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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2014 in all areas

  1. Pay no attention to what's on the left but instead check out the Age of Ultron sets on the right. (Click on image to enlarge cause it's huge.)
    6 points
  2. MC bundle .... all 10 sets including microworlds ... $760
    5 points
  3. As requested and cause I've seen some random Posts about it: here is a new thread to discuss nutrition, exercise, active lifestyle interests and the like. New year is approaching and as always many will say I'm gonna get in shape..... It'll last a month. So the timing of this thread I think and hope can provide some inspiration. I have a passion for lifting weights, snowboarding, hiking, camping, and finding new ways to stay fit. I am more then happy to answer any questions regarding eating choices and weightlifting either on this thread or via pm. I know how I feel and how my body reacts to certain foods and such and I've always found that interesting. I know sometimes it's hard to find time exercise or squeezing an extra snack in etc but it can be done. just about consistency and routine. Lift hard. Eat smart. Have fun while doing it. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Brickpicker mobile app
    4 points
  4. The thing is that Emazers' advice and strategy will only work as long as the amount of capital invested in the sets that he continually touts remains -- on an aggregate basis -- near historical levels (or demand grows in proportion to the amount of capital invested). As more money flows into that type of set, there will be more of those sets on the secondary market and the longer they will take to appreciate. Don't get me wrong, it's still a good strategy and one that I certainly practice to a degree, but the Emazers of the world seem to assume that the world as it exists today is static and unchanging such that what has historically been a sure thing will now and forever more remain a sure thing. However, as more resellers generate more money from this strategy, the more money there will be out there searching for a place to land and if that money is continually re-invested into this strategy, the strategy becomes unsustainable. I'm already seeing this happen. I had a very modest number of FBs and they have been very slow to move this year. I'm deeper on GE and will be interested to see if the pattern repeats. The next few years will be very revealing as to the long-term viability of that strategy.
    4 points
  5. Glad you started this thread, kid. I am a short, fat, Italian guy. I didn't have six pack abs; I had a keg for abs. About 3 years ago, I started weightlifting with a friend. We did it at work, and it was convenient to go our on lunch hour. I actually had trouble squatting the bar the first time I did it. However, through hard work, I was able to get myself over 300 lbs. The pounds started to come off, and I shed about 30 lbs, and was still about 10 lbs from my goal. I went paleo to help me get my diet under control. About 2 years ago, I decided to add running into the mix. I worked myself up to 5Ks, and then eventually to half marathons. I ended up running 5 half marathons before I decided to retire. Training for a half marathon is a lot of work, and it takes a lot of time. You have to be mentally ready to go for a training run that will last two hours some days. It can be brutal. When I was running, I hated it (while I was running). When the run was over, it was fantastic. About a year and a half ago, I started to loosen up my diet. And I shifted from a mix of weightlifting and running to strictly running. What a mistake. Although it was great to go for a run, I totally blew it. The pounds starts to come back, and I'm back to where I was 3 years ago. I've had a lot stress at work lately, and it's really contributed to my lack of desire to get into shape again. It's really contributed to my lack of working out. Every couple of days I say, "this week's the week!" or "I'm not going to eat back after today." And, after a day, I've blown it again. I'm hoping that this thread is going to help motivate me to get my ass back into the gym, and get back out there running. I want to get back to lifting over 300 lbs. And I now that I've run half marathons, I'd be happy to just keep it to 5Ks, and work on getting my time further down. You may have motivated me to head over to the gym at lunch today. I've got all my stuff, I just need to do it.
    3 points
  6. The people who buy this type of set are a different type of collector than your "typical" Lego collector. I personally know three people that display architecture sets in their respective offices and they have two things in common: Each person only owns Architecture sets and each person has lots of disposable income.
    3 points
  7. These aren't the sets you're looking for :waves hand: you do not want to purchase Fallingwater... Move along.
    3 points
  8. I have been watching these retired Architecture sets make some nice gains once they are retired. Take a look at the John Hancock Center. A $20 set selling for $100. Fallingwater is even more unique than that. People have ignored these sets and they are all appreciating very well once they retire...which is now starting to happen. Members are complaining about profits and such, yet I constantly real threads about Elsa and Rocket Raccoon. Those sets are OK and fine short term, but if you want a quality and classic set that will continue to appreciate with time and has low MSRPs, the Architecture sets are it.
    3 points
  9. To not be modest, I actually dropped 32lbs from June to mid September this year and I'm still losing weight in bits and pieces. My hockey team had a weight loss challenge that I won and made $160 ( bought the team round after the game). 2 key factors for my weight loss is 1) I drastically reduced my carb intake. I will usually get my carbs from fruit not breads. 2) I eat to not be hungry instead of eating to be full. This is the lightest I've been in over ten years and I have to say it feels great.
    3 points
  10. We should have a thread on this. What do u eat. I'd love to help anyone who has any interest in cleaning up their diets and such. Thought about doing personal training before. Pizza taste so much better when you eat good for a whole week and then reward yourself on like a Sunday.
    3 points
  11. Not an opinion I share, but I suppose there are a few people that hate money...
    3 points
  12. So the Imperial Guard (red-caped guy on the far left) frequent gentleman's clubs when on leave. No big surprise there. But what is the R2 unit doing with that fire hydrant in the foreground?
    3 points
  13. Not trying to toot my own horn too loudly, but I had an annual goal for gross revenue....and I just passed it today! It's a number that I'm proud of - doing this part time to feed my own collection - Now let's see if I can blow it out with a couple weeks left!
    3 points
  14. OK since you have it all figured out then I suggest you go and start your own lego how to do it website. You have been skating on thin ice here the past few days and we have been pretty lenient with you but it stops now or you will no longer be a member here. If you want to be a part of this community knock off the trolling. If you don't want to be a part of it I can help you leave. The decision is yours.
    2 points
  15. The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear. -Buddy the Elf
    2 points
  16. Awsome man. Just do it as Nike says. I am aware that unlike many here I don't have kids, have a lot of free time and such and I do understand how those things can make th ing more difficult. Sometimes in life you have to see sacrifices. I retired from video games last year. I'll never understand running and just running. Especially as a dude it lowers testosterone. I do cardio but not a ton of it for many reasons as stated above. As for things like p90x it's not the best. Think about this. Does any professional athletes do these infomercial workouts? Or do they just go to the gym? I'm not saying you need to train like an athlete and I feel most of you sent trying to be jacked...... You just want to be in some semblance of shape so you can build a Legos et or play catch with your kids without passing out. Haha. Don't over train either. I lift 4 days a week. Get sleep. Nothing will be accomplished without sleep. You will seriously get sick and be run down. I highly highly recommend the book the new rules of lifting by lou schuler and alwyn Cosgrove. If anyone is serious about this and tight on funds I'll buy you the book. It changed my life. Grest read and makes things practical for people. So many people want to lift or get on shape but just don't know what to do. They go to the gym and either get hurt have no system, or give up out of confusion. All those muscle magazines and such are straight up crap. Let me know how it goes for you. You've been there before you know how you felt just do it again. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Brickpicker mobile app
    2 points
  17. Yeah because we all know that all ebay sold listings are legit........you must be new here. Welcome to BP.
    2 points
  18. I am no longer an athlete or lifter, just trying my best to eat good and stay as healthy as possible. This is coming from an "average guy" perspective. I follow the below about 85% of the time. Stay away from sugar, msg (excito-toxins), gmos, and processed things as much as possible. It's unrealistic to completely eliminate these items, and in small doses they are not harmful. But most people's intake of these items are multiples of 100% more than it should be every day and over time it's killing us and modifying our dna. Breakfast: homemade bars with lots of goodies, nuts, seeds, etc. Lunch: sandwich or leftovers from previous dinner, lots of fruit, trailmix, greek yogurt with frozen berries, raw veggies Dinner: fresh protein, a starch, and a cooked veggie. Protein is usually chicken, turkey, or fish but occasionally pork or beef The thing is, if you have a lot of spices you can make a simple chicken breast taste like a different restaurant quality meal every night. Just play with different combos. I used to spice while cooking but have turned to spicing while it rests except for spices that need some cook time. Meals take 30 minutes or less to make which is actually quicker than getting in a car, driving to fast food, driving home, and then eating. I am not a total nut about it, still eat bread, cheese, and an occasional meal out. Also eat full fat everything, bought into the "low fat / no fat" scam for years until I started reading ingredients and wondering what exactly they put in its place. Turns out it was msg, lots of chemicals, and boatloads of sugar.
    2 points
  19. Remember how much I said I love cheeseburgers? Well I wasn't kidding.
    2 points
  20. "I'm selling so much, but my stock keeps getting bigger!" Try using lunch to......... eat lunch instead of scavenging stores for LEGO
    2 points
  21. I keep my diet very clean. Stopped eating meat ten years ago. Still eat fish but only wild caught salmon. No cheese, milk, or butter. I do eat yogurt. No soda. I run 3-4 times a week 4-8 miles a shot. I have two lakes nearby with beautiful trails to run at. Doc says bloodwork and heartrate are perfect. It takes a lot of willpower. Burgers still smell good to me and running when its 40 degrees and raining is not fun. Not for everyone but it's what works for me.
    2 points
  22. Cheapest Fallingwater available as a buy it now with shipping on ebay at this moment is $132. No one is selling it at $90. And by January, no one will be selling it at less than $150.
    2 points
  23. folks are intoxicted with sales, reality comes after
    2 points
  24. Well. I'm speechless. I got this email just now. Only one I'm a little reluctant of is the mine. Thank you for agreeing to sell your inventory unit(s) to Amazon.com for use in fulfilling an out-of-stock customer order. We have recently purchased the following unit(s) from your inventory B0050R0XEG / LEGO Creator Volkswagen T1 Cam / 2 / $249.99 / $424.98 B00GSN5BWA / LEGO Creator 31013 Red Thunder / 6 / $17.49 / $89.20 B00MJYDIGS / LEGO Minecraft 21114 The Farm / 5 / $89.99 / $382.46 B00MJYDDCW / LEGO Minecraft The Mine / 1 / $249.99 / $212.49 B00MJYDHHS / LEGO Minecraft Crafting Box / 8 / $149.99 / $1019.93 B00J4S6UYO / LEGO City Trains Cargo Train B / 1 / $299.99 / $254.99
    2 points
  25. Does anyone here pay taxes on their Lego income? I see a lot of talk about great returns, but they always seem to leave out or ignore the taxes that will be owed on those earnings.
    2 points
  26. Let me preface this. If you are trolling, it's annoying as its you're second similar comment today. Otherwise I'm going to assume you are in the dark so I'll give you a free lesson. This set is gold. It's up 80 bucks in 4 days via Amazon. It's not retired. It's a frank Lloyd design. This et will sell for 250.00 by this time next year. Please take a screenshot of my post. The fire brigade is a very hoarded set, do I *** just fine. Tower Bridge will do big money.... Been out forever. The deathstar can remain out for another ten years..... It will do well. I'm not sure what you are expecting a thousand dollars or something? Speculation and opinions are one thing but when you refute fact it looks like trolling. You could buy one at retail now and sell on Amazon for a 50.00 profit. As Ed said arch is ignored. If you follow the signs and see what certain ones do with a certain name attached you will know what I am targeting next as a very solid investment and will be buying many of. You're welcome. Class dismissed.
    2 points
  27. Stole this from SD. Not the novels but inside season 1&2 with maps MSRP $150 on sale for $25 with free Prime Shipping. Don't select the Hardcover for $24 that is just the book not the collectible set. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1612185738/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Use PROMO Code BOOKDEAL25 for another 25% off brings it down to $18.70
    2 points
  28. Crazy. I have gotten discounts a number of times at Walmart. Last time was the Unexpected Gatherings just a month ago. I got the toy manager over there and asked him how much the clearly marked sets were. He said $49. I sighed and said they were old and I figured they would have gone down by now. He said $35 and I said sold. I could be wrong, but I get the feeling if a manager there says they can't do something for you, they are lying because they don't want to help you or are lazy or they are just ignorant of the rules. I doubt they would do it for me and risk their jobs if it was against corporate policy. But who knows, maybe it was Stan Kroenke's son.
    1 point
  29. It's in your seller settings. It's not in each listing. Start poking around in there. As soon as I can get into eBay I'll try to give you more direction.
    1 point
  30. You have to wait to process the non-paying buyers. I think 4 business days and then it's another r 4 business days after the filing to release the funds back to you. Look at their information on the shipping page and sometimes it includes a phone number. I'm not above making a personal call to them
    1 point
  31. I started my life/health transformation over 7 years ago when I quit my 2 pack a day smoking habit cold freaking turkey. Fast forward 2 years and 25 extra pounds... Decided to do something - was sick all the time and at my heaviest at 215 lbs on a 6'1" frame, so I cut out soda, sweets, junk/fast food and got on the old P90X wagon. That was just the start... Been through about 6 different informercial workouts from The p90x folks and I'm down to a lean 165# - maintaining under 10% BF in my late 30s. That's a first ever, and I lived in gyms from high school through my mid twenties. My diet is completely plant-based now (over a year) and was a pescaritarian for about 2 years before that. Quitting dairy changed my life - I have never been healthier. Diet is 80% of the game. Strength, flexibility, and range of motion should everyone's goal. How you get there is highly personal. Just don't skip your yoga, people.
    1 point
  32. Here in the Scandinavia Star Wars is popular. And Legos are big (among children). New trilogy will be huge. But UCS sets (same with other exclusives) are rare, its a new thing here,the whole AFOL thing is. But its growing. People are slowly learning about LEGO Shop at Home, exclusives etc. shops have started to offer them (mostly online). It will get bigger and new Star Wars will make a big impact.
    1 point
  33. I started working out again a few months ago simply because I work more in front of the computer now than out in the field. When I was a golf course supt., I was busting my ass 12 hours a day so staying in good shape and keeping the pounds off was as easy as showing up for work. Now at the University at essentially the same job, I am in front of a screen more and doing paperwork because, well, that's what state employees do. I've been around 165-170 lbs. for years, but just had gotten softer, so since my office is at the rec center, I have no excuse to not get some lifting/exercise in. I still need to do more running, but loving the added strength and getting back to high school/college level in that area. It just takes longer now to recover being in the late 30s.
    1 point
  34. Scarlet Witch/Vision/Quicksilver are only in 1 set each. Hulkbuster looks to be the coolest of them. Avengers Tower will be a must have. The quintet looks to be about the same size as the old one or slightly smaller.
    1 point
  35. I thought that was kind of a given, no? The only thing in life that are certain are EOL and taxes. Usually the tax talk is in full swing by March.
    1 point
  36. Grande emanuele....forze fresche dall'Italia
    1 point
  37. I had a complete set of new MC on ebay for $440 plus shipping for 2 weeks and no one bit. Had over 100 views and 2 watchers but that's it. So last night I opened it up and split it all up and listed them all separate. Within 3 hours all sold except Ender Dragon for $410 in combined sales plus shipping for each. All I have left of MC are two 21117. Looks like I might be holding those two for a while, but not bad considering I started off with 10 21113, 6 21114, 8 21115, 6 21116, 2 21117, 2 21118. In hindsight I should have got more 21118. My last one went for $16 plus shipping.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. New base-plates colors announced: Avocado + Harvest Gold.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Had me going until she mentioned 2012.. Guess she doesn't know about DS, TB, GE, PS, T1, etc...
    1 point
  42. Wouldn't want you to get your hands dirty with all those Mixels to ship ;)
    1 point
  43. Stop spying on me that's creepy.... I have no kids, I'm 26. I care about investing, lifting heavy things, pro wrestling and enjoying pooping more as I just got the marvel encyclopedia. :)
    1 point
  44. Don't worry the DS is on its last Leg and the ones that don't have any or just a few well we will see them on the Panic Buying wagon, just like the other Exclusives that retired in the last few months, so if you don't have any you bet start getting a few or it will be another set you regreted not getting and this could be the last $400 set that we be retiring . "SO GET THOSE DS" It will be a big money maker. Ed
    1 point
  45. I can confirm that Legoland florida is out of stock all lego and enforcing the ban hammer for any purchase over $50. Nobody ever go there. The first rule of Legoland FL is we don't talk about Legoland FL.
    1 point
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