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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2015 in all areas

  1. Alrighty then. For anyone remotely curious about the mini Voltron design in the other topic, here are instructions for each section based on the original and what I came up with in LDD featuring a Bricklink XML inventory file type of listing for creating a "Wanted List" down below. Just copy the text in the code box under "Inventory list" and paste that data into Bricklink to verify. I used the site's spoiler feature to help make focusing on each area of building easier. If any image seems small try clicking on one to enlarge. Inventory list: TOTAL: 138 pieces (including 'flame sword') LEG LIONS ARM LIONS TORSO LION Ready to form Voltron. Activate interlock, dynatherms connected, infracells up, megathrusters are go. GO VOLTRON FORCE! Form feet and legs! Form arms and body! And I'll form the head! Note: All pieces used and listed are readily available except one slight (annoying) snag towards the end. The 1x1 plate with a vertical clip in green apparently does not exist which makes no sense considering the video and gallery showing off the original model has four of them clear as day plus I am pretty sure somewhere I have a couple in my own collection but Bricklink is telling me otherwise. The closest hue I think listed was maybe lime green. If the part truly does not exist in regular green after all these years, that seems ridiculous really. Maybe we can finally get some through the Mixels, eh? A personal side note towards aesthetics, if you want the lion legs (1x1 tooth pieces) to really shine then use flat silver instead of light bluish gray.
    6 points
  2. You really should stop claiming this. It's one reason why BO doesn't enable it. Consumers expect something they order to be delivered. All online marketplaces own the responsibility until it reaches the customer. Can you imagine if Target or Amazon said "Sorry, not our problem"? Anyway, on BO add $0.30 or whatever to all of your postage bands. For the 1:1000 order that gets lost, cover it and resend/refund. If it's something valuable, buy 3rd party insurance when you ship (funded by the aggregate charge on every order). In other words, build it into your operating cost.
    5 points
  3. I think I would have taken the negative feedback and kept it.
    5 points
  4. just for Alpine I bought 30 more Joker Bumper Cars 2 Pet Shops also
    4 points
  5. Sold off most of my Craigslist lot from 2 weeks ago ($200 original purchase price); another sale on eBay today. All were built, no box or instructions. Prices don't include shipping, which was charged at cost. Here's the breakdown: 42006 Excavator (with power functions) $99 8547 Mindstorms NXT 2.0 $189 4505 Millenium Falcon $119 9398 Crawler $160 7676 Republic Gunship (missing 2 minifigs, some parts substituted) $50 8043 Excavator $289 (pending) 9786 Mindstorms RCX $60 (pending) misc unbuilt parts in bulk $40 - (traded for credit at local toy store) Total: $1006 Decent gain from the original $200 purchase, but not spectacular. I undercut prices a bit just to move the lot. The best part was sorting, identifying, and building the various kits. I love that part!
    4 points
  6. 6860 Batcave for $94 shipped Another Republic Gunship for $169 shipped I just passed the 1/2 way mark for total sales from last year...and it's not even the end of March!
    4 points
  7. Thanks for the heads up. Now I am currently involved in winning an auction for a complete 2005 edition #10144 Star Wars Jawa Sandcrawler on ebay.
    4 points
  8. I think this is what you are looking for: https://cuusoo.com/brands/cuusoo-brick
    3 points
  9. Some folks seem to know exactly how eBay, Lego, and the rest of the world works, despite the contrary experiences of others. My ex-wife was like this. Anyway, it doesn't hurt to keep in mind that for the most part, you are dealing with other PEOPLE in this business. Like eBay CS reps. Case in point: I spoke with one weeks ago, very distinctive voice (difficult to understand) and personality. Despite being somewhat formal, this person helped in removing a shipping defect from my selling account and told me, at the time, that another could be removed (low "item as described" rating) if I could get confirmation from the buyer that it was entered by mistake - which I suggested, considering that the buyer had left enthusiastic positive feedback. A while after I got the (friendly and helpful) buyer to reply that it had indeed been an error they weren't aware of, and the item was "perfect in every way", I called back. A different CS rep looked at it and told me the defect would be removed. After two weeks, it wasn't. So I called again and talked to the original eBay CS rep (in this story) again. Guess what? I was told, quite firmly, that there was no possible way to remove that low rating, because it was tied to the buyer's feedback, blah blah blah... I could tell I was simply being stonewalled. I didn't bother pointing out the conversation from weeks prior, I simply asked for a manager because I did not feel like I was being assisted as a customer. This person attempted to argue with me, quite strongly, for several minutes, professionally, but very stubbornly. I had to ask about four times for a supervisor, was put on hold, then quite a while later, told they were too busy and I could expect a call back. They refused to give me a time frame. I shrugged it off for the time being. The NEXT morning, I get a call from a supervisor. I was busy at work and told them I didn't have time to talk but could try to call back in about 15 minutes. Paraphrasing, I was told, "I just wanted to quickly let you know that the defect you called about has been removed from your account, and please let us know if there is anything else you need. Thank you for using eBay." I also told a story earlier in this thread where I dealt with negative feedback left because the buyer decided AFTER their son opened a polybag that it was too small for the price. Despite being told over and over that honest feedback can not be removed, you certainly won't find it on my profile. Be persistent when you know you are right. Be as polite and professional as possible. Don't assume you know everything, or that everything you are told is correct. That said, I do agree that eBay is set up to hose the seller when buyers behave poorly in general. But it certainly is not the 100% all or nothing dead to rights swear on my grandmother's grave scenario that some here make it out to be.
    2 points
  10. I posted about 75019 ATTE retirement four days ago and even put the links to S@H page. :P
    2 points
  11. http://brickfanatics.co.uk/star-wars-force-awakens-lego-set-names/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+brickfanatics+%28Brick+Fanatics%29 Posted on 07:58, 25/03/2015 by Luc Star Wars Force Awakens LEGO set names. Force Awakens spoiler site makingstarwars.net has unearthed the set names for the first wave of Episode VII sets. The set numbers and prices have been posted previously but the set names give us some insight into what the sets might be, depending on how much you do or don
    2 points
  12. Here is a cool MOC using 10123 as inspiration. Very nice! http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=94595
    2 points
  13. Over the last 3 months I've bricklinked both the Cafe corner and the Imperial flagship. For Cafe corner I dropped the 5 white windows for red, and the black front door for blue and the dark blue pillars for reddish brown. I think it's definately good enough to add to my modular street and for the kids to play with. For me it was a no brainer. White windows average 10$. Red were .50cents. blue pillars average 2$ r.brown were 20cents black front door would have been around 15-20$ and blue was about 5. Imperial flagship I swapped the 6x16's r.brown plates for pairs of 6x8's because the design allowed for it. I also swapped the 2x2x11 pillars for 11 2x2 round bricks. since they're all centered with a 32m technic axle the integrity is solid. Everthing else is legit. I haven't taken a decent picture of it yet. All in all, if it's for selling, I wouldn't sub any pieces out, and would definately do my best to make sure the colors are accurate. For personal collection/play with the kids then I say do as many subs as your conscience will allow. You'll know they're there. and they'll likely bug you. For no real useful reason.
    2 points
  14. I am also eagerly awaiting the Ferris Wheel. I am also hopeful it will have the option of adding power functions. If this theme continues, I really want a roller coaster - preferably one that you can combine multiples of to create bigger, more elaborate roller coaster layouts.
    2 points
  15. Haha, Walmart you crazy. They must have like.. stumbled upon an ancient warehouse or something... so many old products coming back out of nowhere at once. Now i really think TH was in stock at one point today..
    2 points
  16. I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express, but, in my opinion, the people who keep prognosticating that every set is about to retire because they're cross-referencing the seal codes, online and physical store status for every retailer, make believe license lengths, how a certain set must stay or go based on an upcoming movie release or not, mixed with a little gut feeling, are making every large set appear to be done. It only creates more problems and fulfills their prophecies in their minds because stock keeps remaining low. No retailer can keep anything in stock because so many believe that all these sets are going because some random person on the Internet wants to be the first person to call their retirement shot. Sorry that I'm not sharing the same opinion that everything is going away as soon as this production run is done. Or is it the next production run and then it's gone?
    2 points
  17. 4th mine this month for $100, for all those that think the set will take forever to sell, it should be in a great position by xmas
    2 points
  18. People, bottom line, meet your quota and move on. If it's one and you don't have one yet, then get on it. If it's more then one then ramp up your efforts and go get em now! If you're an F5 kind of person and like the challenge, then rest those fingers up and oil that F5 key cause there's gonna be action soon.
    2 points
  19. You get an R5 and you get an R5 and you get an R5
    2 points
  20. I only partially agree that the movie was for kids. Have you seen it? There is an AFOL element there for sure.
    2 points
  21. I'm fairly new to my adult reintroduction of Lego, and this has meant i've had my beady little eyes on more of the larger more advanced sets to build, which inevitably has lead me to drool over some of the EOL more expensive sets available. And like a lot of people out there I can't justify paying (read: my wife won't let me pay) hundreds sometimes thousands on a set just to build it and break it down again (maybe display it if she thinks it's pretty and there's room). So with budget in mind I started bricklinking 10221 Super Star Destroyer. Now, apart from a few of the more expensive parts (I'm not bothering with minifigs) I've actually stayed fairly true to the original colours, but as I'm looking at the instructions (printed at work to keep the price down) and browsing bricklink, I'm realising that I could have substituted a lot more of the colours (for the bricks that aren't even visible) and kept the price down even further. Not only because a different colour would have been cheaper but also because I could have reduced the amount of stores I purchased from and thus reduced shipping costs. I still have a few things to purchase but they're all very common cheap pieces but all-in-all I've managed to keep this build well under $400 ($200 when I tell the wife). If I had of read the instructions earlier and figured out which bricks don't show and could have been a different colour I think I could have got it down close to $300, when you compare this to the $550 I would have to pay for a used set on Ebay I'm pretty happy with the outcome (obviously this could change when everything arrives, I build it and get OCD about everything not being the exact right colour). All this leads nicely into the inevitable question. How many of you, that actually read this far down, would sacrifice targeted brick colours for the sole purpose of keeping the price of a set down just so that you can have the fun of building it? And I'm not talking about just buying the black masts for 10179, I'm thinking more along the lines of having the whole insides of it black if you knew that you couldn't tell by looking at the outside of it and it saving you half the buy price. P.s. Since I doubt my wife will find this build very pretty, and she'll inevitably find out exactly how much I spent, I'm going to have a little foresight and ask if anyone would be interested in buying this after I'm done building it?
    1 point
  22. So these have gone to unorderable at LEGO Shop at Home - everyone's favorite - TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK. still at amazon. for how long.... About 7 months of stocking up left before it gets hard to find. This set did great last year - unless things drastically change it will go EOL this holiday season and will be tough to accumulate then . So either way this set is gold from a QFLL perspective or long term hold.
    1 point
  23. There are a few valuable nuggets mixed in with the last several posts. Don't get defensive on either side, or they'll all get deleted. Thanks
    1 point
  24. the member is looking for the month is was widely available and then starting selling out. It's June 2014 or early July 2014. Then after that, it in and out of stock at retailers. Some of us were lucky to grab a couple back in Oct and Nov 2014 using Amazon.
    1 point
  25. Heads up! Fred Meyer will have a 16-hour sale on April 4 where they will have Chima, Super Heroes, and Duplo 20% off plus there will be a 10% off Home in-ad coupon.
    1 point
  26. There are a handful in the $750-$800 zone on ebay but certainly appears to be up, up and away!
    1 point
  27. Aah, good old no fee land. Where business is easy and profits are ample.
    1 point
  28. 4482 had its day in the sunshine before the new AT-TE came out...it's sunk back to the level that it was selling for back in 2007 & 2008. The price on 7675 has also fallen back a bit as well. One thing to keep in mind is the prices that you're seeing right now are artificially depressed since consumers have been able to buy an AT-TE at retail for $90 or less for most of the past two years. Once there is no lower cost alternative, prices on all three sets will rise.
    1 point
  29. Excellent. If Lego had a Voltron set I would buy for sure
    1 point
  30. Kings Castle in Stock on WM.ca: http://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/lego-castle-kings-castle-70404/6000090893105 They also have the Unimog in stock.
    1 point
  31. So I don't need the unicorn blood and sacrificial virgin goat? I've been doing this all wrong...
    1 point
  32. Haha, was waiting to see if you'd chime in
    1 point
  33. I love the movie as much as my kiddo and I am 47. It is great. I play it in the office even if by myself...
    1 point
  34. 853373 Kingdom's Chess Set for 80 euro cash.
    1 point
  35. OK, I was sticking to my price point and I declared I wouldn't sell a 9468 - Vampyre Castle for less than $200. Well, I just sold one for $200 on EBay. Join me, raise your prices folks!!!
    1 point
  36. It's right on International Drive just down from the Convention Center. If you like wings/fingers and cheese fries, I recommend the Zinger Mountain Melt. This won't be in the nutrition thread.
    1 point
  37. We are in Orlando for vacation. We stopped by the lego store at downtown Disney and I picked up my first Lonely Mountain. They were on sale for $104 and I had a 10% off one item coupon that stacked, along with earning double VIP for a future purchase. Came out to around $100 after tax. They had two more out for sale. Possibly more in the back. The kids picked out a bunch of Friends and Minecraft sets.
    1 point
  38. I have a hair appointment this weekend. Buy-In at $443 and help my hair and music career.
    1 point
  39. I think the set is a poor investment. I mean it hasn't even hit $1000 and it's been like 3 or 4 months. Jeez Louise!
    1 point
  40. So here is the list with every individual list aggregated. For those ranking them in order I assigned a scoring system of the #1 set getting 10 points, the #2 set getting 9 points and so on. For those listing in no particular order each set got 5 points. Here's the results: No surprises at the top and I'd have to say the combined top 10 is a pretty good representation of sets that should be considered 'iconic'.
    1 point
  41. I'm taking iconic to mean just that, as opposed to 'my favourite' or the ones I think were the best sets. Though I'll admit I am a little biased towards the ones from my youth, which I think was Lego's golden age (mid 70s to mid 80s). I'm not much of a fan of licensed themes or minifigs either to be honest. I guess younger folk would have less issues with licensed themes, it's the age we live in after all... but they're not really for me. Weirdly I have nothing from the 80s in there, but I still think of Technic, Space and Town stuff to be more typically '80s' Lego than 70s, or at least that was when I was exposed to it. So in order of release.... (yes, I have way too much time on my hands, but hey...it's Sunday haha). 3 Basic set (1973) I think these 70s Basic sets are just classic Lego and really cemented it as a hugely popular toy. Every kid I knew had one of these sets in the late 70s. I'm picking 3 because it was my first big Lego set, but I think they're all great. Give a young child one of these sets today I'd bet they'd still get endless enjoyment from it. 390 1913 Cadillac (1975) These old Hobby range vintage cars were the biz when I was very young, though a bit before my time. This was big boys Lego and maybe even Lego's first attempt at attracting older fans. I think they still have a great charm and look great on display. 853 Car Chassis (1977) Arguably not even the best Technic car, but I think this was a big set for Lego, and the flagship of the first Technic range. Lots of people my age would have drooled over this set as kids. I vaguely remember a Lego TV commercial at the time in which this would make a brief appearance, and I would almost crap myself when it came on. A bit before my time again, I ended up getting 8860 which was also great. 600 Police Car (1978) The first appearance of the iconic minifigure which we all love (or in my case hate haha. I never liked minifigs, even as a kid). I suppose the whole Lego Town range which followed was pretty iconic really. 497 Galaxy Explorer (1979) The boss of the Classic Space range and starting to fetch mad prices these days. I wasn't really a huge Space fan as a kid but got a few smaller sets for the cool pieces. I mostly used it to try make crappy Millennium Falcons and X-Wings, as did a lot of kids at the time I suspect. 5571 Giant Truck (1996) I think these Model Team sets were great, the most realistic Lego sets up to that point. The 90s and 00s were Lego free decades for me, but I would have loved this set as kid. 10030 Imperial Star Destroyer (2002) Gotta have at least one Star Wars set in there and I think this one got a lot of older people back into Lego. Probably the only licensed theme I have any time for. If Lego Star Wars had been around in the early 80s, I may never have left the house. 10182 Cafe Corner (2007) I don't know how anyone who likes Lego could not like the modulars, and I see these as being future classics. Cool building techniques, they look great and fun for all ages. Lots of Lego win in these. 10220 VW T1 Camper Van (2008) I think this has been a very popular set and even people not into Lego think it's cool. I was torn between this and the Taj, but I'm putting this in as it's the first set I'd built in 30 years. It's an iconic vehicle and I think will be an iconic set in years to come. 21050 Studio Architecture (2013) Lego getting back to what it does best and a surprise hit which I think resonated with a lot a lot of older people like me. No licensed theme or exclusive minifigs... just proper, old-skool Lego which encouraged people to use their imagination (which is what Lego used to be all about). It reminds me of the old 70s Basic sets, which kinda brings me full circle. I think this one will become a bit of a cult classic in years to come, as will the other big Architecture sets. I wish it had been released in Europe too, but if anything it will just add to its cultish desirability, especially for us Europeans.
    1 point
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