I’ve been pretty quiet lately but I still check in 1-2 times a day. I’m surprised there hasn’t been more chatter regarding the current Meijer sale / coupon stack that was posted earlier today in the DD thread. Props to the OP. Two separate stores. Two separate coupons (my wife and mine). I picked up all this today at 54% off. Normal sale/coupon pricing would have come to 49% but my teenage son just recently got his first part time job at my local Meijer so I was somehow able to apply his employee discount as well, bringing the savings to 54%. There are some good deals to be had, that’s for sure. Thanks again, OP! Great Pyramid x5 Optimus Prime x3 Lamborghini x4 Lotus x3 Fluffy x4 Polyjuice x9 Slave 1 x1 Defense Class x4 Divination Class x1 Probe Droid x1 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk