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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2014 in all areas

  1. At Kmart: 79102 for $12.60, 76005 for $31.50, 79006 for $18.90, minus $20.66 in SYW Rewards points, plus $3.81 tax = 46.16... But then, here's where the real fun started: All bought from the mother of a 13 year-old kid who's going into the Dark Ages, for a measly $150! My wife is going through the big sets now, and sure, there's a few pieces missing from some sets, but there's still many bags and boxes to go through, and most of the important pieces seem to be here and in great shape! =)
    7 points
  2. 6868 hulk hell carrier $35 (x6) ---Keep it secret. Keep it safe.---
    3 points
  3. I'm only worried about getting one of these to build during the first possible chance at x2 or x3 VIP. I'll worry about investment potential much later.
    3 points
  4. Everyone's entitled to their opinion on the difference between someone taking their job seriously versus persecuting people because someone gave them a little power. That's why LEGO asks customers to give their opinion via the survey - if they find too many people feel persecuted, they'll consider making a change. If they find it's a rare occurrence and most people love the store management, they won't. Since the OP was unhappy with his experience, he should address that, as he did by phone and can also via the survey. Should you shop at ponytail's store and feel great about it, you can exercise a similar privilege. What's wrong here is people telling the OP that he must feel as they do about this situation.
    2 points
  5. I'm taking iconic to mean just that, as opposed to 'my favourite' or the ones I think were the best sets. Though I'll admit I am a little biased towards the ones from my youth, which I think was Lego's golden age (mid 70s to mid 80s). I'm not much of a fan of licensed themes or minifigs either to be honest. I guess younger folk would have less issues with licensed themes, it's the age we live in after all... but they're not really for me. Weirdly I have nothing from the 80s in there, but I still think of Technic, Space and Town stuff to be more typically '80s' Lego than 70s, or at least that was when I was exposed to it. So in order of release.... (yes, I have way too much time on my hands, but hey...it's Sunday haha). 3 Basic set (1973) I think these 70s Basic sets are just classic Lego and really cemented it as a hugely popular toy. Every kid I knew had one of these sets in the late 70s. I'm picking 3 because it was my first big Lego set, but I think they're all great. Give a young child one of these sets today I'd bet they'd still get endless enjoyment from it. 390 1913 Cadillac (1975) These old Hobby range vintage cars were the biz when I was very young, though a bit before my time. This was big boys Lego and maybe even Lego's first attempt at attracting older fans. I think they still have a great charm and look great on display. 853 Car Chassis (1977) Arguably not even the best Technic car, but I think this was a big set for Lego, and the flagship of the first Technic range. Lots of people my age would have drooled over this set as kids. I vaguely remember a Lego TV commercial at the time in which this would make a brief appearance, and I would almost crap myself when it came on. A bit before my time again, I ended up getting 8860 which was also great. 600 Police Car (1978) The first appearance of the iconic minifigure which we all love (or in my case hate haha. I never liked minifigs, even as a kid). I suppose the whole Lego Town range which followed was pretty iconic really. 497 Galaxy Explorer (1979) The boss of the Classic Space range and starting to fetch mad prices these days. I wasn't really a huge Space fan as a kid but got a few smaller sets for the cool pieces. I mostly used it to try make crappy Millennium Falcons and X-Wings, as did a lot of kids at the time I suspect. 5571 Giant Truck (1996) I think these Model Team sets were great, the most realistic Lego sets up to that point. The 90s and 00s were Lego free decades for me, but I would have loved this set as kid. 10030 Imperial Star Destroyer (2002) Gotta have at least one Star Wars set in there and I think this one got a lot of older people back into Lego. Probably the only licensed theme I have any time for. If Lego Star Wars had been around in the early 80s, I may never have left the house. 10182 Cafe Corner (2007) I don't know how anyone who likes Lego could not like the modulars, and I see these as being future classics. Cool building techniques, they look great and fun for all ages. Lots of Lego win in these. 10220 VW T1 Camper Van (2008) I think this has been a very popular set and even people not into Lego think it's cool. I was torn between this and the Taj, but I'm putting this in as it's the first set I'd built in 30 years. It's an iconic vehicle and I think will be an iconic set in years to come. 21050 Studio Architecture (2013) Lego getting back to what it does best and a surprise hit which I think resonated with a lot a lot of older people like me. No licensed theme or exclusive minifigs... just proper, old-skool Lego which encouraged people to use their imagination (which is what Lego used to be all about). It reminds me of the old 70s Basic sets, which kinda brings me full circle. I think this one will become a bit of a cult classic in years to come, as will the other big Architecture sets. I wish it had been released in Europe too, but if anything it will just add to its cultish desirability, especially for us Europeans.
    2 points
  6. In the last 6 months I've noticed that if I buy 3 of anything at my local lego store without fail they will ask me "so who are these for?" and I immediately want to say "they're for your mom!" but I haven't, just yet.
    2 points
  7. I highly doubt the LE crawler will ever drop below MSRP.
    2 points
  8. Ok, the full January 2014 and February 2014 is now available. Over the next 1-2 days I will continue to comb through it and look for issues/misses/etc. That happens everything month. I have also pushed updated brickfolio code that will now allow those of you outside the USA to select one of the 3 other available datasets to base your brickfolio on. (GBP, EURO, AUD) Just click the Change Currency button on the main Brickfolio dashboard page and it will allow you select the dataset. I just ask for a little patience still with this as every update we look for inconsistencies with the data from these other regions. Trying to find issues with over 10,000 sets takes time. You find some here, there, etc. Anyhow, let me know how it goes. If you find major errors, please send me a PM. Thanks Jeff
    1 point
  9. Not at all. Questioning a business decision or a situation in regards to TLC that contradicts that general interests of investors/speculators or secondary market LEGO sellers doesn't make a hater of those aspects anymore than me questioning TLC's motives in regards to things makes me a hater of it. I'm comfortable enough to call out the situations as I see them....and in this case, it makes more sense for TLC to have the ability to "give the most to the most people" as opposed to allowing fewer people to get more. People occassionally want to bring up the plight of the guy who has two(or more) children yet cannot get two (or more) promos as a defense of the "anything goes" argument for procuring exclusive giveaways.......but it has been my experiences (as a father with two children) that the overwhelming majority of time that when I've reached the minimum threshold of purchasing requirements and my children are with me.....there's been no problem in me getting another exclusive; either by paying for it (which I have no problem with) or thru the kindness of the TLC employee.
    1 point
  10. Nobody will have sympathy here for this kind of complaint. This how we make money. Christmas is the best. Find something that is OOS and them flip for 2x or 3x MSRP on the same day. Sent from my iPad using Brickpicker
    1 point
  11. IF you hate resellers so much why are you posting here? Majority of the site users are resellers & Investors ( basically same thing as a reseller even worse, but just waits to rip you off and charge 2-4x the original msrp). You are in the wrong place my friend ...
    1 point
  12. 10188 is not a UCS set. Also Yoda and Darth Maul do not have a plaque. For the Sandcrawler, it's a UCS set if Lego says it's a UCS set, that's it. It makes a bit of a deal for some people as there are plenty that just collect UCS sets. I would have liked a a plaque and a better box design as well, maybe something like the old TIE Interceptor or X-Wing would be great for the UCS line. Even something like the 41999 box would have been great.
    1 point
  13. Oh man. Such a scam. No way they will be sending those out..and they will just refund the auction price and not the shipping price..So the buyers will be screwed out of $250!!
    1 point
  14. I think that it is fine for a person to take their job seriously, but if a person takes it too seriously, then I have a problem.
    1 point
  15. I'm not sure it's people fussing about just a label, it's that they are fussing about not having a display plaque.
    1 point
  16. From day one, LEGO should have differentiated the UCS better than they have. Many UCS sets have no markings that state it is a UCS set. I would have appreciated a stylish box similar to the Architecture theme for the UCS sets over the years. I find the Sandcrawler box still too ordinary and geared towards kids.
    1 point
  17. I would think sooner than later since everyone seems to have gotten multiples for basically free after all these stock errors. I've got three myself for what ended up being an order for a VW camper and and Arctic Batman after most of my stuff was cancelled.
    1 point
  18. Just play dumb. When they ask "are you a reseller?" Just ask back "what's a reseller?" They won't expect it. Sent from my iPad using Brickpicker
    1 point
  19. I would have loved a Battle Of The Planets (Gatchaman) theme as a kid. A UCS Phoenix would have been awesome. Nowadays, I suppose a Game of Thrones theme would be cool, but I can't see it happening. I'd also love to see a Vespa or Lambretta license with a really detailed Creator model of a classic 60s scooter, or maybe an E-Type Jaguar or James Bond Austin Martin or something.
    1 point
  20. Thanks, glad you liked it! Yes, I can totally relate to what you're saying, it sounds very familiar. I loved gazing at the catalogs back then too, it's all we had I suppose in the days before internet. When I knew what set I would be getting that Christmas, I'd pour over images of it in a catalog to see what pieces I would be getting.
    1 point
  21. Tractorboy that was a great list. I love your thought process behind all of your choices, even if I may have replaced a couple, you should add a paragraph or two and release that as a blog. I was never able to get a Galaxy Explorer as a kid, I remember drooling over it while looking through the old catalogs that used to come with sets, by the time I was able to save enough cash to pick one up it dissapeared. Such is the way of things, not long after I started noticing girls and all my Lego was boxed up with the rest of my childhood.
    1 point
  22. Tractor boy, Great list. Yes, you hit the hammer on the nair's head with what "iconic" means. Great list. The only change I would have made was either the yellow or king's castle.
    1 point
  23. Already got my favorite as well - Sea Cow. I still can't believe how awesome it is.
    1 point
  24. How can you have Burns and no Smithers? Lego a bit homophobic perhaps? No Moe or Barney either, I get they don't want a bartender or a drunk.
    1 point
  25. I would have laid the set on the counter, asked for the phone number to the district manager and said your purchases were now going to be made online. These stores loose their bonuses when they get bad surveys from customers. Stick it to them in the pocket book.
    1 point
  26. I've been searching how & low for a bowling alley in Lego. Come on; who doesn't like to bowl? http://www.flickr.com/photos/shaddix/sets/72157627711078670/with/6165127631/ Keep Those Balls Rolling! by Dave Shaddix, on Flickr
    1 point
  27. I think by now we have seen everything that either has or will come out with the exception of the year's usual entry for the Winter Village and perhaps a couple of unknown odd bits but far as my own personal most anticipated set of 2014 as in "There is no waiting. I must have this!" is, well, I'll just give you a single clue. "He slimed me...." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_pR6mUYtOo
    1 point
  28. Any time an organization (corporation, government body, whatever) puts a rule in place, there are going to be a certain number of tin pot dictators that crop up to take full advantage of their big fish in an itty, bitty pond status. Itty bitty also probably describes the size of ponytail's fun parts, but I digress. By all means, complain to LEGO. I'd leave your VIP status out of it, I'd simply call them up as an outraged customer and complain. A phone call is even better than a letter. I was in our closest LEGO store today and they could not have been friendlier. But, I am exceedingly cautious in my buying behavior with LEGO and use the VIP card pretty sparingly. I'd rather enjoy a long, quiet and under-the-radar relationship with LEGO than try to push them to their secret limits.
    1 point
  29. that sucks. isn't it just one per $75 purchase while supplies last?! some folks really have bad customer service. I would email a message to Lego or fill out the survey about that store. whether a person is a re-seller or not, staff shouldn't make anybody feel uncomfortable.
    1 point
  30. these will be gone so fast it will boggle the mind. there will be a series of posts by people who saw them, didn't buy them, thought about it went back and never could get their hands on one ever again at anything less than 5x msrp except for the milhouse figure which will be the stinker super common minifig.
    1 point
  31. Check out all the ways this thing can open! Jeeze. A profile from the front and side both of which looks amazingly spot-on. And the two different Jawas....just cause I like 'em.
    1 point
  32. Not sure if this has been posted yet... Available this May for $299.99. Look at all those mini-figures!!! What kinds of deals do they normally have for May the Fourth be with you? http://www.bricksandbloks.com/lego-jawa-sandcrawler-75059-fully-revealed-photos/
    1 point
  33. DNIM, averages are it exactly. Figure out what your average cost per minifig is and your average price realized for a minifig is and use those numbers. Figure out what your average cost and price realized per "other hunk of set" is (piece count is a good way to do this) and use those numbers. For my store, I average my minifig costs and prices realized, and then average the cost of all other pieces costs and prices realized. If it's a fair system that isn't trying to wiggle out of taxes owed, the IRS will generally accept this kind of averaging. For PayPal, yes, report their gross number and then make all your deductions. If you are off a few dollars you can't account for or make sense of, make it in the IRS' favor and you won't have a problem. Edited to add: those averages are most helpful when valuing inventory left on hand after December 31, since that has to show up on the return, too, and reduces your cost of goods sold.
    1 point
  34. This newer version is def more true to the films and Kenner / Hasbro toys. Here are 3 pics of the 2004 Hasbro toy which is identical to the 1978 Kenner one excluding the remote controlled movement pieces. I think the new Lego version is pretty close. Sent from an iPhone using the Brickpicker app
    1 point
  35. Pretty sure I am going to pick one up to build. My local Lego store had a lot of brown 1X4 flat tiles on the PAB wall was tempted to get some to finish off the exposed studs.
    1 point
  36. 9493 - XWing on clearance for $18.00. Second one I bought and the first one was $45.
    1 point
  37. I know canadian prices were bad but I didnt know it was this bad
    1 point
  38. I think the minifigures based on the Nick cartoon appear more true to the original source than the ones for the film. I wish there were some way better close-ups of them but this is all I could muster. It's taken from the Press Release 2014 catalog.
    1 point
  39. Vince. Im an USAF pilot. So i have a helmet ffrom each airframe. It keeps the kids off of em. I seal each detolf with tape or clear corner protectors from lowes. Good for wall or wood corners and kids. They are a perfect fit. Just trim it to 5ft amd use double sided tape to one glass surface. You can also use 3/16 wire rope clips maybe rope brackets. And get extra glass cut a hair wider than factory glass. I fit 6 extra shelves into my detolf. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/tutorials-how-tos/423114-ikea-detolf-modification-adding-additional-shelves.html
    1 point
  40. Well, here's something to raise your appetite: Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker
    1 point
  41. I guess you didn't add in the labor cost, time, sales fees, shipping fees .. ect .. But BUY FOR $100 sell for $110 .. bam zip zap $10 profit all day long over and over soo ezzz
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. From the album: Space Battleship Yamato

    One of the coolest ships ever created. It's from the cartoon Star Blazers that was run in the mid 1970s. Awesome show. Everyone should watch it.
    1 point
  44. Rome conquered the world with paved roads and toilets... Oh the glorious humanity! America did it with nukes and Brad Pitt... I think I prefer toilets.
    1 point
  45. Honestly if LEGO did a mythology theme, I would go broke. That night. Not even kidding. I absolutely adore Greek and Roman mythology. There's just a plethora of heroes, monsters, gods, goddesses, etc that could be fleshed, er, fig'd out. Not only that, but the architecture of that time period was just fascinating. Arenas, altars, temples, AHHH. Everything was so awesome. Atlantis realllllly tickled my mythology bone with its sunken ruins that were very reminiscent of Greek architecture. Even more when LEGO released its Roman soldiers, Captains, Emperors, and traditional fantasy monsters like the Minotaur, Cyclops and Medusa. To be honest, I can't really understand why LEGO -hasn't- done something like this yet. Children are taught enough about this kind of mythology in school (at least I was), and LEGO could even be somewhat educational with a theme like this. I imagine everyone had at least one favorite god or goddess from some pantheon, or at the least enjoyed some of the fabled stories or epics. I really hope the naysayers are wrong in this regard. I would thoroughly enjoy a Mthyology theme. It would immediately become my most favorite LEGO theme of all time. Unless of course, LEGO took another shot at Avatar: The Last Airbender sets. The initial offerings (only TWO sets!) were made before the show took off (back when they thought the series would do only one season), and was competing against Spongebob (insanely dominant at the time) for a spot for a full line. I want my Toph and Azula minifigs!
    1 point
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