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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2014 in all areas

  1. I know exactly what you mean. This one time, a substitute came into my classroom and started telling me this long story about how he was a born reader, and how he always had books in his house growing up. He didn't like English, but he could write, and he wrote all the time. In fact, this one time he wrote a story and sent it to a science fiction mag. He actually used the word "mag", so I was kind of put off right away. I don't use the word mag, do you? Anyway, he started telling me what his story (the one he sent to the "mag") was about, but I wasn't listening. I was thinking of what to put on the board for the kids. I usually just put the Common Core standard we are doing that day and maybe a happy quote, but that day's lesson was new, so I decided to put an example question that went with the lesson. So, as this guy keeps talking, all of this stuff is going through my head, and I was like "sheesh, he can talk a lot!". I started to put the stuff on the board I wanted to and it hit me that I had to pee, too. So I started thinking about my quandary: should I pee first, or should I write the stuff on the board first? And all of these things were going through my head while he was still talking about this "mag" thing. At least I think he was still talking about it. Well, long story short, I forgot what I did first because this was almost a week ago.
    7 points
  2. Just respond to the case with the tracking information. If it shows delivered, that's all eBay cares about and it will close in your favor. They MIGHT, if the buyer doesn't pull this crap often, issue her a courtesy refund from their own pockets. If you do give her advice on contacting the post office etc., give it very politely. You do not need to look like a jerk in a response that eBay will review if the buyer escalates the claim (that she will still lose, but don't make it hard on yourself.)
    4 points
  3. As a seller, I hope all my buyers would be this nice. I hope it never happens to you.
    4 points
  4. The Iraqi Information Minister was the best. "The coalition has not infiltrated Bagdhad", as you hear explosions in the background.
    3 points
  5. Tonight I have: A night away on business Monday Night Football An unhealthy amount of beer. An F5 key. It is you vs. me, Haunted House.
    3 points
  6. But if it's done I would say it really was a sleeper. Nobody was talking about it until it hit sold out status on the Shop at Home website and it was unexpected.
    2 points
  7. If it's USPS I will offer to help out and open an investigation with the PO myself. I let them know they may be contacted by a federal employee performing the investigation. Miraculously items usually show up the next day.
    2 points
  8. Always do what the Frog says. Thanks. Most of that was just "venting". On a related note the quality of the operators that EBay uses has gone downhill dramatically in the last few years.
    2 points
  9. Just had a buyer open a non delivery case against me, she states that tracking shows delivered on Oct 1 but she's looked around and can't find it. Would it be rude to ask if she tried looking for it on the day it was delivered? It's been three weeks, I think I would have mentioned something before now. In all seriousness what is a polite way to handle this? My gut instinct is to tell her to go...off. Dear moron, I am very sorry that you didn't pick up you Lego set on the day it was delivered and it has disappeared in the intervening three weeks. However, as I fufilled my end of the bargin and shipped the item and USPS tracking shows that it was delivered to your address I suggest that you contact your local post office and ask about it. In the future I recomend you not let packages sit on your porch for three weeks before looking for them. Thank you for adding unneeded stress to an otherwise beautiful day. Yours truly, Migration Ps, I've added you to my blocked list. Too harsh?
    2 points
  10. It's just too small to put them in a modular building series line. But of course, I think TH has 2,7x the pieces of it so what can one expect. And it is not only height, depth is disappointing aswell. It's also about half the size.
    2 points
  11. 128 and counting with 42 poly bags.
    2 points
  12. I will add this... I have done a lot of business on Craigslist. gratefully, I am in Southern California where the market is robust, but nonetheless- these tactics can work anywhere... I advertise locally as "cash-in-hand, delivered to a Starbucks of your choice-beverage included!" This creates a safe environment for both you and the buyer, and offers the opportunity for face-to-face interaction. I have used this strategy to be the "go-to" guy for several buyers; a lot of folks want older sets but don't have access/information the way many of us do. I always offer very fair pricing as well locally. It is worth it to offset the risk of returns/scams over the Net.
    2 points
  13. If this one is going I'm gonna let it. I can't afford any more "retiring" large exclusives this year.
    1 point
  14. I went to 13 toys r us this weekend and all were the same except 1 that stayed they had to hold all the extras till nov2. Probably so their family member can buy them all. Anyways in all instances if you buy the batcave( I bought many) it works. You do not need a filler item. Just have the cashier ring it up and the promo and it will show the promo is free then also don't forget the free pumpkin. Stores that had the old ones in stock I would buy 4 and get 1 free and free pumpkin. I was able to clean out the last 20 in my state last night. That's the best way to do it if you are trying to collect sets like raven or I. I still buy sets during the week though like batcave or mos cantina to make sure I'm getting some sets. Also so everyone knows there is a deal from the gift card mall company on eBay for TRU!! 85$ for a 100$ card. They sold I think 2400 so far today with max 2 per eBay account. Another great way to save some money
    1 point
  15. Until they release more detailed ones. THEN everyone will want the originals regardless of lack of detail. We know how this goes.
    1 point
  16. A positive point for the Bike Shop, it is a 3 in 1 so the obsessed Lego collector who is building a mid-size modular street or decides to use them will probably want 3 copies so they can have all 3 of them...
    1 point
  17. Of course, and paddles for crossing the desert, the unblinking eye, and the paddling of the swollen ass.
    1 point
  18. Only if we can have a naked Homer with stonecutter birthmark
    1 point
  19. I got two. One in a tax-free state. So on average, after cashing in points, the two cost me about $190. Plus I got the promo sets I have yet to sell. I sold one for $280. Plus, I charged $12 for shipping. It didn't cost me that much, so I was good there. I made a decent profit. I was just after quick money on the one set. I'm saving the other for the Christmas season.
    1 point
  20. Hmm...I'm sitting on quite a few of those. I may have to replace you in the marketplace.
    1 point
  21. i also verified the 10228 Haunted House bags. 21 element bags plus the manual and loose plates.
    1 point
  22. You may be on the hook for feedback blackmail. It's best to never, ever mention feedback as a buyer or seller in any messages. I know you know this, it's more a warning to newer folks on ebay.
    1 point
  23. No contact at all. I have no problem with legitimate claims, but three weeks after the delivery scan? I ship either same day or the next day. Once something sells I want it gone.
    1 point
  24. So your saying it was in just a little bit worse condition than the ones you find at B&******. ;)
    1 point
  25. And just like that, the theme tune gets stuck in my head on an endless loop again."Go, Speed Racer! Go, Speed Racer! Go, Speed Racer, go!"
    1 point
  26. If there's any indication, this thread is one of them. This thread had like 20 posts at less than 2 pages on October 1st, since then we've had 56 pages of banter.
    1 point
  27. YMMV, not all Toys R Us stores will honor promos with price matches. I sold one of my Hillside House sets already, but I'll probably offload the other here in a few weeks.
    1 point
  28. Don't wait too long to grab them. It's gone from Available Now on the 15th October to a ship date of 4th, 6th and now 11th November in less than a week. I wouldn't be surprised to see it hit Sold Out by the end of 2xVIP.
    1 point
  29. Just look at the 5771 Hillside House. I still regret not buying more of those when I saw them on sale in a shop.
    1 point
  30. My last set of 10 Rapunzel Market Place Polys for $69 on eBay. Not bad I had 4 sets of 10 and cost was $18
    1 point
  31. "Whatever" ? Maybe you missed a little detail but I'll help you with pleasure:
    1 point
  32. A "retiring soon" tag in the system + no stock in the database and any seller would conclude there's no more and it will not come back (which can be wrong). Seriously guys ? "Tower Bridge" ? Aren't you mistaking with the "Town Hall" ?
    1 point
  33. I want a scientific explanation as to why. Because it's sooooo true.
    1 point
  34. Hi all! 36 year old lady lego lover here! I grew up on legos and had most of the early pirate legos which got sold in a garage sale when I entered that "dark age" of losing interest in them. Now, 20 years later or so, I have rediscovered the awesomeness of legos while shopping for a batman tumbler 76023 for my honey's birthday and am well on my way to becoming a legomaniac! I enjoy investing in toys as a way of funding my toy collection and this site is a great tool which makes it so easy to invest in legos! I'm glad to have found you all!!
    1 point
  35. Yeah, never sell outside of eBay in a situation like that.
    1 point
  36. Thanks that got me searching and I found this on TRU Corporate contact us page: "Mailing List: Would you like to be added or deleted from our mailing list? Changing your information on our mailing list is easy. Simply call 1-800-869-7787 and press option 6. Our automated system will walk you through the process." So I did that and of course 6 wasn't it, I mean come on, but it was actually 2 then 4. Supposedly I am on the mailing list now.
    1 point
  37. I haven't sold LEGO on CL, but I've sold a ton of unwanted household stuff for us and for my other family members and I've never had one creepy gross person experience yet. They do tend to TALK a lot sometimes, which is why I generally avoid CL. First, I don't find most people very interesting and really wish they wouldn't tell me the story of their lives and second, I really don't have time. If you're concerned, meet them in a well-lit, public place and don't go alone -- or the parking lot of the police station, if you're really worried.
    1 point
  38. Anyone else selling HH as a BIN on EBay and get the stupidest offers? I've got prob 30 offers ranging from $179 to $225 for brand new sets. Some even try to explain to me how good of a deal it is for me!
    1 point
  39. I'm cashing in to pay for these retiring modulars I've been spending $$$ on.
    1 point
  40. Others are out there. Silence about certain sets is almost as deafening as the talk about others. The smart investor will do some deep digging, and find those sets that are sleepers.
    1 point
  41. The question is do you want a fast nickle or a slow dime? I am generally content to set my prices on eBay at a bit about average on most things, and sometimes well above average if it's something I am confident hasn't reached its top price. If you need cash, the fast nickle may be more appealing. If you can wait, the attempt at the slow dime (knowing you can drop the price to the fast nickle at need) may work for you.
    1 point
  42. Looking at the Hailfire Droid and I will say it's one of those times I'm not impressed having a printed piece as opposed to tracks. Anakins ship looks like something thrown together in the Lego Movie.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. I aint selling mine, the manager and I held some kid down while my 2-year old slapped them silly so my 6-year old could get one.
    1 point
  45. What false advertisement, instead of those 2 kids, the box arts should have featured 2 older dudes in druids' robes
    1 point
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