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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2015 in all areas

  1. My uncle's friend who works for LEGO swears there will be a 10000 piece set released. She drinks a lot though.
    5 points
  2. ​you just eliminated 99% of brickpickers
    4 points
  3. Gotta love the Falcon/TIE Fighter fight inside the crashed SSD in the new Force Awakens trailer!
    2 points
  4. ​Well, if you remember in Return of the Jedi, Darth Vader had to get the union back on schedule.
    2 points
  5. ​I think many investors have ignored this set for various reasons. I'm not saying there is not a ton of these sets in storage, but many people have moved onto other sets long ago and have even sold their old ones to flip into newer sets.
    2 points
  6. ​Except you can't replace a Death Star with a random SW scene, not even Hoth. It's too iconic and compact. You would miss out on a large number of sales, since this is not a collector's item. It has become more generic over time. People who don't buy any other LEGO set buy this. When girls are beginning to receive this as graduation gift then you know that this is not like the other sets. One of my theories is that LEGO did not update this set (or retire it) because they don't want to miss out on those interim sales.This thing is selling like hotcakes. Hoth, Sandcrawler, Slave I are for nerds. If you are a casual fan you want something big, instantly recognisable, iconic that contains the core characters. Pretty much a Death Star from the OT. Lastly, if anybody says that "but the new movies will surely contain something big that will be the next big set yadda yadda..." is a fool. It may be in 3-4 years from now on. Minimum. And for that this movie has to be REALLY good. Not just fine, not just awesome, but something so good that you want to sell your soul to watch it again. It has to be a classic in other words, on the level of the OT. That is what's required to replace the Death Star in a SW portfolio. Just a hypothetical scenario: what would generate more sales, if only one is on offering at a time: Death Star with Vader, Luke, etc. or random big ass space station with totally new characters?
    2 points
  7. This should really help those old Ninjago set values out! ARTICLE
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. LEGO Bluth's Original Frozen Banana Stand by bruceywan
    1 point
  10. Personally it doesn't impress me very much compared to the other sets in the line, but I'm not a big fan of Minecraft to begin with. The Endermen and Enderdragon are pretty cool though. My eight year old son is really into Minecraft, and he has every set in the theme so far. We just got him this set for his birthday but he hasn't built it yet. If you have a Shopko close by, they have had this set on clearance for $48.99. Stack a $10 off $50 coupon (you will have to buy another item for $1 to get over $50), and it can be yours for $38.99 before tax. That's 44% off. Not too shabby.
    1 point
  11. ​Well, unless they show him getting killed within 3 seconds to show how badass the new bad guy is There is a good chance something like this may happen
    1 point
  12. I would scream like a little girl if Thrawn was in any of the next three movies, great character.​
    1 point
  13. I am thrilled to see that they appear to have realized their mistake, and are bringing back the Clone Wars. Now if they can only stop making the ships look like Thanksgiving Day balloons - everything will be great.
    1 point
  14. ​He already flipped it....for $775. This is the what did you sell topic
    1 point
  15. Can't tell you how excited I am for Season 2. It looks great. A friend caught the first two episodes of Season 2 at SW Celebration. No spoilers, just said it was great.
    1 point
  16. ​I only built bag 1 the cop car and sorted bag 2 we finally had some nice weather this weekend so not much build time. I will post some pics when I finish. GG is still sealed if you want to trade for a NISB CC
    1 point
  17. ​Nice job Pseudoty. Have you built the Kwik e Mart yet? How would/does it look against a regular modular building? Heard you got the GG in a trade from a nice Canadian...lmk if you get tired of it or want a trade
    1 point
  18. Yeah, you're sending to a mail forwarding service. I just sent one to Delaware this morning as well. As long as the tracking shows it made it to the destination provided by the seller you will be fine. It's the buyer's way of getting around sellers that don't ship internationally.
    1 point
  19. People are still pissed the Rebels killed many thousands of slaves including Wookies when the DSII blew up. Collateral damage.
    1 point
  20. I don't think the Imperial Contractor's Union 1138 have been able to regroup since the destruction of Death Star II. They are probably busy re-building roads, hotels and training centers, so far too busy to concentrate on another death star.
    1 point
  21. ​Sounds like a plan. I think many people wondered if a new Death Star would be in The Force Awakens, so they were hesitant to believe a new Death Star would be released. Now that we know an entire STAR WARS movie will be dedicated to the Death Star, one can safely assume there will be some new version released next year. I am not writing off a new Death Star in The Force Awakens, but why bother including one, with the future Rouge One movie a year after Episode VII?
    1 point
  22. You guys are killing me. I watched all 6 in order this weekend and am in a serious SW mood. Might build the DS next. Your ideas are genius. Besides final duel does anyone know of released or to-be released sets that are DS scenes? I am checking brickset but am a total SW noob.
    1 point
  23. ​I had exactly that set in my mind when I was writing the post. Anyway if I did what I described, I would solve it by having these sets an alternate build that fits into the DS as a room, obviously scaling down size and having some leftover pieces. So not all of the sets have to be the same scale etc, but could boost sales of both DS and these sets. With that sort of modularity LEGO would make a killing, especially if there will be new scenes on the DS.
    1 point
  24. Well each to their own I guess. I'm not sure how shipping it built really proves all the parts are there. Parts can break off during shipping or when it's being unwrapped and get missed by the buyer that way too. If all the parts are shipped in zip-locked bags, and the inventory is ticked off as you bag them, there shouldn't be a problem. It's easy miss a part if you're just going by building it. There's not much you can do about a clumsy buyer who's just gonna lose parts, whatever way you choose. I've shipped over 100 used sets of all sizes in the past year without a problem thankfully. I prefer to receive used sets disassembled too, so I basically just ship them the same way as I'd like to receive them.
    1 point
  25. ​LEGO is way ahead of you ETA: yeah I know this is bigger than what you meant. But if they make the new DS this size... :P
    1 point
  26. US purchases from EU countries like Amazon UK will have the VAT removed at checkout. VAT - value added tax - is an ~ 18% tax that is included in the pricing of EU retail items (by law). FYI.
    1 point
  27. ​ I don't think i could be more excited about the future of Star Wars. I NEVER thought i'd see the day the Death Star would be back on the big screen, but here we are. BOOM
    1 point
  28. I supposed this might not be new info. Anyway Australia Toys R Us will be having a buy 1 get 1 50% discount on selected themes of Lego, starting on 22/04 to 12/05. Somewhat like the Myer's discount which just ended over the weekend. This assault on the wallet is relentless! If any of you missed buying some Lego over the weekend from Myer for the 25% discount, can try your luck at Toys R Us soon.
    1 point
  29. Just sold the Snake fig for $40 on eBay. I underestimated the demand of the customer.
    1 point
  30. Tried three Myers, but all had sold out of anything they had. All I ended up walking away with was 4 packs of road plates. Still hunting out a DO so I can add to the streetscape.
    1 point
  31. @LegoEdison look for the heading up top that says "price guide" click that and you should see your brickfolio in there.
    1 point
  32. BTTF Delorean for $69.99 bin free ship on ebay - double msrp, 2.5 x my buy in - nice - only 28 left to sell
    1 point
  33. ​I am waiting on an answer from the people that make the mobile app. They have to tell me whether it is ready for this updated version yet or not.
    1 point
  34. Hi Ed and Jeff, do you have an estimate when the brickpicker app will be back online? I really like to follow the update using my iphone instead of using a laptop.
    1 point
  35. ​Another seller as drop shipper, wow didn't think of it like that, so much effort. Sly economics.
    1 point
  36. Oh. My. God. Awesomeness incarnated.
    1 point
  37. rebels season 2 spoiler. yeah, it's a good one.
    1 point
  38. The Ridge Modern Townhouse by Brickbaron
    1 point
  39. This thread and many others (hint: Super Star Destroyer) have the answers you are seeking. Diablo is spot on.
    1 point
  40. The careful filing of topics into a relatively few number of threads is actually an enormous positive on this site. You don't have to wade through pages of different threads to find relevant topics on the set of interest, you just go to one place. Also, the length of this thread and the age is actually another huge clue if you care to think about it. And if you're observant, there's even more to be learned from that "old and irrelevant" info that you think no longer applies. Quite the contrary, that's some golden info that will tell you quite a bit about the future of not just 10188, but a number of other sets as well. If this was easy and obvious, many more folks would do it. It takes time and patience to learn the basics on both ends: the best way to acquire sets (and which ones), as well as the best way to sell sets (and when). We were all novices once, and we're all still learning. The suggestions you make are counterproductive and would harm the way many of us use this site. I appreciate your suggestions, nothing wrong with those. Understand that the reason things are done such as grouping comments into single threads by set is the result of many expert investors input, some serious wisdom on this site, and the result of many mistakes made by others before you. You're benefitting from all that. You'll come to see why things are done the way they are here, and hopefully recognize the value they'll ultimately represent to your investments.
    1 point
  41. My advice about this signed box is... Do not sell it. Sell it only if one day you are in trouble and really need some money.
    1 point
  42. The set is an absolute work of art (10181), extremely fragile until each section comes together. The time it must have taken to figure that one out must be mind blowing. Taj Mahal is a bit more straightforward, though the dome is very impressive to put together. Thanks again, JA, for getting me one.
    1 point
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