We are within 1 month of San Diego Comic Con 2019. Time to start a thread to talk about anything/everything regarding the show.
I will be in attendance once again, and, wife willing, attending all 4 days plus preview night this year (3 of which I'll have my kids in tow).
Thanks a lot, Vodium. It was driving me bonkers. I'll have to contact Amazon about this. Anyone else have issues with Vader's Castle? All my other purchases look to be correct.
EDIT: Thanks to your screencap, Vodium, I was able to get the price adjusted! Thanks again!
But they didn't sell all 2500 of each, so its not that bad. Only the Castle and Saloon sold all 2500 as far as I know.
They are using a mix of local AFOLs and part time workers, running 2 shifts a day. It took them a few weeks to work out all of the kinks, but they are in a pretty good groove now.
Ok, sure... here's some of them. The set # is written on the boxes and the # written in the square is the count of sets in that box. As you can see (and I forgot), I also bought some 72005 when they were on clearance at Kohl's and earned cashback, Kohl's Cash, Yes2You Rewards.
They were hand-packing sets in batches 400 or 800. They were trying to get one batch of every set out to try to balance the delays to the customers. They finished the first round of all 13 sets, so the next round is underway. I expect castles and saloons will be appearing soon.