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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2014 in all areas

  1. A few pics of my TWDLE. It arrived right before Thanksgiving. Big hit with the family, it got played non stop all weekend.
    6 points
  2. I'm more intrigued by the pinball machine you have there...
    4 points
  3. that is with the global shipping program. Based in Kentucky. I would ship it to him. I get people with 0 feedback all the time, no problems. Sent from my XT1049 using Brickpicker mobile app
    3 points
  4. Having the Christmas spirit in me today, I thought I would start a thread where people could share stories or incidents affecting people other than themselves pertaining to Lego in a positive way. ie. Making a kids day because you didn't want that shredder polybag that you randomly gave him. I know this forum is about investing, making money, knowing what our plastic is worth etc. etc. but it feels like we forget how the end result can really affect people who whole heartedly love Lego. I will start with a link a coworker sent me today. http://globalnews.ca/news/1722843/how-kevin-bieksa-buying-a-star-wars-lego-set-changed-a-young-mans-life/
    3 points
  5. 15 Mixels series 2. Completed a full set and some coloured trios. Used a $15 off coupon and received the $20 off next purchase coupon. Then I went "cannonball run" to the next TrU since the coupon offer was only good from 9am-12pm. I picked up 6 arctic batmans @ 25% off and received another $20 off next purchase coupon. Originally I grabbed 5 76000s, milled around a bit and went back. I suggested to a mom "You should grab one of these because I don't think you'll find another "white knight", and it's on sale". Needless to say she picked one up. Does this make me less of an a**hole for emptying the shelf by grabbing the last one?
    3 points
  6. I do not get ebay buyers. I put creative tower at 85 and no bite. I bumped the price to 90 and boom, I sold 1
    2 points
  7. Erlanger, Kentucky how I love thee...$5.90 for 2lbs 6 ounces 12x10x6. I was also adding up profit v cost on my latest bulk lot and figured out that I've sent 12,340 used Lego pieces plus a couple dozen loose minifigures to happy new homes, less than 1/5 of this total lot. Sigh. I think I may be getting a little tired of bulk. It's awesome when you are building out sets you're interested in, a tedious grind with sets you couldn't care less about.
    2 points
  8. Buy at $40, sell at $95-ish same or next day. You hate money?
    2 points
  9. Creator Family House, Finally. 4($42.00*.8*.95).
    2 points
  10. Ha I bought it. Gotta spend all these lego profits on something. I'll post some pics on the pinball news thread before walkers derail this thread.
    2 points
  11. It looks the same every time I see it.
    2 points
  12. I think what some people may not realize is that sets could be retiring faster and stock running lower simply because more people are on this site and hoping to make money. In a round about way that helps those who already buy an sell because the stock is lower for the regular retail customer and more quickly drives the aftermarket and retirement prices higher. A couple of tips for sellers The most important tip I could give anyone would be to sell on Craigslist and maybe Bricklink if possible before any other site, especially Craigslist. Simply bypassing all the ridiculous fees and shipping and even possibly boxing up the set will save you a ton of time and effort. Ebay also isn't very seller friendly in general, this will probably change in the future though. There are some other offshoot Ebay like sites but I haven't used them yet(eCrater). I've only sold 1 or 2 very large sets on Amazon and I'm always wary because their A-Z guarantee can really hurt the seller if the buyer claims anything. The buyer literally can provide no evidence and get a refund. 1. Unless you're at PowerSeller status, you usually won't be able to charge as much as those who are, nor will you get some of the benefits. 2. If you are planning to sell thousands of dollars worth of sets, you probably want to start an Ebay Store rather than just be a regular seller. I believe this runs anywhere from $30-50 more per month but it lowers the fees and gives you other benefits. You are usually held to a higher selling standard though which may be difficult to meet. 3. You probably want to open a Fedex/UPS account on each website and when shipping items compare all the rates. If you know someone who will let you ship out items from their business at their business rate you can save a good amount of money, but that's not possible for most people. 4. Use gift cards and coupons and promos to purchase boxes through Staples/Uline. Or like some people have said, if possible find a local store that throws lots of boxes and paper away such as a Vitamin Supplement store (GNC, Vitamin Shop) and see if you can get some of their throwaway boxes. Even if it's just for padding, it could be useful. 5. Package up your sets more securely than you think you need. Add extra padding because even when you pay for "premium" type shipping such as priority those FEDEX and UPS drivers will still may toss the boxes around or place heavier boxes on top of them when they shouldn't. 6. I've found that the insurance in some cases isn't worth buying. Unless your buyer agrees to file the insurance claim if you go through FEDEX you won't have an easy time filing the claim. 7. Never use FEDEX smartpost for anything valuable.. ever and Ebay will give you a shipping discount if you purchase through their website which uses either FEDEX or USPS. If you have a business account with a deal you will save more all the time but the EBAY discount is still better than nothing. 8. Reuse padding envelopes from stuff you buy and just reseal them with tape and put the label on top of the old one etc. 9. Use an excel spreadsheet to track differen't costs so you know how much money you're really making. You may also want to track how much time your spending to see if doing this investing and selling is even worth it because in many cases it won't be worth the stress and time for a couple hundred or even a few thousand extra dollars for anyone with a regular job or family.
    2 points
  13. 1. Take apart 2. Wash & dry 3. Rebuild (bricklink any missing pieces) 4. Photograph 5. Disassemble and place in zip locks by floor (photograph in zip locks too so your buyer knows what to expect) 6. List on ebay for $1,000,000 (or going BIN) 7. Ship once it sells 8. Have a cold one 9. No one ever said this would be easy.
    2 points
  14. Hello, digging for more information to reaffirm and add a little to what I saw in an older thread. So I bought a used Grand Emporium from a guy today and the thing was covered in a couple years worth of dust and dirt. No instructions or box. It was completely built though and I compared it to mine and the thing appeared 100% complete. I wanted to clean it so I submerged it in water and started pulling the bricks apart. It was way easier in my head to pull the whole set apart than reality, lol. I got tired of trying to pull apart every little piece so I now I have a mess of top two floors looking like a bomb exploded with the base level sort of there and intact. For the time and expectations of buyers on ebay, what would you all have done? If I could go back in time I would have taken a picture of it assembled before I started my shenanigans, lol. Would you just damp cloth clean it, hose it off all intact, or do what I did and start to take apart every piece and clean it with mild soap? I assumed buyers would want the thing disassembled, but now for the time it's taking and also realizing it's just a giant unorganized mess, I'm starting to second guess myself, especially with not including instructions. Should I take the time to organize the mess by any sort of system? Thanks for your help. P.S. - Dual wielding brick separators did not have the epic effect I thought it would on this tear down.
    1 point
  15. Elsa on amz 124.95 I have sold out my xmas stock. Considering selling some spongebob 3818s. Was going to save them another year but the selling gets addictive.
    1 point
  16. I sold one on amazon. Just put it is in stock and and ships immediately in the details.
    1 point
  17. The lot I am working on was over 150 pounds when I started, 6 58 quart containers of mixed bricks plus one with big chunks of sets and 3 smaller bins of mixed bricks and some bigger pieces of sets. It did come with all the instruction books and some of the newer sets the mini figs are whole, the rest are either stripped to the torso or put together in entertaining combinations. So far I've sold 39 complete sets from it with 7783 (times two) being the star. Among the other highlights 7498, 8097, 3222, 7675 plus a very nice UCS Batmobile 7784 that I'm thinking of keeping. I paid $625 for this lot and have pulled out maybe 20-30% of what's in it. Bulk lots are messy and tedious, but very lucrative. That's why we keep buying more of them. I'm still trying to figure out why the people I bought this lot from had two complete Batcaves.
    1 point
  18. I love this forum. I mentioned the other day that I had missed out on the B-Wing @ $25 sale. Someone here on the board (I'm not naming names) stepped up and told me they'd be glad to sell me the one they picked up at their cost. I declined the offer - they got the deal, I didn't, and I've already got a ton to build. But I love that there are awesome people here that do stuff for one another like that.
    1 point
  19. I think you're the official first West Coast sighting of that, until now it's all been South East.
    1 point
  20. I think we can use a new thread called, "how is trek's do'in". If I may, i think your biz should be renamed, Stargate Trek City Brick Company (made up name and not related to the company with a similar name). Then you can hire me. Ha
    1 point
  21. You'll make profit. I was reluctant to buy them when I saw a big palette of them at the local warehouse priced at 57 I think. I doubted long time to pick it up, but in the end, I didn't. It was during the 'Town Hall is going' period. 55
    1 point
  22. When S@H was giving away free speedorz with every purchase I took all the ones I received (about 30 of them) to a local children's hospital and donated them. I assume they made some sick children very happy.
    1 point
  23. you need to write a book . I'll buy :)
    1 point
  24. I found a few of these at my local stores, but pondering if I should pick them up now for $40 ea. Why you all hate X-Wings so much!
    1 point
  25. I think you're alternative will make you break the seals on the toilet paper
    1 point
  26. Wisconsin D was #4 because they played High School teams ie..Bowling Green, Rutgers, Western Ill, South Fla, Maryland.
    1 point
  27. I definitely agree with this. The Canadian market is a little different in my limited experience. Deals are more scarce so people are willing to pay a bit more for Lego. Also, like Veegs said it cost $40 here instead of $30 in the US.
    1 point
  28. Found 4 Creative Buckets 10662 at Walmart yesterday at $30 each. Sold them all for $56 each + shipping today.
    1 point
  29. Today has been slower but I have had a very good season on my sales. It could be better but I am very happy. Dropped 45 packages off today last 2-3 days orders. Hope things work out for everyone.
    1 point
  30. I've flipped 3 locally for $80 a piece cash. I should have bought more...
    1 point
  31. That one is mine She is always in the middle of everything as you can see here
    1 point
  32. I would like to remind everyone that two mediocre Big12 teams seem to be doing just fine in the SEC.... And yes, Choklahoma had a TERRIBLE year....
    1 point
  33. That looks awfully small for $200k...I'm thinking that's off a bit. Only if they had a BP'er to do their shopping...could have had 4 times that amount for the same price, sold it for double AND stayed out of jail.
    1 point
  34. Reinforcing that it never hurts to ask, the nice woman at the counter refunded me about $500 and even added $15 extra for the Michigan overcharge law. Told her it wasn't necessary but she said they had to. So in the end the avg cost was $36.24 each....I owe someone in DD for getting me out to the store due to the Santa Bucks promo. Thanks!
    1 point
  35. because: 1. its retiring. brickset has its end date as 12/1/14. 2. its a sw original trilogy set with msrp over $100. it don't get more OT than the MF. it has OT minifigures. 3. its the second largest MF. no guarantee the next one is going to be bigger. maybe if i knew with 100% certainty and insider knowledge that there was going to be a 3000 piece MF in 2015, it might temper my enthusiasm. since I don't, i'm treating 7965 like its a cheap modular. 4. 3 and a half years after its release, it was the most "wish listed" SW lego set on amazon. that demand isn't going to just go away now that its not available for msrp from major retailers. i'm looking for 7965 to make the jump to 2.5x MSRP light space around this time next year barring bouncing too close to a supernova. don't forget - it made the kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.
    1 point
  36. Surprisingly, all 15 of my RI (21110) orders from Kmart on 11/21 shipped today. I know the kmart horror stories but I have had pretty good luck with them on RI the past few months.
    1 point
  37. I got lucky and found a lone family house at my target and got it for $34 plus tax after the 20% off coupon.
    1 point
  38. In regards to helping out people, I'll give you a little story: There are a lot of people collecting cardboard boxes to support themselves and I throw them outside my warehouse all the time to help them out. They would come around and cut them up and fold them into their pickup trucks. So One day, a collector told me to cut them up and stack them on the side of the building. Can you guess the end of this story?
    1 point
  39. I think your calculations are incomplete... It involves more time and work than a few clicks online, as your multiple US<->Canada travels would indicate. My day job surely pays more than time spent on Lego. But we are a household of builders, reselling the extra parts is also a matter of passion.
    1 point
  40. I can imagine the conversation over this set. "Hey buddy, whatca building?" "Yo momma."
    1 point
  41. Brickpicking is the surest form of Christmas Magic! /surest in the sense that your wallet will require some serious medical attention by the end of the season. If it makes it that long
    1 point
  42. Thought TRU shipped me a basketball hoop...nope, just 4 lil HLHs...could fit 30 sets in this box. No complaints though, all in decent enough condition:
    1 point
  43. This female lion was reunited with her caretaker after a couple of years. The footage speaks for itself. Goodnight.
    1 point
  44. The way she paced back & forth at the gate is a feeling I know all too well from my own pets. Haha.
    1 point
  45. Toysrus,.com - A lone Unimog with zero padding in a HUGE box.
    1 point
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