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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2015 in Posts

  1. How about some REAL retirement news for once: 75019 http://shop.lego.com/en-US/AT-TE-75019 7939 http://shop.lego.com/en-US/Cargo-Train-7939 6862 http://shop.lego.com/en-US/Superman-vs-Power-Armor-Lex-6862 (HALLELUJAH!!)
    6 points
  2. Resurrected 4709 Hogwarts Castle from a 37 lb bulk bin purchase. Many more sets to go but it was nice to clean this one up and create a classic!
    5 points
  3. I've been building this little beauty the last week. The sides aren't attached as strongly as the reviews I read suggested (it's easy to knock a few pieces off), but it sure looks good in the vertical flight position. I dunno... I _might_ like it better than 10212 (Imperial Shuttle). Haven't decided yet.
    5 points
  4. On eBay: Wolvie's 6866 x2 - $69.99 and $74.99 Helicopter Rescue 4429 - $64.99 Galactic Titan - $89.99 X-Wing 9493 x2 - $94.99 MIllennium Falcon 7965 - $229.99 Umbarran MHC - $41.99 Anything Star Wars appears to be flying off the shelves (at the right price of course).
    3 points
  5. While I am racking my NIB sets I am also reconciling inventory records. I just found 2 extra town halls. Which sounds awesome, except if I messed up something this big and exciting how much other stuff is goofed up. Grrr.
    3 points
  6. I'd say asking if you could order more makes you look more suspiscious than just ordering them. Otherwise, why would one ask? Just saying . . .
    3 points
  7. 2x Arctic Batman (Amazon) 2x Red Five (Walmart) 2x Lonely Mountain (Meijer) 1x Sea Cow (2x VIP)
    3 points
  8. Received my new Tumbler from a trade with sroster. I opened it up and he included a HUGE surprise. Thanks so much for the jiggler... Stains or no stains, I like it.
    3 points
  9. Want to look into the future of America look no further than Sprawlmart. If you are not willing to buy your neighbors products or services at a cost that allows them to live a decent middle class life, then how will they afford to buy your goods and services that affords you the same. You may as well fire yourself right now. In the tech industry we have a thing called H1B and it lets those wonderful "job creating companies" drive down wages by claiming they can't find a local to do the job, when really what they mean is they can't find a local with the skills who will work for peanuts. So you know what happens Fortran coder can't find a job, so they take C coders job, who takes Matlab coders job, who takes high school math teachers job, who takes retail persons job, who takes fast food dude's job, who is now unemployed. And then we get the jobs numbers for the month in and they are great, except all these praised newly created jobs pay min wage with no benefits. So who's the biggest employer in america now its Welfare company, and they offer great benefits so who would ever want to leave. I wonder what will happen to interest rates once the Fed stops buying most treasuries, oh I guess social security fund will still buy, cause if we circle the debt wagons enough maybe we will all be safe. Without debt and dollar reserve currency of the world propping this place up its sunk, and guess how long the average life span of a reserve currency is. But hey this stuff probably won't implode during my lifetime and China's pollution hasn't quite made it to my shore yet, so I will just let the future generation deal with the problems I and my parents and their parents created, because it's easier that way.
    2 points
  10. Prices for this set are still increasing nicely. I "accidentally" sold one for $575 shipped today (on Amazon). I guess it's time to up the price again...
    2 points
  11. You folks with this problem really need to google "how to remove aliexpress pop up" or something similar. You also need to stop visiting sites other than BrickPicker where you're picking up the malware, browser hijackers, etc.
    2 points
  12. Great thread! Coming out of my Dark Ages about three years ago these are the most iconic sets to me personally. Of course, sets like the UCS Falcon and Cafe Corner are per se iconic, but mean nothing to me as far as connecting my childhood to my new found love for Lego. (Don't get me wrong, would love to have them). 1. Yellow Castle - My first set ever. Still remember the day I put it together. 2. Exxon Station - This was the first set I had in my "town". Subsequently added a fire station, police station, the motorcycle shop, and built my own grocery store. 3. Main Street - The last set I put into my town and the last set before the Dark Ages. I was about 14- Lego was no longer "cool". Stupid. 4. Death Star - Whoa, what have I been missing!? Displayed in my office. 5. Black Pearl - Best pirate ship with the coolest minifigs hands down. 6. Diagon Alley - A proper magnum opus. As a Harry Potter fan, Lego nailed it with this final and largest set in the series. 7. Parisian Cafe - Most beautiful and architecturally interesting modular, if not set, ever made. The Detective Office is right up there with it. 8. Arkham Asylum - Batman rocks. 9. Ewok Village - Even when compared to the toys of old, is there any better Star Wars set overall? 10. Town Hall - A painful reminder what happens when I ignore my hobby for a few months after I had delayed, delayed and delayed getting a set that I want. Oh well, someday when i have an extra $500....lol.
    2 points
  13. Sold 4 family houses for $90+ shipped. Buy in was around $40 (BF and FM), I sold some at xmas for $110 but I wanted to free up some capital and I'm ok making $30 or so each. Posting this too because I know some here recently bought 20-30 of these and they do move at $90 (I do economy shipping on these it's usually about $10) Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Brickpicker mobile app
    2 points
  14. I bought two of these for just under $400 a little over a year ago. Prices are now trending at $600. Just a little evidence that money can be made after retirement if you pick the right sets.
    2 points
  15. The tag in front of you is nutlik___?????? Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Brickpicker mobile app
    2 points
  16. Not my complaint My complaint is going into a sandwich shop (Jersey Mike's) ordering a hit steak Sandwich with lettuce and mayo and they don't write it down. I get it after 10 minutes and they didn't put any condiments or sides on it. It's just steak and cheese I take it back and they fix it. Two bites in and I discover it's got onions on it (which I asked not be on). At that point they are going to have to remake it. I ain't got time for that so I left with a free sandwich for next time.
    2 points
  17. Even though I got away from it for awhile, my investment strategy at this moment is to sell enough to pay for our habit. The best example of this is the Speed Champion sets. I bought 3 sets of the $15 cars. Sold two sets, which covered the cost of the third plus a little extra.
    2 points
  18. Complaint: I only have 5 bricks. I am worth at least 12 bricks and then when you add the exchange from US to Canada, I move up to 15-16.
    2 points
  19. Awesome display set. Very intricate. Finished this one yesterday along with another quality Architecture set, the UN. A must have for any Architecture fan.
    1 point
  20. 10695 for US$35 (Craigslist) 4 x Speed Champions (the individual cars) US$75 bundled (Craigslist). Had got them at around 14.26 a piece including sales tax. Felt too early to stockpile these so a bit of pocket money for minimal effort is ok by me!
    1 point
  21. Wonderful post. I always try to buy goods and services from local shops. Shops owned by families. Yes, they ask more money. But their service and aftersales is much better than the multinational stores. Also you will support your local economy. What I also have noticed... the higher priced lego sets I have sold mostly went to people with own companies. They request to ship it to the company address. People working for the nationwide multinational stores simply cannot afford this. They are happy to reach the end of the month. Hence, the big companies lately hire young students to do the jobs cause they are cheap. They know nothing about what they are selling.
    1 point
  22. Sold a used but complete 4195 QAR without the minifigures for $250 plus shipping. That paid for the craigslist lot that it came in plus a lot more! Love it when I can recoup my costs in one transaction
    1 point
  23. Yeah the college kid with zits all over his face making 8 bucks an hours ringing people up behind the counter doesn't make ban hammer decisions.
    1 point
  24. Not sure a bullet could reach you across the world. I'll try to buy a missile from a nearby military surplus store.
    1 point
  25. I think these sets are great for what they are. I have no desire to own these myself but the overall concept is pretty damn cool to me. I mean seriously, who wouldn't want to recreate some of their favorite movie or tv show scenes by building it themselves, even if it cannot be modified. They are hyper realistic in detail and, unlike LEGO, would not cost hundreds of dollars to recreate a scene - a cartoonish looking scene at that. The concept was ripe for the market and I really hope other toy companies take notice. So many complain about the lack of diorama toys on the market. It's one of the only toy segments that really hasn't been explored and offered yet, until now. Who wouldn't want to walk down the toy isle and pick up a diorama. Better yet, you get the play factor when putting it together. How about a huge Ninja Turtles rooftop or sewer fight scene? Ghostbusters rooftop scene? The list and possibilities goes on and on. McFarlane was an innovator with toy detail back in the late 90's. Now they are an innovator with these sets. Give credit where credit is due. They are not trying to compete with LEGO. They are just taking the LEGO concept to another level. And yes, some of these sets can be modified. Take the prison tower, fencing and prison cell blocks for instance. As the picture above shows, one can create massive scenes by combining these sets. In my opinion, this first wave of sets is a good investment. Buy them on sale. They are modest and unique investments for a hugely popular show. McFarlane stated that they have other licenses to reveal later on this year. I for one cannot wait to see what they have up their sleeve. This could be my first chance to recreate some of my favorite scenes in hyper realistic style.
    1 point
  26. I stopped breathing, looking at the grand hotel. Gorgeous. I'm still a fan of the "pop star" sets and am tempted to get those, like the Elves sets... ...hmmmm if one day one of you see my face with pig-tails, please shoot me.
    1 point
  27. Can u clear your cookies and cache and try again
    1 point
  28. I just sold a used 10210 as part of a package deal on eBay (included the new Brick Bounty and 4x Shipwreck Defense, which has the same cannons and 2 additional crew for the Imperial Flagship). $680 sale. FYI.
    1 point
  29. Lego is clearly increasing their production of Red-5 to keep up with the newly-found demand for the set
    1 point
  30. It is the ol' TRU curse - when the Mine went to a TRU exclusive it was almost a guarantee that it would sit around after S&**** had sold their stock. Since it is limit 5 I can't check (roughly) how much stock they have, but if the number is relatively small it is a decent buy. It hasn't had a holiday season as a retired set, so this upcoming one will be a good indicator of its potential. European users have stated it is increasing nicely across the pond (where there is no TRU hoarding them, so they've been OOS everywhere for a couple months) and it is a pretty unique subtheme, so there are signs. I like the Benny, but I doubt it will be worth a holiday flip this year and I see S&**** availability for quite some time. The Mine will be OOS (fingers crossed) from TRU by the holidays so it will probably make you money faster. If it dries up at retail before the summer I don't think $140 USD or so is unreasonable by Christmas, and perhaps more as it isn't a widely talked about or hoarded set.
    1 point
  31. Here's my complaint of the day
    1 point
  32. Easy, make sure you order at least one set from Walmart. It will arrive mangled with stickers all over it. Verify the minifigures are there (50% chance) and that's the set you will build. The rest I keep in a glass case in my vault, just like Uncle Scrooge.
    1 point
  33. The forum app? All it is is a forum app. There is no price guide in that app.
    1 point
  34. I will try to explain this a little further. Some will agree with me, some will not get it, some will scream. Ed and I are trying to run a "business" here. We like other community sites continue to give and have a lot more to give. Many like to take and not give back anything at all. Something simple like an real email address so that we can create tools and get true correspondence is not really asking for much. As I stated above, ISPs are getting more finicky and will start to block you and put you on blacklists etc. I don't want that. If people put bogus emails, well they will not be part of this community, plain and simple. I rather have 5,000 solid members than 50,000 who knows what they are members. If members can't be legit with us, than too bad.
    1 point
  35. So its a good idea that I close your account. Ok that makes sense.
    1 point
  36. Sold 2x Millennium Falcon for $235 shipped each. Maybe that 10% eBay bucks promo was involved. Can't hurt to list your large items during these promos.
    1 point
  37. I built some more old sets (almost out of them!) over the last week and received a few pieces to complete them 6075 Wolfpack Tower + 6078 Royal Drawbridge (these two are missing 1 or 2 minifigs, otherwise complete) 1853 - Hypno Cruiser. This set reminds me of Lego Movie sets and I marvel at how much better the movie sets do with a big tie-in. Overall, a waste of space and I will give it to a friend's kid. 1789 - Unitron - Star Hawk II - What a gorgeous ship, I REALLY like this and I did not build space sets when growing up, unless I took one from a sibling. I don't have room for these so I will probably put the 3 good sets up for sale so if anyone here is interested, please send me a pm and I will arrange to post it on BC for you.
    1 point
  38. There was a time that when you bought a video game, it actually included the content and the characters.
    1 point
  39. 21.75hrs and 14 missing pieces later, I FINALLY finished my first CL buy. Someone described it as building a dozen $30-$50 sets and putting them all together. That is a very accurate description how the build felt me. 2 thumbs up! Edit: I forgot to put the minifigs on but they are all accounted for.
    1 point
  40. Either way the man made money. As my life coach "Rickey Smiley" says "stop counting other people's money!" Be happy for him and move on.
    1 point
  41. No worries, take your time. I'll take one of those loans while you are giving them out though....
    1 point
  42. should be easy to assemble an army of angry Scots armed with toilet plungers.
    1 point
  43. I'd love to see the Dolphin Cruiser retire. It's been out for awhile now, so it should be coming close to retiring. I think this set will surprise a lot of people once retired. Many of us were disappointed when it didn't perform as well this past Christmas like it did in 2013, which probably turned some people away from it's long term potential. Once it's gone, I think $150 is very attainable, if not a little more. That should bode well for those who got in around $50 or less. I've got a fleet of 24, and I'm kind of glad they didn't get flipped this past Christmas.
    1 point
  44. Favorite sale of the past week was a 4867 Hogwarts for $199.95 on Amazon. Was my last one, bought for $35 a couple of years ago. Just seems like it's impossible to go much higher, but I have been wrong on Harry Potter already. I am hoping/banking on the theme coming back in some form with the new book/movie down the road. Could go the Star Wars route and release some classic sets again.
    1 point
  45. Wonder if the SD mole has met the Lego mole.
    1 point
  46. If you have this on EBay for less than $114, move your price up. Sent from my XT1028 using Brickpicker mobile app
    1 point
  47. um what?!?! The b wing cost me 100.00 and came with freebies. It sells for 230 ish. I swear some of you reslly do think we are still in green grocer Cafe corner era. B wing was a slam dunk investment.
    1 point
  48. This is our mixer using "solar" power... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbQI-Luj5TA
    1 point
  49. Now I don't know about 'iconic' but this was my set as a child for a long time. I did everything and went everywhere with it. I loved the living heck out of this little spacecraft. LONG LIVE BLACKTRON!
    1 point
  50. Arggh, click the video and watch, swabby!
    1 point
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