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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2014 in all areas

  1. Right. We don't want some members discussing topics they know little about. Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker
    9 points
  2. Well I still had a wholesale account, can only buy regular sets, now I was getting say 40 cases of Harry Potter Castles, Batcaves,Indiana Jones,The First jabba Sail barge 6210 and 6211 Star Destroyer, on the Jabba Sail Barge I got over 100 cases so thats 300 of them cases over 2 years, 3 to a case and $50 each wholesale, so in 2011 and 2012 they were selling for $300-$450 Etc, so then in 2007 I started with the Exclusives, now with all the extra money I had I should of gotten tons of the exclusives, but I only got up to about 15-20 of most. I have 20 SW 10179,Statue of Liberty,Grand carousel,Cafe Corner,Market St,Taj Mahal,eiffel Tower and a few others, I should have gotten way more, now I still have about 15 of different ones from the list that I am holding on to. Now I did get 35 REmotte AT AT and 25 Imperial Flagships. and all the ones above done great, and all the ones that I am stacking up on will do great to. So buy the right ones and you can be living on wall street. Look I am telling all you guys this as I want everybody on here to make plenty of money, some say keep my mouth shut and let them do what they are doing, Well me getting 50-100 more guys to buy and sell on the way I do is not going to affect the price. Ed
    4 points
  3. BS. Tell her you're happy to accept returns for any reason and don't engage with her crazy.
    4 points
  4. Just think about it and don't make too rash a decision. Its not worth putting a scratch on your good name. I understand you may be itching to teach her a lesson, but you don't want a red mark on your feedback. Just aloe her to return it.
    3 points
  5. I don't give a hoot about negative feedback, but I also don't waste my time and energy fighting with crazy people. The very small loss I'd take on this would be well worth a) getting this return on record with eBay so if she has a history of crazy the eBay bots will pick up on it and eBay will deal with her and b ) getting her out of my life as quickly as possible so I can concentrate on what I do best: being a great seller and making money. Bottom line, if she opens a case eBay is likely to force you to accept the return or refund her without the return, and if that happens after the case is escalated it harms your performance standing with eBay. THAT is something worth avoiding, negative feedback here or there is not even a close second. What some here view as "bowing to the customer" I view as common sense cutting my losses. My viewpoint is that some here will die on any old hill that comes up instead of picking their battles and weighing the cost/benefit of getting into a fight in the first place.
    3 points
  6. just bought one. The box is as large as simpson's house but heavier. Only one instruction which is really thick (300 pages almost)
    3 points
  7. Hey all! Less than 2 months ago ... for Christmas ... my girlfriend gave her 3 year old son a pretty cool set of Lego Duplo's. Not only did he love them ... but her 2 year old daughter loved them as well! Although I have never owned or played with Lego's previously ... even as a child ... I quickly realized how "genius" the Lego Duplo's were ... in that they would solve a lot of "issues" I was having with the 2 kiddies anytime they came over to my house (yes ... my home has never been "kid friendly" ... as I have previously never had any kids)! Instead of wreaking havoc with my DVD collection ... my piano ... all the books on the bookshelf ... they could be entertained for hours on end! What started with a few Lego Duplo sets off Amazon ... led to me discovering eBay (I was blown away by what I could buy on eBay) ... which led me to discovering this thing called "Legos for Adults" ... or ... this realization that if I didn't purchase current Lego sets at today's prices (like the Grand Emporium for $149) ... I would be paying double within the next 2 to 3 years!! (Oh how I wish I had discovered Legos just a little sooner ... as I think the Fire Brigade is pretty dang cool!) Then what started out as a simple purchase of Grand Emporium ... the VW Camper Van ... the Tower Bridge ... and the Super Star Destroyer ... let me to the realization that I should purchase a couple extra of each set to sell sometime in the future! And thus ... although I am not addicted to much (nor have I ever really had an "addictive personality") ... Legos have become my "crack cocaine." I simply cannot get enough of it! I have spent hours on this site! I have spent a couple thousand already in the past couple of weeks! I need an "intervention!" (J/K ... I really don't need an "intervention" ... in fact ... more people should discover the joy of Legos ... it has got to be the best "pick me up" for feeling down or gloomy!) And all this because I started buying a few Lego Duplos for my girlfriends 2 kids! ******* OK ... since this is my first post ... I would be most grateful if any of you would be willing to briefly answer the following 2 questions: (I realize these two questions have already been discussed extensively on other posts throughout this site ... but perhaps just a few quick comments would be greatly appreciated.) FIRST: which of the following do you feel will EOL first ... or within the next 3 months (or if I do not buy them today ... I probably will not be able to buy them 3 months from now. I realize that any answer you give is speculation on your part ... so I will not hold it as gospel truth / hold it against you if it does not quite pan out as described). Modulers: Grand Emporium ... Pet Shop ... Town Hall (specifically ... do you feel Town Hall will EOL before the other two?) Haunted House R2D2 Tower Bridge Millenium Falcon 7965 Fallingwater VW Camper Van Death Star Destroyer (And no ... I won't ask about the Death Star ... haha) SECOND: for the experienced out there ... what are the "signs" you look for that something is quickly approaching EOL ... say for example ... what "hints" would you be looking for that the Grand Emporium was going to EOL within a 2 or 4 week period. (In asking this ... I realize that this is more "art" than "science" ... so all answers and insights will be greatly appreciated.) ******* Just in case anyone is wondering ... "TheViralSmile" == because anytime you send or receive Legos in the mail ... it should put a SMILE on your face
    2 points
  8. Meant to post this earlier. From Saturday's NY Times: Lego Builds an Empire, Brick by Brick The Lego Group
    2 points
  9. What is my montly Lego budget? Hang on a second while I go dig through the couch.
    2 points
  10. I think I am slowly becoming allergic to a select group of ebay buyers. My symptoms include increased heart rate, red cheeks and a blinding migraine.
    2 points
  11. Ebay listing title 76000 Arctic Batman NO FIGURES Ebay listing description 76000 Arctic Batman, figures have carefully been removed from the box, NO FIGURES Buyer feed back left (-) Seller is a crook, Lego arrived with no figures and now my son is crying, avoid this seller!!!!
    2 points
  12. I personally think it came down to a fundamental paradigm difference between the two toy worlds. If you look at the sets they seem well designed and very nice. And the Toy Story universe has been a powerhouse for 15 years. So on individual metrics there is no reason these sets should not be doing amazing right now. But when I think of Toy Story LEGO. Something just feels off. I cant quite put my finger on it...but something is wrong. Something did not translate from the toy world to the building toy world. Almost like two really great people who for some reason don't work well together. I really wish I could put it into words better,
    2 points
  13. Whatever money not spent on women or booze ;)
    2 points
  14. In the front if this store, by the candy/soda/coffee/cereal/etc. This store doesn't have a grocery section w/ coolers/produce and stuff. They had a seasonal clearance section with a bunch of the Valentine's Day stuff marked 50% - 70% off. My son is definitely spoiled and he has plenty of Lego. Sometimes he comes downstairs, picks up a box and asks, "Is this to build, or to sell?"
    2 points
  15. I couldn't agree more. And to take it a step further what if I bought 12 x Daily Bugle for $35 with a Red Card Discount (ironically, comes to exactly $399)? This set could hit $80 by Christmas. If that happens, I will have $960 in sales. How long will it take for the Death Star or SSD to reach that number? To put this in perspective, I am selling my Hogwarts 4867 all day long for $110. Bought those in 2013 for $33 each. Yes, big sets have a higher upside but in my opinion the market is shifting and the mid sized sets are every bit as viable.
    2 points
  16. Just making a friendly reminder for everyone, whether you are a fan of the show or not, to make a note of this very special episode (550th one I might add) that will happily coincide with the release of the Minifigures series for The Simpsons. Via The Brick Fan
    1 point
  17. Here are three of the sets from the "Ninja Turtles" movie including the highly anticipated Turtle Lair Invasion. Turtle Van Takedown: $39.99 - 368 pieces Big Rig Snow Gateway: $69.99 - 741 pieces Turtle Lair Invasion: $99.99 - 888 pieces
    1 point
  18. Picked up 2 this way at Kmart yesterday and got a coupon for $10 off my next Lego purchase of $50 or more.
    1 point
  19. $42 is the 30% markdown at target. If you are willing to gamble you can hold out for a little longer for the next markdown which would be 50%. Personally, I would buy it at $42. I own 12, all bought between $40-$50. I left a few at $42 hoping for the next discount, but they didn't make it. It all depends on your area and how popular lego is there. If you think they will last, then roll the dice.
    1 point
  20. I've been in the retail and service business for almost thirty years and the one conclusion I have drawn is that some people are certifiable. In a case like this...eat it and move on, the woman sounds like a lunatic. There have been many incidents in my past that I took personally or got upset with, but looking back, it is not worth the trouble.
    1 point
  21. We're building the Haunted House right now for our Halloween Town. You better believe the Ghostbusters set is going to be parked right outside.
    1 point
  22. Haunted House / Ghostbusters bundle! I need more ghosts... I need to get my parents to mail me their ghostbusters 45 so I can play it while I drive the ectomobile to the haunted house.
    1 point
  23. I know I'm limiting my audience a bit, but I only ship internationally through the Global Shipping Program. Sometimes I even limit shipments to the continental US and exclude Hawaii and Alaska. I haven't had any issues with selling items at my Buy It Now prices, so I'm happy with how it's working. I also have Best Offer turned off. I sometimes get messages with offers, but at least those are usually only from serious buyers.
    1 point
  24. I stopped by Target and picked up 7 Seaplane polys for $1.03 each, 70% off booyahhh!!!
    1 point
  25. I'm going to use the message board at work and sell like 10 of them per week, FEE / TAX FREE BOOYAH JUICE!!
    1 point
  26. You are right Lego does not have to retire any set, I am just saying with all the SW Lego Exclusives out now and adding 2 more huge sets it seems something has to go, I am just hoping its one of them.
    1 point
  27. I found a lone Iron Man #4529 on a clearance aisle at walmart for 9.97. I wish there would have been more!
    1 point
  28. Any risk waiting until March 1st to order the Sea Cow if you're willing to wait? I think a free Martian Manhunter would be worth the wait, no?
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Listed my first items this afternoon and just had my first sale. Just the Taskmaster parted out from the Hulk Lab Smash, but it's a start!
    1 point
  31. Comment on the picture above comparing it the Sea Cow box to the Simpsons. I saw the Simpsons set at the store today and I hate to say it but I was underwhelmed. It was smaller than I had imagined it was going to be for a good number piece count. I think the Sea Cow will look much more impressive since it will have vertical height. Just opened a beer, time to start building.
    1 point
  32. KMart 4 x Super Heroes: Daily Bugle Showdown - $29 each 2 x The Hobbit: Unexpected Gathering - $37 each 2 x Ninjago: Nindroid Mechdragon - $49.50 each 1 x Super Heroes: Spiderman Cycle Chase - $14 Wal-Mart LOTR: Shelob Attacks - $13 Darth Maul Clock - $7 Found a new box of Series 12 Lego Movie minfigs and finished my set Target (only stopped at one) 16 x Coast Guard Seaplane polybag - $1.04 each Meijer Pac-Man plush w/ sound (bought it for my son, but he won't get it until he eats his peas) Bought some various Chima: Speedorz for the kiddo too. I was real lucky today and kept getting SYWR point redemption coupons with each purchase. One was even a 10% rewards coupon for purchases over $75. I think I received an additional $50 in points today. I redeemed some of them and still have $15 in the bank. I also have one more $10 in points coupon w/ $50 purchase left. I also received another $20 in gas coupons, so that helped pay for the trip.
    1 point
  33. You know, this is my biggest fear.
    1 point
  34. Are You kidding me, I'm Panicking as I read this!
    1 point
  35. I agree for the most part. I don't necessarily love the idea of going and buying one now. More what my focus would be was trying to grab them right when we find out its gone. Obviously you shouldn't do this on every set, but for a set that has lasted this long, I don't think that there is any reason to tie up that much capital. Plus on a 400$ set, you gotta get to about $950 before you actually double your money (obviously less if you got it for less). Even with Panic buying, its not getting to that in several months. I just think things like modulars, etc. would be better spent money. But I could be wrong.
    1 point
  36. The people that seem to like it are those that are like me
    1 point
  37. Found 2x Zombies 9465 in a small village near my grandmother got them for 35
    1 point
  38. Didn't you just say something the other day about a handful of recent set builds seeming like a poor excuse to include another character? The jet is alright but not quite the signature Blackbird from the comics. I agree. Classic look is way better than the film versions. Hopefully things will progress and we will see the likes of Beast, Gambit, Jean Grey, Professor X, among others in the same manner. Honestly, anything as an excuse to play this tune a lot.
    1 point
  39. I ended up purchasing some of the new Marvel sets for my personal collection. They were MSRP in store plus the BOGO. I also had $10 in rewards to spend, so I was pretty happy with the final cost.
    1 point
  40. I think Lego is getting out of control with the price but I saw the movie today and I want this damn thing.
    1 point
  41. Robie is a good test...I have three, I hope they do something special.
    1 point
  42. I don't know how 100% percent of a 'spoiler' this is (if it even is) but the Kraglizer (or Kragle?) is basically a and the "Piece of Resistance" Emmet carries throughout the movie is So pretty much the whole film is about Emmet putting back on the
    1 point
  43. Just remembered this was practically one of the first MOCs I posted here at BrickPicker. (I have no idea how to embed Flickr videos.)
    1 point
  44. It is like that awful video of three girls/one action cup my friends are always trying to get me to watch...
    1 point
  45. This looks truly aweful, can they just cancel it before it even begins and we'll all promise to pretend it never happened.
    1 point
  46. Orc Forge. Well, I didn't buy it last week, when my Target still had 7 on the shelf. Now they're gone.... I wonder what it means. It's the first time I've ever seen any evidence of other investors in my area. Oh, well, I wasn't too hot for the set anyway. I know, I know, I'm like the only one here who doesn't have at least 76 of them. I just don't see it. It's some orcs and bits of wood with a light...
    1 point
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