Finally got to “finish” this set 3 months later. I still have to do the rest of the Minifigures, weapons and stickers plus tune up some alignment of elements. I new something was off when I built the first section and broke it down partially and rebuilt it but it does not align securely so will have to look into that some more. Also those steeple elements are torqued and don’t align properly.
The end of the build was by far the least enjoyable, the trees and the council chairs were way worse than the roof tiles. I think the chairs could have had a more simple build and looked better. I was only missing one piece a sand green plate used on the roof but I borrowed one from a tree and it is not noticeable until the replacement comes in.
Overall a great build with some new advanced techniques, awesome elements, and great color scheme. The light aqua cupcakes with the new white plant stem and white dinosaur tails look amazing, Gimli’s Helmet printing!
The absolute lowest rating I can go would be 8.5 out of 10 but for me 9.5 and a top 10 build and Display set for sure.