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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2014 in all areas

  1. Figure I would share my pictures here will do a new one each day...23 Days of "Lego" Christmas here is the Lego Indiana Jones haul from today in front of the tree. Christmas came early! Got the entire theme of Lego Indiana Jones it looked so good in front of the Christmas Tree we are going to try to do a new picture every day for the next 23 days leading up to Christmas; The 23 days of Christmas (In all the Lego Goodness) Check it out delivered today 12/2/2014 Its like being in a time Machine All brand New Mint in Sealed Box MISB 16 sets total!
    17 points
  2. Well How Many missed the Boat on this set. This set will always be big money, and if they make a Big Batcave or a Bruce wayne manor it will make the Batman Ayslum even more popular. I been posting for 2 years to get the AA when ever you can, I no some guys have been buying these, but most likely alot of guys on here don't have any or just a few. Batman sets will always be good money makers. So if see the AA get as many as you can. Ed
    7 points
  3. Yeah, something about winning the F5 lottery is much more gratifying than simply buying the boring way. Plus, you get to complain about the box condition when it shows up! Win-win.
    3 points
  4. Word has leaked out from Lego that this set will be available in Northern Europe December 13th. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-12-02/for-lego-s-frozen-under-the-tree-try-santa-s-homeland.html Anyone have a private jet?
    2 points
  5. @exciter1 - Did anyone ever use this??? Just raised my prices to $178 after selling last 2 at $158 plus shipping.
    2 points
  6. Another thing to consider is that small and mid-sized investors must be stretched pretty thin at the moment. Tons of retiring sets and predictions of chaos, coupled with limited capital and space (small and mid-sized investors only) means it is tough to buy 10 or even 5 of every big set that is perhaps on the chopping block. I consider myself a solid mid-sized investor with a good amount of stock (and selling well this holiday season) and I am creatively trying to find space and funds to stock up. If this were out another year, I'd probably be able to get 5 or 6 more...and I'm sure plenty of people are in the same boat. Too much chaos! Not enough space/time/$$ That being said I'm grabbing two more AAs from TRU.ca with 20X airlmiles...if it comes back I can always return it. If it doesn't, I'll probably be quite happy with myself.
    2 points
  7. Why so hateful? I'm sure R2 prefers to be called "stocky", "robust", or even "thick". Technically he doesn't even walk. (granted, 85 people and their future grandchildren freaked out when you "rolled" him into the sunset a month or so ago) Nevermind that he keeps popping up like a Jawa in the canyons, just long enough to glimpse but not quite capture... On topic, I agree that AA was an EASY pick for EOL and I think there are still a couple sleepers left that are sailing under the radar while so much focus is on the obvious / popular sets. At any rate, in the immortal words of The Doors, "The time to hesitate is through."
    2 points
  8. New contest starting next week, change the ID and fill in the blank, justa_____?
    2 points
  9. It will come back next year but for now it's done ...those that waited are going to miss out big time...this was a very easy pick and even a rookie QFLL should not have missed it. Holding some back because I think it goes toward $200 or very close to it. And some said they didn't see flip potential Lol smh
    2 points
  10. Does appear to be the same canned post everytime a big set vanishes. But there is always someone new learning from it. Emazers is always trying to help us here, I applaud him.
    2 points
  11. I like it like I like my dad's old sayings...which he has been using for the past thirty years. Still, tough to argue...Batman sets do well, this set is cool...if it doesn't get a 4 year run like a couple of modulars we know, the returns should be solid.
    2 points
  12. Soooo 2 things to note from the winners list. The winner did not deliver on his great corn dog deal and the 3rd place finisher (my teammate) who was "Unavailable" for multiple parts of the trivia competition sure had enough time to post deals and place in this challenge!!! Hmmm, think Alpinemaps and myself will have to have an "internal investigation" into this Congratulations to the winners. It made for some interesting deals of the day too!
    2 points
  13. Oh yeah!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPLV7lGbmT4
    2 points
  14. Is there anyone else out there that hopes Global Warming destroys Elsa's Castle?
    2 points
  15. If you had any Walmart BF or CM deals unfulfilled, backordered, or cancelled please PM me. I am going to contact the author of the CNN article and inform them that the walmart numbers are fraudulent. Nothing will probably come of this, especially if no one responds, but we gotta try and do our part.
    2 points
    2 points
  17. Apparently MF has a new rectangular dish. You can see it in the photo you posted, it is massive. I hated that radar dish on the Kenner Falcon back in '79, damn thing would not stay attached!
    2 points
  18. The Horizon Express is based on the French TVG high speed train with the Orange colour scheme from the 80's. Lego have really nailed this design, it closely represents the real thing. In Europe this should be a hugely popular train, one which most city enthusiasts will not want to be without.
    2 points
  19. You would be better off getting 5 Batman Ayslums then 8 Joust.
    2 points
  20. So... Perhaps: though it is kinda weird that they still keep at TOOS
    1 point
  21. Raised mine to $199 and my Tumbler to $349. We'll see how the next ten days pan out.
    1 point
  22. Except Summer Riding Camp. that's the one that should have been hoarded...
    1 point
  23. Not necessarily 'done' but the chaos prediction coupled with no new LOTR sets on the horizon (except for the Ideas set that will be reviewed) means stocking up sooner rather than later might be wise. For example, getting 2 with double VIP plus promo set was a good buy in for me, as it *might* not make it to another double VIP + promo month and MSRP is $249 in CAN. I'd rather sit on them for six months or a year than miss out.
    1 point
  24. For european people...again on Amazon.de at 107,99... NOW Sent from my XT1052 using Brickpicker mobile app
    1 point
  25. Raise the roof, y'all! :danced:
    1 point
  26. I wrapped up this video. A great addition to any winter scene.
    1 point
  27. Man those are some big tires ....and the cab is smaller than normal which is amazing. Color wise is like a blend between the Garbage Truck of two years ago and the recent Arctic sets. There does seem to be an awful lot of City vehicles in green and that is consistent but perhaps makes them look the same beside one another in general. A different choice of colors maybe something more realistic might appear better.
    1 point
  28. Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, How are thy Indy sets so awesome.
    1 point
  29. well, not all batman sets (e.g. Funhouse because of TRU) but i think we get your meaning. honestly, many members have been posting since this set was released (and other sets) that it "will" or "should" be a winner. you are one of many here. not sure it's beneficial to ask people how many of them missed the boat on this one. maybe it's better to all "toast" together once it finally retires.
    1 point
  30. mine arrive Thursday per tracking, Ill udercut you all and list for $190 just built set with family, it displays well
    1 point
  31. OK I know it looks suspect but it is legitimate why I was tied up multiple times. Yikes. I thought about splitting the $10 gift card 3 ways and knew it wasn't possible. But I did get some people some good deals on blinds! ROFL
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. i took advice that others posted earlier and repriced all my stuff to include free shipping and saw an immediate jump in sales and also in overall profitability despite paying for shipping. sort of counterintuitive. i think the ebay shipping calculator is a PITA for some people that they just don't even bother. thanks for that advice. the #2 thing that has been working for me is shopping around for shipping. i am close to a fed ex distribution center and they are very competitive price wise and i think they give better service - haven't had any damaged deliveries with them and i've been using them only this month except for small packages where i go back to usps. by dropping my stuff at the larger regional distribution center, i'm getting my stuff delivered in 2 days or less and removing at least 2 handoff points where stuff gets thrown/dropped etc. i've had a few times where it got there overnight and i'm paying for standard slower shipping. buyers love that - its better than amazon.
    1 point
  34. I haven't been selling Lego for too long, but I've been selling hot toys for years on eBay. The fees (paypal and eBay combined) is nearly 14% right off the top and paypal includes any shipping paid to you. I always offer free shipping, buyers just mentally need to see that even if you're priced higher than a seller's total who charges shipping. Plus don't forget the expenses for materials and gas. You just need to factor in all of the expenses into your "cost" of the item before deciding on a selling price. I factor in the most expensive possible shipping, usually Hawaii or Guam. Hence why I've stopped chasing smaller flips because the $10 you make in the end just isn't worth my time.
    1 point
  35. Santana Workshop Satan Workshop ... All great MOCs
    1 point
  36. Just waiting for the yellow translucent version. Don't eat yellow ice!
    1 point
  37. "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of parents suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."
    1 point
  38. They're going to cancel your order like they've done to mine and others today. These are done, they don't have anymore.
    1 point
  39. it is sold out in both USA and Europe LEGO Shop at Home.
    1 point
  40. Technic airplane arrived from a TRU fulfillment center today in this Had me stumped for a minute thinking I received an order for someone's new bathroom throne. Opened it up to find thisno packing material whatsoever. Somehow arrived minty fresh. ????
    1 point
  41. I forgot to adjust the prices for Santa's Workshops and was leaving $ on the table These will be $150 in 2 days on eBay
    1 point
  42. I like the set, just don't like the colors. Once I see the part list, I may have to try to MOC this in different colors.
    1 point
  43. US Lego shop is still sold out. Status has never changed. Only seen RI once at my local Lego store, on Black Friday. And it was only 6 of them.
    1 point
  44. did U try to pull the hd, put in an enclosure, connect to another PC and try reindexing and repair boot sector first?
    1 point
  45. Nowhere near as timeless as Star Wars? The Hobbit was published in 1937, Fellowship of the Ring in 1954. I doubt anyone is forgetting Lord of the Rings ever.
    1 point
  46. LEGO won't release a 650-700$ set, because that is about how much a new 10179 would cost with today's prices. Also it wouldn't fit the new UCS style. Actually demand is not that high for such an expensive set. The prices you see are the result of a very limited supply. I don't believe it would be a wise choice to re-release the 10179. As I said before a large play set is more likely and owners of the 10179 would buy it I guess because it is different. It also covers a larger consumer base. Everything is in the favour of a ~3000 piece play set now, I just can't argue for a re-release logically. Too many cons and the other concept has too many pros form LEGO's viewpoint.
    1 point
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