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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2020 in all areas

  1. 9 points
  2. What it takes to build the biggest Falcon by Ralf Langer
    7 points
  3. 41325 Friends Heartlake City Playground - $150 40289 Mini Diagon Alley GWP - $160
    6 points
  4. Just built the Modular Garage while listening to John Mark Comer's "God has a name" audiobook. The book is better than the set, but it was still nice to finally build something in lockdown. I don't think it's a keeper for me, but will hold on to it for a couple of years and let it appreciate first
    6 points
  5. Sold my Lego Vader Bust 75227 for $130 shipped on eBay. I tried selling this for $50 on craigslist a couple months after release with no interest. I guess that worked out in the end.
    5 points
  6. @jaisonline, Best thing I read all day
    5 points
  7. Made a decently playable kids game this morning with my daughter and wife. You roll to get the snowballs and the buttons, arms, scarf, nose and hat. I quickly chopped some dice with a chop saw when I realized what a pain it was going to be to glue/tape the paper dice together. Pretty good for a few hours!
    4 points
  8. I thought my old bricklink store had all inventory listed as “stockroom” or inactive. I haven’t sold anything on there in 3 years. Well, something changed & all my inventory went active some with some sets having very low prices. Worse yet, many of those sets are long gone from my stockpile. Anyway, a buyer find my store and ordered a new 9465 The Zombies for $215 plus postage. After doing an archaeological dig in the basement I uncovered one to fulfill the order. Selling this set is also an achievement for me because it's my last new 9465. I bought 13 9465s in early 2013 for an avg of $92 each. (10 of those came from a single bricklink order). it was also the 1st time I ever invested 'heavily' in buying a retired set based on my predicted growth % left. All 12 are now sold for a very nice profit. The 13th one was built by us initially 2013 or for Halloween. i also found a pic from 2015 w/ that set my son built while I did the Haunted House. The Mystery Van is my modified one to fit all the minifigs in the seating area.
    4 points
  9. Hi. The mods decided to lock this thread again. We think members need a break from COVID-19 talk on a Lego fan site. Is anyone building LEGO? If so, please post pics, create a new topic, and reply to existing ones. So far during this debacle, my kids built a Friends Art truck, Vader's transformation, & the LEGO Easter giveaways. They are doing a 500 piece Thomas Kinkaid Disney Jungle Book puzzle now. Personally, I found time to build Capt, Rex's whatever you call and fixed a few sets that fell apart last yr (mainly Rebels Vader Tie vs. A-Wing) . I'm building the Creator Expect Ford Mustang when not working my real job, dealing with the wife, and helping the kids w/ their online schooling,
    4 points
  10. Great for selling used auto parts..not so much for selling LEGO; but some of my best LEGO purchases were off CL.
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. manual and sticker are in a bag
    2 points
  13. The BA loves to make his customers happy. So late orders gotta go .
    2 points
  14. More of a "what did you build in the past month" picture. I picked up the Grand Emporium off eBay two years ago for about $180, a bit below the usual going rate. It was advertised as mostly complete and indeed was only missing about 10 common parts (somehow I don't have spare 1x2 white slopes in my bulk so I haven't quite finished the roof yet). I wasn't terribly excited to build it but I ended up really enjoying the process and I really like the final result. It reminds me of some of the buildings my wife and I saw when we traveled to Europe that summer. The Troll Warship was sort of an impulse buy. I've always wanted it (The Green Dragon!) and ended up with two partial lots in January that I hoped to be able to complete one from at a bargain price, but I was still looking at another $40+ if I really wanted it complete with all minfigures. I ended up winning one complete at auction on eBay for a total of about fifty cents more than I'd invested in the two lots. I already sold off part of that incomplete version for more than I expected, so once I sell the extra Green Dragon I'll probably come out a few $ ahead on the initial two lots, but not a good hourly rate, ha. Live and learn. I'm happy to have one complete and to have finally deleted it from my saved searches on eBay! I processed another 15 used sets from a bulk lot of partially built sets that I got locally last year and have sold most already, but I kept that Clone BP - those troopers look great! Finally, I ended up having to buy the Dewback set rom one of you off eBay as I missed it before retirement, but I want it to go with the new Bantha set...A really nice small build! There is a lot of terrible stuff happening in the world at the moment, but I'm thankful for my family's health and I've enjoyed the extra time to build and sort LEGO as a pleasant distraction. I reinventoried my very small supply of used parts on BL after a couple of inventory issues in January and sorted them out of plastic bags and into nice containers (you can see two of them in the background). Those may never pay for themselves as used parts are only a small part of my BL revenue, but it was worth it for the peace of mind of knowing I have what is advertised and that I can find it much quicker. I've done some MOCing, built the original 76021 Milano yesterday, and I am excited to start another project (or 5) soon (tonight). Happy building to all!
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. No cute Easter chicks and bunnies this year by Bricksom Parsom
    2 points
  17. Power of imagination - MMORPG fan zone by fdsm0376
    2 points
  18. paypal fee may not be refundable, meaning you lost it
    1 point
  19. This is the model I have been moving to lately. With limited resources (and shelf space) I build both new and used sets for the fun of it, and if something else that I want more comes along, I'll sell something toward the "bottom". As you said, this is a great way to discover the sets you really want, because you never want to "exchange" those for new finds... you find a way to pay for it another way, or you decide to just keep and enjoy what you have
    1 point
  20. as long as it's not in skyline line
    1 point
  21. My orders of 1x and 2x 40346 from Legoland CA arrived, each with a Easter Egg GWP. One of them was custom wrapped in bubble wrap to prevent it getting crushed by the large 40346 boxes. Nice job!
    1 point
  22. Prelacy Ascendant Archon by Goth Bricks 2000
    1 point
  23. Got in a few pieces I was missing to finish off a 8459 Technic front end loader. I picked it up locally last week for $10 and had to order $5 of parts from Bricklink (that's with shipping). Last night the ARC-170 was one of the most fun builds in a while, this one was one of the most annoying. I don't know if it was just trying to fit all the hoses for the pneumatics correctly, or if I am just not a fan of Technic in general but I was so glad to finally be done with the build. The finished set is really cool, and I do love the play value of the pneumatic functions, but I am not sure it was worth the frustration of actually building it.
    1 point
  24. Yes, shrimp is on the bar before 6pm.
    1 point
  25. This busy period is again reminding me that I need a label printer. Our post offices have always closed at 4pm.
    1 point
  26. Coraline's Pink Palace Apartments April 2020
    1 point
  27. it is taking them a week to send out legit orders. I'm guessing it will take a month to actually cancel these.
    1 point
  28. I think the bigger lesson from this is that even after a relatively short amount of time; noticeable improvements in the environment can be made. I think some folks have a fatalistic (it's too late) view on many of our personal and societal problems such as smoking and pollution...you could be a pack aday smoker for your whole life..stop today and start making real improvements in your lungs/health in a short time...never too late.
    1 point
  29. amazon has LEGO Creator 10232 Palace Cinema available for $134 and Dead lets see if it ships- prob found in some dark corner of a warehouse.
    1 point
  30. I seem to have answered my own question in the short term. If I add the stuff to my cart, go to checkout, THEN Login during the checkout process, the promos show up. If I add stuff to my cart while I am already logged in, they don't show up. No idea if they would ship anyway. But weird.
    1 point
  31. Anne Frank - The Diary of a Young Girl by Patrick B.
    1 point
  32. Any way to set up a Temporary link or login just to get an export file of our data? Realize a big redesign takes time, but just getting the basic data files would be great soon. Thanks.
    1 point
  33. Lot of 2 USED sets: Star Wars Heavy Assault Walker and Defense of Crait: $208.60 Ebay Auction which include tax and shipping. I paid well below this when I purchased the sets new a year ago ($89 walker and $35 for Defense Crait); Again there were intangible "Labor" and "Storing cost": both sets were built by my boy who re-created the battle from the movie and then proudly displayed the sets on the shelf for the past few months. he then broke them both down for re-sell so he can move on to another set. To me personally, THIS...seems to be how the love of LEGO and the hobby leveraged with resell should be. He knows we can't keep them all and there's limited shelf space..only the most choice sets are "keepers". I know many of you are moving pallets...just a reminder to enjoy "the product" once in awhile.
    1 point
  34. Just got a FedEx shipping notice from Legoland Florida. There's hope, fellas!
    1 point
  35. Not even close to how neat most of your modular buildings are, but my daughter and I built this out of multiple daily bugles that kept falling apart and are really proud of it
    1 point
  36. My daughter and I did a little building today.
    1 point
  37. Corner Toy shop (DOTS building) by emo Lego
    1 point
  38. Molon Labe by Hunter Erickson
    1 point
  39. The Great Fishing Boat March 2020
    1 point
  40. Anyone Can Play (Air) Guitar.... by Nick Sweetman
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Batman Hall of suits by Kloou.
    1 point
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