That all sounds like BS from someone that didn't try too hard and is now bitter. I started with absolutely nothing in my pocket, spent 11 years in the military learning a trade, got out and worked hard (and not using the trade that I learned) and retired at 50 years old. I'm not rich by a damn shot but I made smart investments, drove VW Bugs and Ford Focus's when my friends were driving BMWs and Lexus. All most people know how to do is spend, spend, spend. Being savvy with your money is a long forgotten skill. If you want to blame anyone, blame Madison Avenue advertisers that tell us that we will be smart and get all the 🐈 if we just use their product. Meanwhile, I will sit here being happy with my small-but-comfortable house and my 2013 Honda Fit, both long paid off. That's how that I can operate a BrickLink store full-time for fun and take 4-6 weeks off each year traveling the world.
The "elite" has done nothing to me other than show me how to save and how not to waste money. And I am about as common as they come.
***Updated to add:
To get you started on looking for opportunities to improving your finances, let me offer this $100 tidbit. It works because I used it. If you have Rakuten, go to their page. Click on the Western Alliance ad below. Add a $100 towards a CD earning 5.21%. Within 24 hours, Rakuten will add $100 to your account. At the end of three months, either withdraw the $105.15 or roll it over into a different CD. Meanwhile, you made $100 while investing. You are welcome.