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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2024 in all areas

  1. for Target why not returning in stores? I always return in stores even buying online. They always give refund in stores
    4 points
  2. Target with another 20% Off Sale....After the big 40% sale and all the other deals YMMV https://www.target.com/pl/189061841
    1 point
  3. I never understood how some eBay sellers operate like this. They essentially piss off their buyers and damage their eBay metrics. Most likely not. eBay is basically a personal playground of their C-suite team
    1 point
  4. My guess is eBay F'd up the link This is the actual sold listing from your seller (same title: Size 10 ...) https://www.ebay.com/itm/296872805927?epid=8053145154&itmmeta=01JF3CEDN0P5KFS0QT3PTD172Z&hash=item451eff8627:g:hI0AAOSwXclnMC6E
    1 point
  5. bet they put it on the wrong truck
    1 point
  6. At least you got some money back. They usually tell me to kick sand
    1 point
  7. WTF eBay is this even real: “You have exceeded the maximum number of messages you can send. Please wait 24 hours to send more messages.” It reminds me of when text messages cost 10 cents each to send after the first 30/month on Verizon.
    1 point
  8. So dealing with Target on a return. Returned a Camaro #10304 for an exchange as the one I received was beat to crap. No response and no update from Target even though it was returned on the 2nd. See an update showing Return Denied. Contacted CS and they said it was marked as damaged, used or worn upon return so it was denied. I told them no crap, that's why I returned it. They said they would escalate it to another team but at this point no item, no exchange and no refund😡
    0 points
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