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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2014 in all areas

  1. I think there are plenty of people on this forum who will help the novice sellers out there, just don't ask for a step by step instruction manual. People have to do some homework themselves and the only real teacher is experience. I think many members get upset for instance when a new member comes on the site and requests a list of sets to buy or the best methods when selling. The info is here. Search for it. Study it. Then ask educated questions. The founding fathers of this site hate lazy people.
    8 points
  2. sorry to cause a major thread derailment. When I replied to mscheaf's post was just trying to put out there what needed to be done to get more exposure and why his items may or may not being ignored. Didn't know it would turn into a "not to help or help" debate. I'll always help with whatever advice I can in the fields I have a ton of expertise in. 15 years on ebay and 250,000+ feedbacks over that time period has taught me quite a few lessons and if I can share some of that advice with newer users than I am more than happy to (time permitting). All sorts of users on here give out plenty of info that helps us all out in there fields (stock levels, store inventories, coupons codes, script alerts etc etc). So for some to say giving out strategies to get higher search results and better sales is helping to much I don't buy into that. There is more than enough room for this business online. This site's success is based on help and information and that shows in its member growth. Just in the last week I've had multiple users help out in various ways through forums or pm's of which if they didn't post that or contact I would never have that info in the first place. So if I can help in my fields than that is my way of contributing to the community.
    6 points
  3. I just finished this massive project. It took so long. It's my first time capturing a technic build on video. I'm not sure why I went all out crazy, but I'm pleased with the results. I even included an extremely fast build on the Hovercraft at end. I hope you enjoy watching as much as I did building.
    5 points
  4. Wait...are you guys saying that you never have received BOGO for every order you've made in the past? I thought everyone got that deal...I always just figured it was an unwritten promo they ran... "Here's a Chima bike with your order and hey, if you lift that polybag up, under that you'll see..no no, keep going, under the random Bionicle promo flyer, lift that up. No no, that's the invoice. Now, take that out and you'll see...No, that's the circular with the page of random sets we need to increase sales on, lift that up. Oh dam**t, there's the keychain and the Jor-el, we sure do pack a lot of sh*t in here for you guys. Ok ok, now lift that up...There it is!! The EXTRA 10225 R2-D2 we tossed in for your loyalty. That's just a bonus because well, we like you. A lot."
    5 points
  5. Using an Apple device by any chance?
    4 points
  6. There are ways to help people without giving out all your trade secrets. Beginners who are smart will read through the blogs and posts and learn before they ask. Everyone is a novice at some point. Treat them with respect, but let them earn their information.
    4 points
  7. 5 MF 180 6 Elsa 110 3 Chi Lion Temple 150 4 Sith Interceptor 90 2 AA 280 3 20216 90 1 SC 180 Forest Police $90 3 X Wing $80 a bunch of random stuff too
    3 points
  8. That one is mine She is always in the middle of everything as you can see here
    3 points
  9. Just swapped them over to energizer. That's the last time Duracell embarrasses me on a public forum!
    3 points
  10. I hear LEGO is starting a new production run of AAs to make it up to the people who didn't get one. I guess the set is not done. That will serve you right!!
    3 points
  11. Have you ever had the desire to sell any? Or was it part of your master plan to keep building the collection until a certain point / timeframe. Just curious. To accumulate the mass amount of sets you have without selling a set is pretty amazing. Have you not sold anything at all across the board or just LEGO (I think I remember saying you collected the old Jordan sneakers as well) I personally have just always liked to buy and sell things. I do save stuff as well but for me its full time so income is a priority. back in 1999 was 24 and about to be promoted to a district manager for a retail company and was kind of doing ebay on the side and said screw it I'm going to try to make it work on my own. Everyone thought I was crazy but corporate retail was not for me. 15 years later still doing it.
    3 points
  12. Did a search on just my LEGO sales for the past 30 Days 59% of transactions were from 11/12-11/30 41% of transactions were from 12/1-12/12 Last 7 days 22% of transactions Pretty even % week by week considering the Nov part was 18 days of the 30. So if you factor in those 3 days as 3.2% makes it close to 50/50 so 25% per week. Couldn't ask for a more even ratio for packing weekly and not getting overly bombarded.
    2 points
  13. Yup there are a bunch more popping up on ebay. I think people just don't know about this set, otherwise they would be selling instantly. I just have one more to sell and one is going to my 7 year old niece. The only thing she loves more than legos is frozen and she has no idea this set exists. Can't wait to see the look on her face.
    2 points
  14. Preorder your Elsa's Castle through Amazon: http://www.amazon.co...=brickpicker-20
    2 points
  15. More Santa's Workshop just shipped from Toys R Us. Just in time to flip.
    2 points
  16. Woke up to an alert for RI at LEGO Shop at Home. This is what the page says: The Research Institute is available now online with limited quantities, so be sure to order as soon as possible. It is coming soon to LEGO
    2 points
  17. Fsu is a 8.5 pts underdog. (that's money in the bank) Osu is 9.5 pts underdog. (also money in the bank) Urban Meyers is a great coach. Used a 2nd String QB and demolished Wisconsin. (Wisconsin shouldn't be ranked period) FSU should be ranked ahead of Oregon, (imo, Oregon's only true victory was against MSU) FSU will most likely fired the Defensive Coordinator and maybe pickup Muschamp. They should rearranged the SEC. (the west is stacked) Ohio State over Baylor/Tcu was also a regional influence. (FSU, Bama, and Baylor or Tcu) All southern teams. Having said that, I think OSU was still the right choice especially after Wisconsin. Whichever team wins this year will by no ands, ifs or buts be the Champion of College Football, Hands down.
    2 points
  18. FWIW I'm completely willing to pick these up and ship to anyone at cost interested in them. I'll get the TRU rewards so it's a possible win-win.
    2 points
  19. Glad everyone is self justifying why to dump these. I'll self justify keeping and getting more. This is the best and LAST non UCS OT version of this with young OT characters. That has value. The next version will have Grandpa Solo in it and be for the new movie.
    2 points
  20. Nice listing and good luck! One of your watchers is me, because I want to see if anyone bites. One suggestion, possibly a minor one. I'd remove the part about it soon to be available on January 1. If potential buyers know they can get one at retail in a few short weeks it may limit your potential candidates.
    2 points
  21. I added a few sets that you requested I also added a new status for LEGO that will now show certain items as BACKORDERED which is the status where you can still add the items to cart, even if they won't ship for a few weeks. A few sets have that status now.
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. he meant "couple thousands sets"
    2 points
  24. Honestly. I'm just too busy with real job, the site and my family to start selling. Do I have any regrets about not selling? I used to until the new STAR WARS movies were announced and all my old LEGO sets started appreciating again. All my old Bionicle sets will follow suit as well with the rerelease of the theme. I'm sure there are some sets that have plateaued, but nothing major. As I often say, my way is not the most efficient or productive method of LEGO investing.
    2 points
  25. We unloaded all of our 401k and spent it on 7569, and 7569 only. My daughter's wedding, sons college, and my retirement all hinge on 7569's future success. It's day is coming.
    2 points
  26. because: 1. its retiring. brickset has its end date as 12/1/14. 2. its a sw original trilogy set with msrp over $100. it don't get more OT than the MF. it has OT minifigures. 3. its the second largest MF. no guarantee the next one is going to be bigger. maybe if i knew with 100% certainty and insider knowledge that there was going to be a 3000 piece MF in 2015, it might temper my enthusiasm. since I don't, i'm treating 7965 like its a cheap modular. 4. 3 and a half years after its release, it was the most "wish listed" SW lego set on amazon. that demand isn't going to just go away now that its not available for msrp from major retailers. i'm looking for 7965 to make the jump to 2.5x MSRP light space around this time next year barring bouncing too close to a supernova. don't forget - it made the kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.
    2 points
  27. What I heard from a TRU employee today: Customer - "do you have a section for stocking stuffers?" Employee - "do you mean socks?"
    2 points
  28. Just a heads up for those that don't check flyers - TRU in Canada looks like they'll have a decent promo on Friday and Saturday. Airmiles promo (over $75) plus $20 off giftcard for future purchase (over $80) PLUS the Lego Movie DVD (over $75 spent) PLUS select sets 25% off. I plan to go at store opening tomorrow, as I'm sure if there are decent sets at 25% off they'll go quickly. The sets are City/Superheroes/SW. I think the free DVD is minimum 10 per store and they'll probably go quickly. I think if you triple stack promos coupled with the 25% off, you can push your savings pretty far. I am mostly interested in Superheroes 2013 sets that are still hanging around, but we'll see which sets are actually on sale.
    1 point
  29. I'm more intrigued by the pinball machine you have there...
    1 point
  30. Sets arrived from WB today 35R4. Sets in minty shape, I was expecting pancaked based on past orders. They sent them in the lego carton but turned the box inside out...
    1 point
  31. What is getting lost in this whole topic is: Last year everything sold out, clearance sucked following Christmas for the most part (since very few B&M stores had anything left) This year the sales may be lackluster, but hopefully the clearances will help us out :-)
    1 point
  32. This is a jackpot waiting toI happen this Christmas. Simple understanding of limited supply, the largest demand of a branded toy for a long time and then combining it with lego. These will be ripped open by kids on Christmas morning, I have sold two and both have been from mothers looking for their children. Mine went for $129 and $139 to test the waters. However so one has come in and started selling at 79.99....they surely do not have the volume to make that count. I don't get it....the supply is so limited- the only people who have them are probably here on this forum- and people are selling this for $30 profit. Even if it hits the stores before Christmas, which I suspect it will, the shelves will be cleaned out of supply very quickly. Earlier this year, Australia ran out if ALL Frozen merchandise, this is not about a lego product and flipping a lego product, it is about flipping an ELSA toy that will sit under the Chrkstmas tree. Just throwing this out there...at the rate these were snatched I won't sell any more on eBay, they are going on craigslist at a higher price. They will be in even fewer supply there.
    1 point
  33. Speaking Ed Sheeran, how about this song ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrYA9dLxXf0
    1 point
  34. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/08/16/want-to-see-what-200000-worth-of-legos-looks-like-these-people-have-it-and-its-allegedly-stolen/ All I can say is wow. Pretty sad to see such an Amazing collection go to waste. Only 40K was illegal. rest 160k was legit. Still losing 3/4ths is not worth it.
    1 point
  35. If your VISA is as smoking hot as mine, I'm sure it won't mind that collishop doesn't have a promo yet
    1 point
  36. Definetely the wrong dress if you're dating one of us (AFOLS) for a 'hot' night, Fergie. There will be playing allright!
    1 point
  37. I wish you luck.....hope it works out for you.
    1 point
  38. Looks like my 2 ToO's shipped today! Just received the confirmation email. Booyaa!! Edit: Congrats to those whose orders get filled!
    1 point
  39. I think this is your best video yet! It is awesome! I like how you included the fast build of the hovercraft at the end.
    1 point
  40. Good thing I did not order AA otherwise I would have had to wrestle with these difficult decisions :rofl:
    1 point
  41. This was my point. I just didn't make it as clear. I'll help whoever. Many of you have my number. But I'm not going to write a guide for how to sell or give up tricks I use. I've been ealing and hustling since my teens and to this day I still learn new stuff. Experience really carries weight in the game. Buy the should I buy this set what do I invest in is annoying. Besides why would you trust or listen to an online stranger. I don't even take investing advise from some of the closest people in my life.
    1 point
  42. Fire and Police stations are not good long term investments. They can bring good money if you flip them during the holidays, but that's about it.
    1 point
  43. Surprisingly, all 15 of my RI (21110) orders from Kmart on 11/21 shipped today. I know the kmart horror stories but I have had pretty good luck with them on RI the past few months.
    1 point
  44. Whoa, you know JJ? That's awesome. I love that guy. Too bad to hear he has had to pursue a career in landscaping. I guess its been tough getting work after Good Times?
    1 point
  45. New / sealed 10229 winter village cottage for $75. Craigslist. Merry Christmas to me.
    1 point
  46. Yeah buying is the easiest process (not just LEGO but reselling in general). Selling and dealing with customers and keeping up scores is a whole other level. Then growing to the volume to make it a full time job (if that's your goal). Especially nowadays. There isn't much margin for error / human mistakes. You literally have to be close to perfect which is stressful in its own right. Even after 15 years I'm constantly adapting and changing every few months. Something is always changing on ebay and it will continue to. Preparation to handle volume sales is a topic a lot don't really put much thinking into. Box sizes, shipping supply quantities (if you have 100 of something you can possibly sell it in 1 day and not having enough supplies on hand for all the items in your store could crush your scores), the amount of time to pack to get the items out that day to keep your scores up and customers happy. There's so much more that goes into it in the big picture. Its a process and even to this day I am constantly changing and learning more. Just the set up of your packing station can save an hour or 2 a day. Having all your boxes lined up properly. Packing materials all in one place etc. When you start talking 200 packages a day 10-30 seconds per package of time saved ads up. The supplies you use can change your shipping rates. Just using one over the other can make an item go from from a different class or weight causing you $1-2 more in shipping costs. Add that up over 500 packages and you could be overspending $500-1000 a week. Maybe one day if I get the time I'll write something in depth. After the holidays LOL Anyways sorry for being off topic. Feel free to move to Ebay thread if need be.
    1 point
  47. There will always be "new blood" in any endeavor involving money (or fame). In my former "hobby" life, I was a writer. I guess I "am" a writer because one never really quits and I have several stories forthcoming. I wrote for nearly a year before being paid for a story, and only $.01 a word at that--"semi-pro" rates. It took three years of 2-4 hours a day in the writing game, every day, to publish my first book with a small press... one which actually paid me for my work. After six years, I sold my third professional rate story and qualified as an active member of the Horror Writers Association, a long-time goal. What's my point? What does this have to do with LEGO? Everything takes time. The game often goes to the resilient--those willing to keep working even when everything looks bleak. I know this: I've made more in LEGO the last six months than the first six years of writing AND I'm having more fun doing it.
    1 point
  48. Garbage - "As Heaven Is Wide" ....Lifehouse?
    1 point
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