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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2014 in all areas

  1. The people that seem to like it are those that are like me
    5 points
  2. I'm going to put in my measly 2 cents. I realy don't buy lego for investment purposes like many of you do here. Every set I own, I have built and displayed. Now, I got the email notification for this set this morning and went online and looked at it, and 5 minutes later, I ordered it. I'm super excited to build this set. Sure it's not 'realistic', or may not be the best 'investment,' but screw it, I don't care. I buy lego because I love to build the sets and put things together. If down the road the set used returns more than retail I would be more than pleased with that. I remember building lego as a kid and outside of the SW UCS models in the early 2000s, I would mess around with all my other lego sets and play the living hell out of them and sometimes toy around and make my own stuff up. It appeals to me, just for the sole purpose of how unique it is. It's such an awesome set, and I just can't wait to put it together.
    3 points
  3. Found 2x Zombies 9465 in a small village near my grandmother got them for 35
    3 points
  4. Hey all! Less than 2 months ago ... for Christmas ... my girlfriend gave her 3 year old son a pretty cool set of Lego Duplo's. Not only did he love them ... but her 2 year old daughter loved them as well! Although I have never owned or played with Lego's previously ... even as a child ... I quickly realized how "genius" the Lego Duplo's were ... in that they would solve a lot of "issues" I was having with the 2 kiddies anytime they came over to my house (yes ... my home has never been "kid friendly" ... as I have previously never had any kids)! Instead of wreaking havoc with my DVD collection ... my piano ... all the books on the bookshelf ... they could be entertained for hours on end! What started with a few Lego Duplo sets off Amazon ... led to me discovering eBay (I was blown away by what I could buy on eBay) ... which led me to discovering this thing called "Legos for Adults" ... or ... this realization that if I didn't purchase current Lego sets at today's prices (like the Grand Emporium for $149) ... I would be paying double within the next 2 to 3 years!! (Oh how I wish I had discovered Legos just a little sooner ... as I think the Fire Brigade is pretty dang cool!) Then what started out as a simple purchase of Grand Emporium ... the VW Camper Van ... the Tower Bridge ... and the Super Star Destroyer ... let me to the realization that I should purchase a couple extra of each set to sell sometime in the future! And thus ... although I am not addicted to much (nor have I ever really had an "addictive personality") ... Legos have become my "crack cocaine." I simply cannot get enough of it! I have spent hours on this site! I have spent a couple thousand already in the past couple of weeks! I need an "intervention!" (J/K ... I really don't need an "intervention" ... in fact ... more people should discover the joy of Legos ... it has got to be the best "pick me up" for feeling down or gloomy!) And all this because I started buying a few Lego Duplos for my girlfriends 2 kids! ******* OK ... since this is my first post ... I would be most grateful if any of you would be willing to briefly answer the following 2 questions: (I realize these two questions have already been discussed extensively on other posts throughout this site ... but perhaps just a few quick comments would be greatly appreciated.) FIRST: which of the following do you feel will EOL first ... or within the next 3 months (or if I do not buy them today ... I probably will not be able to buy them 3 months from now. I realize that any answer you give is speculation on your part ... so I will not hold it as gospel truth / hold it against you if it does not quite pan out as described). Modulers: Grand Emporium ... Pet Shop ... Town Hall (specifically ... do you feel Town Hall will EOL before the other two?) Haunted House R2D2 Tower Bridge Millenium Falcon 7965 Fallingwater VW Camper Van Death Star Destroyer (And no ... I won't ask about the Death Star ... haha) SECOND: for the experienced out there ... what are the "signs" you look for that something is quickly approaching EOL ... say for example ... what "hints" would you be looking for that the Grand Emporium was going to EOL within a 2 or 4 week period. (In asking this ... I realize that this is more "art" than "science" ... so all answers and insights will be greatly appreciated.) ******* Just in case anyone is wondering ... "TheViralSmile" == because anytime you send or receive Legos in the mail ... it should put a SMILE on your face
    2 points
  5. I couldn't agree more. And to take it a step further what if I bought 12 x Daily Bugle for $35 with a Red Card Discount (ironically, comes to exactly $399)? This set could hit $80 by Christmas. If that happens, I will have $960 in sales. How long will it take for the Death Star or SSD to reach that number? To put this in perspective, I am selling my Hogwarts 4867 all day long for $110. Bought those in 2013 for $33 each. Yes, big sets have a higher upside but in my opinion the market is shifting and the mid sized sets are every bit as viable.
    2 points
  6. Yeah, USA is playing well. But that was a nice win over a good team, you should be proud. Okay...back on topic: The Lego Movie really got me to rethink what I thought was a great about Lego...some of what happened in there was VERY similar to my life....and I was Lord Business!
    2 points
  7. Not a bad day today, got the following: TRU: 2 Unimogs - $360 - $120 gc = $240 out of door for both Walmart: 2 x Flying Dutchman - $9 each 1 x Battle at the Black Gate - $35 Kmart: 1 x Creator Aviation Adventures - $37 3 x Spiderman Daily Bugle Showdown - $31 each 2 x Friends Camper - $21 each 2 x Dragon Mountain - $31 each Kmart has two Unexpected Gathering for $44.98 each and Rancor Pit for $37, but didn't pick up any. I am hoping for more markdown.
    2 points
  8. SPOILER: After the whole rainbow cloud city thing explodes into the ocean, it is here that the hero of the story realizes the things he has created are useful, though they had been laughed at before. It is here, at this point, where the story changes direction and the climax of the main plot is revealed. He had created that double couch, and people, even the old zen guy, said it was horrible and stupid. Only when on the boat does everyone realize the hero's creations are valuable. The hero even gives the line that is something like "I am just a construction worker, but when I have a plan I can do great things. You are all master builders. Imagine if you all did that. You could save the universe." Later in the movie, as we see how the hero's ideas are used to save the different zones by broadcasting "your creations are valuable, even if you're an ordinary person.", the movie is pretty much over and the story done. The theme of: You are special and the things you create are important, resonates throughout the end of the movie, and it was on that awesome boat where it was revealed. I teach literature and English, so I look for this stuff, even when I don't want to. End Spoiler So ya, on the boat, the spend a good 5 minutes going over what I was talking about before, and they have the whole Millennium Falcon scene for another 5 minutes or so. The boat is also in the film a few minutes when they get to the rainbow cloud city thing. It must come up at the end too, but it is a bit messy on screen with all the stuff going on. It was hard to tell.
    2 points
  9. I agree for the most part. I don't necessarily love the idea of going and buying one now. More what my focus would be was trying to grab them right when we find out its gone. Obviously you shouldn't do this on every set, but for a set that has lasted this long, I don't think that there is any reason to tie up that much capital. Plus on a 400$ set, you gotta get to about $950 before you actually double your money (obviously less if you got it for less). Even with Panic buying, its not getting to that in several months. I just think things like modulars, etc. would be better spent money. But I could be wrong.
    1 point
  10. I do believe this is the end for the Superstar Destroyer too. Just picked one up on warehouse deals today, 324, can't wait to build it.
    1 point
  11. Well Most of you guys no my stand on the Death Star and SSD, So with the new 75059 Huge Sandcrawler $349.99 and Slave 1 coming in Septemper that should be the end of the Death Star or SSD, Something has to go as Lego has never had all these SW Lego Exclusives out at once. So I am up to 34 Death Stars and 15 SSD as with the Barnes and Noble 30%-40% Coupons if the cashier does not read the coupon you should be getting the DS for $270-300 depending on the coupon. along with the R2-D2 Droid $130. But back to the Death Star all you guys who think this set will take forever to make money will regret it along with the SSD.Most of you guys are kicking yourself for not buying lots of Imperial Flagships, Remote AT AT, 10212 Shuttles,Potter Castles and I could list many more, because once the panic buying starts for the DS and SSD well many of guys on here will be asking is $500-600 still a good deal for them. Ed
    1 point
  12. I bet this one will be a pain if you build it and like, walk by and brush against it and some pieces fall off. It's so out there in design you won't know where to stick the fallen pieces back on without pulling out the instruction manual again. LOL Or since it IS so far out there, you can just stick the fallen pieces anywhere and they will look ok.
    1 point
  13. I will definitely get as many Sea Cows as possible. I support everyone else only buying the "good" investments.
    1 point
  14. Even better question is.... if you had neither and would have 500$ and all were retired... Would you rather buy (assuming all retired and all cost the same) haunted House, Tower Bridge, Ewok Village, Modulars or this? i know this one would be my last choice
    1 point
  15. Could not let this epic auto-correct fail go without notice. I'm sure we all feel the same way though.
    1 point
  16. Reverse-Reverse psychology at play here. Mos Eisley wants you to think he is being sarcastic, but he really means it.
    1 point
  17. My post was not moaning - It was in response to someones question about the effect re-releases have on values, and how things have changed over the years.
    1 point
  18. Star City is correct. Demand and supply go in 'reverse, when refreshes are announced, I don't think he's moaning. Instead, he is being informative and further stressing a point.
    1 point
  19. I am not a true fan, if I dont like this psycho movie sets? Sorry, but these movie sets are the biggest crap of last years... I can accept mutants like Chima or Ninjago, even If I dont like, because they are for children and children are keen on creatures etc. What I cannot understand is this Movie concept of psycho transformer sets WITHOUT ANY LOGIC. Robotic cowboys, flying ice cream cars, or flying fortress !!! OMG. This is absolutely out of logic. What is the worst part of this Movie theme in my opinion is killing a big opportunity - we all are waiting and praying for many interesting themes, which TLG could transfer into the sets. We can understand, that TLG sometimes need a support from movies or franchises, in order to capitalize the popularity of certain themes. Typical situation was Lone Ranger - since popularity of western theme could be questionable among today children, TLG need help from a movie. When TLG produces licenced sets, they are very limited by original franchise, they cannot for example build big green pirate ship in POTC. BUT - now TLG had EVERYTHING in its hands - they could create ANY THEME, since they could involve any theme into the Lego Movie. For example antique theme - I am waiting a long time for sets from ancient greek and roman empire; also antique CMF minifigures are extremly popular. I cannot undestand why TLG has never used this concept - they could creat fantastic world with many creatures from greek mythology - this would satisfy children
    1 point
  20. pictures, as promised... Flo's V8 Cafe, features sensor lighting (disabled for now, so it will not drain batteries over time) Ghost Train / Mad Scientist's Lab (pardon the quality, I didn't want to remove the protective wrap) Features push-button and sensor lighting, white total illumination and a light show highlighting certain parts in different colours Olivia's house, features push button lighting and a turntable to rotate the house. Sorry, couldn't resist to add a somewhat dramatic backdrop to the ever so peaceful world of Lego Friends...
    1 point
  21. First of all. Thanks for your soon to be service. Don't look it so much as selling your soul but more the highest rewards demand the highest commitments. Just always try to be positive and make the best of situations and all will be well. I have been at it for 8 years now and can't imagine doing anything else. Yes there are times that have sucked hard....but there have been many times when its been "I can't believe I get paid to do this!" And with that I will get off the soapbox . Welcome to Brickpicker. As for investing, as has been said. Focus on the larger exclusive sets as they have the most room to grow. Anything that retires in the next 1 to 2 years should be golden, although that's the hard part is figuring when retirement is coming.
    1 point
  22. I wonder how long it will be before this thread becomes filled with "I bought The Sea Cow!" posts? Haha. Admit it, you know you want it.
    1 point
  23. I bought a bag of minifigures today and most are from series 1-8. These are the leftovers I couldn't identify. Any help would be appreciated!
    1 point
  24. The two aliens in the middle row are Kranxx and Rench from Space Police III, and so are the two gray space cops. Blue space dude and fat head alien (looks like a bulldog) are from Alien Conquest. Girl on the left has Series 6 Flamenco Dancer's torso, legs, and head but wrong hair.
    1 point
  25. Nope, they are purple pants. I have the set already.
    1 point
  26. Is this like a cheapened version of a modular?
    1 point
  27. For sure I know that #4 is a male islander and #5 is King Kahuka, but both torsos are switched.
    1 point
  28. Here are the last two Creator sets for the year. Plus some better views of the Bike Shop & Cafe which will retail for $89.99. Yellow Racers - $29.99? Roaring Power - $29.99 Bike Shop & Cafe - $89.99
    1 point
  29. The first thing i thought when I saw this set a while back was steampunk also. I already have the Metalbeard duel set and building Metalbeard was one of the most fun Lego building experiences I've had--I love that model/figure/whatever with all it's steampunk vibe. I think this set could be very popular with steampunk fans, and if Lego ever did a steampunk theme that could add to the desirability of this set. As is I can already imagine having the Monster Fighters crew this thing--how cool would that look?
    1 point
  30. Imo you're not a true Lego fan, the movie sets aren't crap, unlike the licensed themes this sets have the true essence of Lego, personally for me I'll take this sets over any licensed stuff anyday (not a fan, in my younger years there was no uncreative licensed stuff). As an investment is another story, but still I think that comparing these to Toy Story sets is not the best comparison at all.
    1 point
  31. I think Lego is getting out of control with the price but I saw the movie today and I want this damn thing.
    1 point
  32. I bought a small item locally once. The guy dropped it in my mailbox and refunded the shipping charges...I ended up giving him the shipping charges back. Same day delivery and that effort deserved it.
    1 point
  33. You should have just met him at the phone booth down at the docks next to the abandoned warehouse. That would have freaked the cops out.
    1 point
  34. I haven't built it yet but I finally did manage to come up with a virtual design incorporating my three Log Cabins into one modular esque type of build using only the included pieces. I'm quite happy with the layout using such a limited selection in parts and can hardly wait to put it together in real life. On an a more related note, I opened up a couple of Ninjago polybags among others I had lying around in waiting.
    1 point
  35. The very reasons you`ve given why you dislike this ship are the very same reasons why I love it. There, I`ve said it, I love this ship! Also, I beg to differ on that point. The ship really is designed as a Steampunk creation, even though the Lego Movie really didn`t touch on that concept. I`m a huge fan of that concept, and even though I`ve seen the Lego Movie already, my interest was peaked when the very first image showed up online a month ago. My opinion would be that those who are not familiar with the Steampunk concept but saw the ship in the movie may be attracted to the very different/wacky style of build that this is. Steampunk is not everyones cup of tea, and when compared to other concepts, I`d say it is much more of a smaller niche. You either like it or you don`t. While it would make sense, as others have said, to be "on the fence" about that point, I`d still say it`s either a concept you like, or prefer something else. So no, I don`t think all of the popularity is resting on the Lego Movie. That goes for AFOLs. Absolutely it will drive sales to those who are not familiar, but it`s very much a unique ship and the price point will likely prevent it from becoming a huge hit. That doesn`t mean it`s not a good ship, I seriously love it, it`s most of what I`d want in a Lego Steampunk ship, and in some ways, more so. That`s me personally, but of course everyone has their own taste. Clearly you are not a Steampunk enthusiast, and I respect that, but to say that it is "just a stupid combination of bricks and colours" would not be a true statement to someone who is a fan, like myself. I don`t think the designers could have done much better with this, I`ll be buying one most likely during double VIP, because even though I love the ship, money still needs to be maximized. As far as investing goes, that I would agree with being on the fence about. If everyone was a Steampunk fan and enjoyed it, then I`d say it would be a shoe in as a large investment. Sadly, not very many are, and most kids, if not all, don`t even know what the concept is. That`s going to hurt demand. We`ll have to see what the market and popularity for this set is a year from now to better gage the ship for investment.
    1 point
  36. All of your logic is sound, except for the assertion that no one will remember it. I'm not saying that Emmet is the next Sheriff Woody, but the success of the movie up to this point puts it in rarified air. It's clear that many here have not paid close attention to the reviews and general response to this movie
    1 point
  37. Is that a tiny bar in the cantina, but no barman fig? What about the guy who has the death warrant on 12 systems and his mate???? I guess Lego thought "these little ones are not worth worrying about". I think the set is ok, because it is the iconic cantina, but the build is no big wow, agreed???? The speeder nearly has the same amount of Lego as the cantina.
    1 point
  38. Half off is excellent. It's not an amazing set, but the figs are good. Be patient, in 2 years it will be worth $40+.
    1 point
  39. I think the moc looks great, but if you look at the minifigures, it honestly looks like a bunch of guys sitting in recliners...
    1 point
  40. Or you could try to pass them off as Dumbledores. (Sorry, that was a dumb Lego Movie joke.)
    1 point
  41. A peak at the Advent Calendar with possibly another inclusion of Series 8's Santa but then again why mess with perfection?
    1 point
  42. Here's the dumbest question I've ever heard in a Lego Store: "Do you guys sell Legos here?" What tipped you off, Einstein? Was it the floor-to-ceiling walls of sets, the logo on the door, or the wall full of loose Lego bricks?
    1 point
  43. I just voted too. That set looks awesome!
    1 point
  44. I think so too. I'm guessing they just didn't do good at TRU is all. Yeah probably because TRU was selling them for $300, haha just kidding. I actually never saw what they were selling the HH for. Was it the retail $180 or did they have it marked up? Surprisingly they were selling them for under retail. I bought one 2 days ago for $169.99 plus tax. Really?? That's strange, but I guess you never know. I found a DA at TRU for the regular retail of $149.99 just after Christmas that I'm guessing was a return. TRU is so inconsistent sometimes lol.
    1 point
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