT-ST-Includes-Chewbacca-Figure-6-Characters/1571247968
  18. Did everyone leave....this place is a ghost town
  19. Thank god grandmas buying for Christmas know none of this info every year
  20. Target IN-STORE, several sets at 50% off but varies by store
  21. My hope is the approval becomes necessary for new, non retired sets and not for older collectible sets.
  22. But did any have more than 2-3 sets?
  23. My newest Zaavi orders were shipped from Kentucky and not overseas....just an FYI
  24. Make sure you are using the Walmart product number that attaches to the correct barcodes as some items have been setup multiple times
  25. Found about 35 of them, all either on the aisle display or mostly hidden on the top shelf despite showing none available locally....was told each store got in 8
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