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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2014 in all areas

  1. I think I finally get what the big deal is...this Minecraft stuff is addicting, you really can build anything...
    11 points
  2. That moment when you just happen to F5 a 10228 on Amazon...no scripts!
    5 points
  3. If people knew more about LEGO Shop at Home then LEGO wouldn't have to rely on Amazon and other 3rd parties this much and have a greater degree of control over its supply and price. If people had more information this would actually be better for LEGO since they would buy directly from them, where they can also enforce purchase limits. I find it always funny when people are buying some (not this one now, since it's sold out) sets waaaay over MSRP on Amazon, ebay etc. when they are still available on LEGO Shop at Home. And I cant even say that this is because of high information costs since if you google a set the first hit is the LEGO site.
    4 points
  4. We may consider moving this thread to member-only.... especially if prices move up, and next wave does not show up
    3 points
  5. OK, I just received my package from Yo-Yo. When I open it, there are tons & tons of air bubbles. At the bottom of the box is my order of 10 Mixels. While they arrived safely & I'm grateful for that. The box seems a little too big for 10 Mixels. So, let's see what would have fit appropriately in this box. Oh, here it is, Winter Market Village fits just fine & with enough room left over for the Mixels. No...not 1 WMV but 5! 5 WMV fit very comfortably in this box...
    3 points
  6. Totally off topic and has absolutely nothing to do with TH , LEGO or anything but you are one hell of a poster. Very intellectual and if I had to guess you have some background in writing. Your posts are very educated and I really do enjoy them. Others also must have the same feeling as you have a staggering close to 60% like per post rate (LPPR in case you were wondering, and yes that is completely made up but fitting with all the crazy abbreviations we have on this site). Most higher percentage posters (and generally likable people on this site) are in the 25-33% range. Anyways thanks for the great additions you bring to the site!
    3 points
  7. Modulars are only going one direction, up. Especially as more AFOL's discover how appealing the modular line is. Jaison is right- people are addicted to these things. I have twelve TH and can't think of a set in my collection I am more interested in holding for the very, very, very long term and treating with a "back burner" mentality. With every new outstanding mod introduced (ex: PR), the appeal of previous mod's is greatly strengthened. Who doesn't want a "complete" collection? IMO, we are still in the infancy phase of what the Modular line will draw to for AFOL's for years to come. Scarcity = $. Huge upside potential on the TH. It's doubtful TLG will ever produce another mod at this price point/piece-count based on the lack-luster sales this one produced (in spite of its outstanding aesthetic appeal). The investor/collector ratio greatly favors investors. All the ingredients needed for a long-term hold. Flip your bat caves. Hold the TH.
    3 points
  8. I had a pretty good craigslist score today. Bought the following used lot. All look to be complete upon first inspection. 10173 holiday train 4512 cargo train 6990 space monorail 6921 monorail accessory track 6211 imperial star destroyer 7823 container crane depot 4520 curved track (new/unopened) a huge tote of extra 9V train track all for the grand sum of $350. lot calculator shows a bp value of $1236, not including the extra tote of track. I am super stoked and cant wait to dig into this, but it wil probably have to wait until after the holidays since I have been so busy lately.
    3 points
  9. Sold my first mixel Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Brickpicker mobile app
    2 points
  10. [Troll] didn't indicate that it can't be searched through normal methods, but if you have previously searched for the item, then it shows up in your previously view links and there are other links above. Still in stock when last I checked. Now I wait for the "I can't believe those Canadians in their igloos aren't snapping these up, don't they realize how foolish they are with the value of the dollar!" Ex Astris, Scientia.
    2 points
  11. I had that on a couple of sets during 2xVIP in October. I didn't contact them and the sets were shipped soon after, so there is still hope.
    2 points
  12. It is now http://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/lego-bricks-more-lego-lego-creative-tower-10664/6000189477534
    2 points
  13. Green Grocers for $1,500 5 years after retirement well that is perfectly OK and fine. But $70 for an Advent Calendar the year it came out - they may call you a gouger. I call you a friend. (or brother since I sold mine for $70 each too)
    2 points
  14. German site Promobricks.de posted the first leaked photos for the new Series They say the sources is the 2015 LEGO Catalog. Honestly, I have to say - I don't see a miss in here at all. On first glance, and for the first time, I think I really like all of these figures.
    2 points
  15. It is amazing how much the term 'price gouging' gets thrown around when people are butt hurt about prices they pay when not getting things bought early enough. The sets have been available since September. Price gouging doesn't exist - especially not with toys. It's the market at work. It's a voluntary transaction. It's not like you need Legos to survive, biologically speaking. What do we know about it? We're all just stone cold reseller scum, and our little black hearts only beat for profits. It's amazing how well I sleep at night. It must be all the extra cash I've been able to stuff in my pillow. ;)
    2 points
  16. Honestly, this is what LEGO hates. It's capitalism at its finest...or worst some would argue. I just wonder though how much negative feedback a company like Amazon will accept before they limit excessive pricing of items. Or maybe they are quite aware and just don't care.
    2 points
  17. i don't understand why people are venting at the prices.. they can vote with their wallet. if they believe that there is price gouging they should not buy it at all
    2 points
  18. Cladner, if you get this setup running successfully, let me know and we'll franchise it...ice cream in the summer and LEGO in the winter...you can't lose!
    2 points
  19. Not sure if you are serious or not, but if you are..... TRU parking lot selling is not actually recommended, sort of a joke around here. Well, at least for some. Note, you will often see this practice mentioned with "hotcakes". They are not actually selling hotcakes. So when you hear about someone selling hotcakes out of their trunk at TRU, just move along... ; )
    2 points
  20. Whoah, that is hardcore! You are setting up shop outside a TRU?!? I would love to see how this works. Are you standing outside holding Legos? Are people skeptical? Anything you could tell me about how this plays out would be awesome.
    2 points
  21. Did my good deed for the season. Went by a couple of local TRU to check their stock on 75056. One was all out, the other had 1 hidden behind a Super Heroes sets. Saw a mother looking in the spot where the kept the calendars, she walked away. I picked it up, placed it on the shelf when I knew she was looking and walked away. Walked around the corner, turned around, and watched her quickly pick it up and rush to the counter. Hopefully me passing on this one, will translate to me selling my stock for profit.
    2 points
  22. Interesting article on the BBC site today about current day sets removing a lot of the imagination from building. Would be good to hear peoples views on this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-29992974
    1 point
  23. yes, that's the one, lol. We had a nice long philosophical discussion between what is a "for profit" vs a "profiteer". No hard feelings...I get their side of it. This is actually the first year I'm really setting out to make money on quick flipping out of stock sets....does feel a bit slimy...but hey, in the end, I think the extra $ will help ease the pain.
    1 point
  24. Now listed as OOS, expected ship date 30 December at Lego shop at home. Which, knowing Lego's website, means it likely will ship in 3 days and be "Available now" tomorrow.
    1 point
  25. Decided to pick up another with the Jor-El and a bunch of points.
    1 point
  26. how did you get a picture of me? all the TRU's around me are not in locations where people are spending 3 x msrp on little plastic bricks. so no i won't actually be huckstering minecraft with the got tumblers? got minecraft? sandwich sign in the tru parking lot as entertaining as it might be for a new reality show i'm trying to get on bravo called brickpicker wars. it goes through the trials and tribulations of the QFLL as they struggle to find new and ingenious ways to wheel and deal in lego while trying to stay one brick ahead of the competition, dealing with uncooperative TRU managers, and trying to master the jedi mind powers of pseudoty. thursday after the real housewives of milwaukee. somehow i see the first episode ends up with me getting put in the back of cop car and my tumblers and minecraft being confiscated. YEP!
    1 point
  27. Man, I'm too naive to ever think of this type of scam. ok, you've convinced me to stay away. I appreciate everyone's wisdom on this.
    1 point
  28. If it feels too good to be true, it probably is. Maybe it isn't, but, why risk it? If it's giving you a funny feeling, trust your gut and move on.
    1 point
  29. My latest sales on eBay have been at $74.99 shipped. They aren't flying off the shelves at that price, but I am moving them.
    1 point
  30. As long as there are arbitrage opportunities the market is not in equilibrium. What others call price gouging I call it equilibrium prices. The investors are the ones who move the market to the equilibrium. If we don't buy up the stuff then the low prices leads to a higher demand than with prices over MSRP, leading to people complaining about the product being sold out, e.g. there would be excess demand. Same situation, just the people who did not get from the set are different: now the wealthier ones get it. There will be always ones who are misfortunate if supply is below demand.
    1 point
  31. A lot of terms get thrown around by idiots that they don't understand. For example: socialism.
    1 point
  32. Yeah, people who complain probably did not experience real price gouging in their lifetime... or they consider necessity to please their children (inner or actual one) as essential to survival
    1 point
  33. I don't know how other consumers work, but I tend to go back to places I've shopped before. Especially with the fear of identity theft, I think consumers tend to go where they feel "safe". It seems that the review from the unhappy buyer may be a parent that has set his child's expectations too high. This guy could buy one of the past calendars cheaper, try to wait till after Christmas, or (gasp) go without.
    1 point
  34. The higher the price for item with high sell rank, the more money they get in fees....
    1 point
  35. And buy his 20 calendars but say oops sorry it was my cat
    1 point
  36. no doubt.! Since it didn't work at the first try, I kinda just ordered 4 Hot Rods. I wish I had ordered more sets using new customer coupon since they took care of it afterwards. I also got mine today, already built it. FUN!!!
    1 point
  37. WOW I am super jealous. I would have bought that to keep, nicely done.
    1 point
  38. @Alpinemaps, i apologize. didn't mean to offend. i am not worried about them since you are my backup to get me if i need something he he he.... its all good...looks like the "green are the worst performers in S3 or it might be just that there is extra set in each box... " .. now just need to figure out which is the best between the other six .
    1 point
  39. For that $5 extra you are getting a premium box, printed (!) latin names and an informative booklet from higher quality paper. If you compare this to the Creator sets with the same price point I would argue about the price being that high. (Not relevant for most people, but I gladly pay that $5 for the printing alone.) Also imagine this on the shelves of book stores, museums and hobby shops.
    1 point
  40. http://shop.lego.com/en-US/Birds-21301 You might have to click the View Larger button to see the image. Better than I expected, but I'll probably pass except for a personal collection.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Don't worry, I won't. If I see something that I want and have the money for it then bam, it's going to be mine
    1 point
  43. If you go to kmart or walmart, then I know you got the stamina!
    1 point
  44. Is this the same grandma that cleared out a Lego B&M out of RI a few months back? Edit: To all the mods that have to keep cleaning up my double posts, I am sorry. I don't know why my phone keeps doing it.
    1 point
  45. This is what happens when my boys take over the Town Hall!!
    1 point
  46. Maybe LEGO noticed that having too many large exclusives on the shelves ain't no good for them because they are not selling. Honestly before I've invested into LEGO I always looked at them like:"yeah those are nice but hell I neither have the money for them nor the space". Now I feel the same way about them but I still bought them... feeling a little bit sad that I don't have the space to build them all ^.^ As long as it's somewhere in a store the temptation is just way smaller I guess ***** So I wouldn't be surprised if they'd produce less big exclusives. On the other hand LEGO (like all big enterprises) is trying to expand. Whatever helps them doing that will be their choice. If they reduce large exclusives now, they might at any point of time decide to bring out more again... As for the HE, I don't see it being retired (sold out) before the end of this year/ beginning of 2015. Why? Because there still are lots of them in the stores and I have the feeling that those bad nasty people who are responsible for the vanishing of HH, GE, TH, SSD, etc. decided to invest in those sets and don't have money or are not yet interested enough to invest into HE. (That's why I think it will stay some longer... it highly depends on the investors though... if I had to decide which set to buy right now with about 100
    1 point
  47. Here is a graph I made for myself. The 12/31/14 end dates aren't actual, that is just what I plug into current sets.
    1 point
  48. Thanks for the pics. I'm very curious to see the alternate versions and the two biggest sets ($129 and $199, with power function). I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed by those 2015 sets: sets from previous years are better designed IMHO. The best for investment from those 9 sets may be the 42038, because it's very uncommon, and when kids will grow and will want some more complicated lego sets, they will look at it and it will remind them their beloved city artic sets they played with, some years ago (for example).
    1 point
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