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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2014 in all areas

  1. OK since you have it all figured out then I suggest you go and start your own lego how to do it website. You have been skating on thin ice here the past few days and we have been pretty lenient with you but it stops now or you will no longer be a member here. If you want to be a part of this community knock off the trolling. If you don't want to be a part of it I can help you leave. The decision is yours.
    5 points
  2. People need to learn from others' mistakes and only use IPR (Immediate Payment Required) on eBay
    3 points
  3. I just spoke to LEGO CS and they just agreed for me to return mine after 6 months! But, I pay the postage. I no longer have faith in this set and can't stand the Simpsons anyway. I may revisit in a few years when EOL is expected as I bought way too early. For the sake of
    3 points
  4. I think we need to summarize the last 5 or 6 pages. Fallingwater is a great set. So are most Architecture sets. They have no minifigures. Patience is needed. People are not making money flipping the a $100 set for $130. Real resellers flip Elsa's Shiny Shack or whatever it's called.
    3 points
  5. Instead of debating and banging it out on the keyboard, cut a promo like this one and post it. It will be far more entertaining.
    3 points
  6. It's not just Lego I take to the extreme, I am also an avid fan of Christmas lights, and so I thought I'd share my Christmas light display with all of you: Anyone else taking it to the extreme with Christmas decorating? Thanks, Jim
    2 points
  7. Definitely poofed right now. I'm pretty sure it hasn't been in stock for an hour or so.
    2 points
  8. *head asplode* I don't even care if it's canon or not, this would be awesome. A power functions train in some sort of a space city setup would be awesome. While we're at it, how about a Star Wars modular. :-)
    2 points
  9. Now Matthew doesn't exist for a few days. If his attitude continues when he gets back from his vacation, it will become permanent.
    2 points
  10. ..and by fascinating you mean awesome/ridiculous/cha-ching.
    2 points
  11. Funny, I actually contacted a distant relative who lives in London just to catch up and had mentioned this set. Her husband is from Denmark and so I asked if he was flying through Billund anytime soon. He wasn't, but his dad was coming to visit them the next day and flying through Billund. I will be receiving 3 of these. No word if he actually could have bought more, but I'll take it!
    2 points
  12. Wow, my mine just went for 130 including shipping - my biggest ever profit!
    2 points
  13. I think the over saturation theory might be a product of us finally paying attention to the stock levels instead of just walking past them like they were galaxy squad
    2 points
  14. This was my first quarter to sell Legos that I've been acquiring all year. Did well with advents (except the two Friends that will have to wait until next year), unloaded my readily-available tumblers for a small profit and will restock towards EOL, and sold all of my Riding Camps for a tidy profit each. Other Friends did not sell, but they did not sell out and/or were not retired. I think next Christmas should be better when more of my sets are retired and gone. I didn't even bother listing City, Technic, or Star Wars this year (not retired long enough and waiting for episode 7). CL brought out the weird and insane this season. Two people trying to offer below MSRP claiming I should give it to them for X or less because "it's available at TRU for X but is sold out." And despite "cash only", I've had people try to barter for ammunition, a Wii, and tattoo services.
    1 point
  15. I'm done trying to catch this falling knife on ebay. I'll let the bottom feeders fight out sub-$10 profits and clear their inventories before the launch date. I'll leave my high-priced CL ad up just in case somebody needs one Dec 23rd. My hope is that they sell out early next year.
    1 point
  16. Yeah, I've had to do it once or twice in the past, and I believe eBay has always taken action, but by the time they get around to it, the offending auction is already over or the damage was already done.
    1 point
  17. Remember back in the dark ages when companies could not advertise prescription meds? It would be sooo nice to go back to that. The commercials lately basically tell you exactly what to say to your doctor to insure you get x Rx.
    1 point
  18. Just an update...I called Lego customer service and explained the situation. I told them to charge my card and they did. The woman I spoke to had no idea these were being double shipped. As a thank you, she didn't charge me any sales tax. -Jeff
    1 point
  19. Many stores have them now, lot of new sets, too - got to admit, I love the friends sets TRU has a ton of '15 sets, but won't put anything out until 1/1. Oh well. Got one Elsa set for my daughter and I'm happy.
    1 point
  20. The movie was a lot better than I thought it would be. I think the problem was they made a movie for adults and marketed it for children.
    1 point
  21. LEGO, not a retailer or I would of posted it. Not very happy with the set compared to the first one. Looked over it some more and its really basic.
    1 point
  22. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few days. I am sticking around 250.00 and if it goes it goes ( and I bet it does), but If not then I have a couple NIB after the holidays and a lot less competition at that point.
    1 point
  23. Ebay. Although I haven't been paid yet and the buyer hasn't made any purchases in over a year so might be counting my chickens before they hatched.
    1 point
  24. Here is the ebay shipping thread http://community.brickpicker.com/topic/11566-ebaycom-shipping-questions-and-answers/ To answer your question, you click "Offer additional service" under the primary shipping service you offer. It should bring up an additional line item that you can fill out.
    1 point
  25. Just sold an AA for $299.95. I put an absurd price on it, thinking it wouldn't sell but would be stoked if it did. Well I'm stoked!
    1 point
  26. I've had good sales (especially Star Wars) except for the pink sets. It looks like Friends and Princesses will be going back into storage until retirement.
    1 point
  27. Quick review of The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies (no real spoilers). First off, let me get it out there that the Lord of the Rings trilogy might be my favorite movie of all-time. Yes, it has some flaws, but it hits all the right notes so many times that I can easily forgive its weaknesses. Anyway, the Hobbit trilogy, I knew going in, would never be able to reach those same lofty heights. The story is just...well, it's really just a treasure hunt, so the stakes aren't as high. The newest (and last!) film set in Middle Earth starts off where the last movie ended with a breathtaking attack by Smaug on Laketown. It looks just amazing. But the same opening-act energy is never quite achieved again in the rest of the film, although the barrage of will never really leave you bored. However, the inherent flaw in The Hobbit movies is that you just don't care about the characters as much as you did in Lord of the Rings. I think it's because there are less humans. We don't connect as well with dwarves, elves and wizards and Beorns. I think that was why my favorite character in this third film is Bard the Bowman. He grounds the film. Anyway, I enjoyed the film. It is probably the best of the three Hobbit films, but still, it should have just been two movies, not three. Too much filler, and Thanksgiving was just a few weeks ago so I'm stuffed. I give it 7/10.
    1 point
  28. Yes, it's a shame that the beginning is not included at the end of the second movie... Bard is great. Overall this movie is ok (let's say it's the best of the three) but some parts are still meh. I'm not sure if I'll see it again in DVD (while I see LOTR movies each time a year). IMO a good way to see immediately the difference between hobbit movies and LOTR movies, is to compare Alfrid with Grima...
    1 point
  29. And thanks to you guys who recommended getting this one - no way would I have touched based on my own knowledge.
    1 point
  30. The way karma really works is he should contact them and let the know the mistake they made. You are trying to twist the definition to suit you, or maybe you were being sarcastic?
    1 point
  31. You access a vendor's site through the GCR site, and accumulate a rebate for a % of the amount sold there. Another similar site is ******.ca Both are well established and legit. ****** is offering 4% back on Wallie purchases right now. I use ****** and the every few months I get a check in the mail. The % varies by vendor. Sometimes GCR has better rates, other times it is ******. Kind on nice to get 4% + 2% on the credit card. BUT I missed this ToO deal and am VERY jealous of the box pictures. $#$!)$$($!*
    1 point
  32. I think Jonathan Quick needs to retire after tonight. Tarasenko is god
    1 point
  33. Lego brand bingo dabbers are a must.
    1 point
  34. I think with the mini T1 and Spaceman promo from a few months back, it was pretty significantly discounted. I do have others for which I paid close to MSRP though. This Fall, it looked like the T1 might be done and I'd rather have the sets than not.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. reading you both go back and forth reminds me of.... SO let's be civil and let it be. better yet "let it go". stay on topic and don't make things personal. this is the public warning.
    1 point
  37. Just chill and do a search on eBay for items sold. Scroll down a bit and you'll find many that just sold over the past few days at RRP or less.
    1 point
  38. I have lost 31lbs in the last 12-14 months by simply doing three things....1) no more 4th meal 2) decreasing proportion sizes 3) hitting the weights. I am now lighter and looking way better than back in college! (and that was a long time ago) My wife and I have been working hard at this and it has done nothing but incredible things for our relationship! Just gaining more self confidence will make a world of difference!
    1 point
  39. Just can't help myself. "He tried to make me go to rehab and I was like, 'Pfft, no no no.'"
    1 point
  40. I keep my diet very clean. Stopped eating meat ten years ago. Still eat fish but only wild caught salmon. No cheese, milk, or butter. I do eat yogurt. No soda. I run 3-4 times a week 4-8 miles a shot. I have two lakes nearby with beautiful trails to run at. Doc says bloodwork and heartrate are perfect. It takes a lot of willpower. Burgers still smell good to me and running when its 40 degrees and raining is not fun. Not for everyone but it's what works for me.
    1 point
  41. Received my RI and AT-RT from TRU, tomorrow i get their A-Wings. Not too happy about TRU not using any padding in their boxes though. Plus they choose the strangest shipping options, like Purolator Air to ship something from Etobicoke to the other side of town.
    1 point
  42. I see in the simpsons theme the same potential as square sponge bob. While it'll be ok in the US, I would pass the whole theme as an investment in europe. And I also think that this set already is hoarded by tons of people who usually do not invest in legos (and made an exception for this set).
    1 point
  43. The fruitcakes seem to be running rampant on eBay lately. It's that time of year, so I should not expect any different. The ching ching of the eBay app sure does make one feel good, but the notification that you get when you have message from a buyer causes the exact opposite! Ugh, what next. There must be something in the water.
    1 point
  44. You need to get some polybags or mixels to get hits and raise your search results. If your auctions are getting ignored you are not getting good enough placement. Ebay's search placement relies heavily on amount of items sold, % of sell through, pricing, feedback & scores etc. Even if you have good feedback and scores but your items move slowly due to price or whatever the reason is you will not place higher in the search standings. While you're in this position you need to be cheaper by a decent amount to get any hits. If an item sells for $150 for everyone else it might be $135-140 for you. I know people will get that random sale that goes high and think it does not matter what you price at but for building up higher search placement it is very important to have a high sell through %. In future buy 10-20 of something that sells instantly like RR , Snowman Poly, Series 2 mixels , anything that will get more transactional sales for you and raise your search standings. Your purpose is not making money on those items so just put them at whatever the fastest selling rate is. Those are easy items that don't take any time to pack. If limits are an issue you need to be hitting them each month anyways so you can call each month and have them raised. So if your limits are 100 per month (just using that as an example) and you are only selling 30-40 items you need to sell 60 things to hit that number. Once you hit you call and they will usually go to 250 or so. Now you will have the extra listings to do these type of listings to keep raising your search status without taking away from your valuable listings. That will increase your sales each month. You'll eventually hit TRS just off the amount of transactions which will also increase your search tremendously. Free shipping also raises your search a lot. If you are doing fixed price anyways theres no point not to do free shipping. If you are selling an item at $90 and $10 free shipping you are way better off doing $100 with free shipping. You will sell more guaranteed in the long run. Ebay wants fast free shipping and ads that offer it will receive greater exposure. Now you may not have time or even want to do this but if you are planning on getting more hits and selling more product that is what needs to be done.
    1 point
  45. It's been pretty much decided that that catalog is a poor indicator of EOL.
    1 point
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