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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2014 in all areas

  1. Not sure if anyone has seen Shredder's Lair set yet, but TRU has it on their website. It's NOT a new version of the TMNT Lair - it's actually Shredder's base. Anyone staying away from the lair because they thought it might be a redo of the first should probably reconsider. EDIT: Looks like a new purple version of the Shredder minifigure.
    4 points
  2. I didn't have anyyhing else to do today, so I drove out to a backwoods WalMart about an hour from me, because online, it said they had a few Gandalf Arrives for $9. I was going to pick one up just to add to my personal collection. When I got there I found a Weathertop for $40 and a Helms Deep for $89 in nearly mint boxes. They had PSA for $99.97 and Helms Deep for $89. I couldn't believe my eyes. So, needless to say, I grabbed it and Weathertop. No luck on the Gandalf Arrives. Lol
    3 points
  3. http://mashable.com/2014/02/16/lego-ghostbusters/ It's official. Chalk this one up in the Winner's column.
    3 points
  4. I think the sets everyone is worrying about overlapping are actually movie sets and will be much different than the current cartoon ones. I think the TMNT line is all going to be pretty solid and very underrated investment. Just my 2 cents.
    3 points
  5. Ask congress/parliament, we all know they`re experts on budgeting
    3 points
  6. A couple of weeks ago a small toy store here in town ("here" meaning in Germany) went out of business, because their lease wasn't renewed at a bearable rate. When they had their final sales I went to pick up some Lego, part for investment, part for my collection, I stumbled across a bunch of display cases with price tags on them. Last year I had asked the boss at their head store (they belonged to a very small chain) what happened to these cases if they were replaced and he told me they (the cases) were going back to Lego and they (the store) were not allowed to sell them. Looks like this either changed (unlikely) or they didn't care anymore. Bottom line: I picked up three of them, Flo's V8 Cafe and Ghost Train / Mad Scientist's Lab for my own collection and Friends Olivia's House for my daughter. The Monster Fighters case was brand new, still in protective wrap. Asking price was 50% of MSRP of the included sets and I successfully asked the store clerk to apply that week's 30% final sale rebate. I still have to find a nice place to display them (or at least to store them until then). They also had a life sized Dirk Nowitzki on display, I asked if it was for sale, but I was told that Lego would be picking this one up. The store could have kept it. For 6000 Euros...
    2 points
  7. The very reasons you`ve given why you dislike this ship are the very same reasons why I love it. There, I`ve said it, I love this ship! Also, I beg to differ on that point. The ship really is designed as a Steampunk creation, even though the Lego Movie really didn`t touch on that concept. I`m a huge fan of that concept, and even though I`ve seen the Lego Movie already, my interest was peaked when the very first image showed up online a month ago. My opinion would be that those who are not familiar with the Steampunk concept but saw the ship in the movie may be attracted to the very different/wacky style of build that this is. Steampunk is not everyones cup of tea, and when compared to other concepts, I`d say it is much more of a smaller niche. You either like it or you don`t. While it would make sense, as others have said, to be "on the fence" about that point, I`d still say it`s either a concept you like, or prefer something else. So no, I don`t think all of the popularity is resting on the Lego Movie. That goes for AFOLs. Absolutely it will drive sales to those who are not familiar, but it`s very much a unique ship and the price point will likely prevent it from becoming a huge hit. That doesn`t mean it`s not a good ship, I seriously love it, it`s most of what I`d want in a Lego Steampunk ship, and in some ways, more so. That`s me personally, but of course everyone has their own taste. Clearly you are not a Steampunk enthusiast, and I respect that, but to say that it is "just a stupid combination of bricks and colours" would not be a true statement to someone who is a fan, like myself. I don`t think the designers could have done much better with this, I`ll be buying one most likely during double VIP, because even though I love the ship, money still needs to be maximized. As far as investing goes, that I would agree with being on the fence about. If everyone was a Steampunk fan and enjoyed it, then I`d say it would be a shoe in as a large investment. Sadly, not very many are, and most kids, if not all, don`t even know what the concept is. That`s going to hurt demand. We`ll have to see what the market and popularity for this set is a year from now to better gage the ship for investment.
    2 points
  8. No! That thing is awesome. I am going to see the movie in an hour, but, even without the movie, that thing looks fun. I hate to think what my 3-year-old is going to do to it, but it is a must have in my house.
    2 points
  9. $50 MSRP Sent from my iPad using Brickpicker
    2 points
  10. This discussion has been brought up many times in the past. I think the answer is fairly simple: yes the point about a small risk later on if investors hoard x amount of sets and decide to flood the market later, could Lego take a small hit? Ehh, maybe. The main reason that I have seen from communication that people have posted directly from Lego reps and all the facts seems to be this: We all know that the increased demand from investors helps Lego. The reason why Lego is trying to stop resellers buying up all of these sets is not because it's not a good thing, it's that Lego would RATHER you go 1 step further and become an official reseller. Sort of like going double or nothing. Netflix had 25 million subscribers back when they were $9.99 per month. They raised prices to $14.99 - there was a huge outcry and 1 million subscribers left. But they still had 24 million left, and each one left started paying 50% higher. In a way, Lego is trying the same thing by trying to force investors to become an official reseller. Better for Lego, worse for us.
    2 points
  11. This is also a good reason to buy and sell used sets. I get to build them, and enjoy that fun, then sell them and move on.
    2 points
  12. These are the most fun right? I mean, is there a better feeling than walking into a gold mine like this. Its what deal hunters live for.
    2 points
  13. Jeff has put a ton of work into several versions of the Classifieds over the past year so we hope people will find it useful. I'm sure there will be things they can be improved, but all we ask is that members give it a try before making negative comments about it. If you don't find it useful, no problem. Maybe one day you will find it helpful. Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker
    2 points
  14. Seriously, watch Caddyshack like right now! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Th_aBzrV37M
    2 points
  15. All, I would like your help...what system are you using to print online labels and postage for standard post and 1st class large envelopes for USPS? I was looking at Stamps.com - is that a good solution? I was hoping for a company that had USPS and FedEX/UPS but if not that is OK since 90% of my packages will be USPS. Standard Post (sets and large packages) and 1st class large envelope (minifigs, etc.) are huge for me and I would like to find an online solution for printing these out rather than standing in line at the PO You cannot print these online at usps.com. That said, what label makers are you guys using to get this done? I recently bought the dymo 450 and returned it. I had a bad morning the day I got it so maybe I did it in haste but it was annoying the crap out of me. Thanks!!
    1 point
  16. I passed on $40 Rancor at my Walmart too, just not ready to bite the bullet for this set. If it goes lower, I'll bite!
    1 point
  17. When someone give me a lowball offer I tell them that I am a grandma selling it for my grandson and he needs the money for a kidney transplant and I need to have everything shipped and received by the buyer before my grandsons birthday in two days.
    1 point
  18. When in doubt, always buy at 50% off or more. Research and return later... I think I'm going to make this my signature.
    1 point
  19. Yes I spotted it from the 4x4 & 6x6 round dishes that are on the legs. Closer looks at the picture showed quite a few other pieces. And it turned out to be 99% complete And as a bonus, these other sets were in there - (some could also be seen, like 10176) 345 Small Play Bucket For Girls 1993 2229 Basic Building Set 3+ 1999 1613 Basic Building Set 3+ 1987 10176 King's Castle 2006 7657 AT-ST 2007 7256 SPARES Jedi Starfighter and Vulture Droid 2005 8142 Ferrari 248 F1 1:24 2007 8142 Ferrari 248 F1 1:24 2007 8673 Ferrari F1 Fuel Stop 2006 7670 SPARES Hailfire Droid & Spider Droid 2008 6205 SPARES V-wing Fighter 2006 7655 Clone Troopers Battle Pack 2007 7654 Droids Battle Pack 2007 7668 Rebel Scout Speeder 2008 7667 Imperial Dropship 2008 8271 Wheel Loader 2007 7701 Grand Titan 2006 8893 Lava Chamber Gate 2006 Most were 70-100% complete. I normally look for vintage lots like this but this was most lego than than 10 years old. I have never seen a bulk lots containing sets like the modulars, yet.
    1 point
  20. Two great points. To your second point
    1 point
  21. One thing for sure, there is no more reason for me to pay a hefty price for Imperial Flagship anymore. This Sea Cow looks meaner and more detail for much less $$$ (even though it is pricey).
    1 point
  22. so much focus on the VC and FH. 4204 the mine has the same price as VC and also close to EOL. It's a good pick up, may not be as good as VC but one thing for sure is that it is also less stocked among investors than VC. I'm also seriously considering 3368 the space center. It's already retired and hard to find below MSRP so $62 is not bad at all. Also, this sale could become decent if they lower the price of the old technic sets to MSRP.
    1 point
  23. May have already been mentioned, but other good deal besides Pirate Ship is Ultra Sonic Raider Just under $50 for each of the 2.
    1 point
  24. this thing will look awesome in an aquarium fish tank setup.
    1 point
  25. Turtle Lair Invasion 79117 is the other "lair" LEGO.
    1 point
  26. Rewards should stack in store, right? If so, then I'm returning my VC that I bought last month that was a $15 off $50 (so, $95) and get two of these with my rewards coupons to being it down to $77 each. (I need one for a personal build) Sent from my iPad using Brickpicker
    1 point
  27. I have not watched the movie yet but damn... this beast comes out for 30s only??!!!? What a shame, I was expecting more scenes from this ship Designer video here btw
    1 point
  28. Eurobricks has the review for this set
    1 point
  29. I feel like flipping some sets like hotcakes tonight you guys (and gals).
    1 point
  30. I think that's one benefit of parting out sets. You can build the set if you want, and then sell it, and move on to the next build
    1 point
  31. It was up 6% last month and over 68% from retail. Not too shabby IMO.
    1 point
  32. While i agree that for the most part, businesses don't have to worry about competing with the folks they've already sold their product to,,,,,lego is a bit different. Most items purchased with disposable income, computers, iPhone, and other electronics sold today do not appreciate, nor do they even hold their value. As we've all seen on this site, many (not all) lego products kept sealed and mint are almost always able to be sold for their original retail, if not much, much more. If, (big if) the lego resellers create a significant (we don't know if its significant) increase in perceived demand, and if (IF) lego resellers leave the market rapidly for any reason (doesn't matter why, boredom, economic issues, next big thing, mom kicked them out the basement), Lego MIGHT be in a situation where their brand new 2016 (pick a year) sets are in direct competition with a large (maybe significant) amount of product that's either just as good, or even more desireable (because its' no longer available at retail). If lego investors were opening the products and enjoying them, then lego doesnt have to worry about competing with them in 2,3,4 years,,,,but if you check out the storage pictures thread,,,,its like a massive decentralized warehouse system of product just waiting to compete with lego..............at some point.
    1 point
  33. When is new sale active usually? Midnight est? Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker
    1 point
  34. Tru might be changing their rewards/cc bonuses as I keep getting surveys from a company they hired. They aks how you would feel if you got 3% / 5% off your purchases at tru and about banking rewards. I keep telling them they need to do 5% off and free shipping to match target lol
    1 point
  35. LeGod is assuming, correct me if I am wrong, a JIT system whereas madcatsfan is assuming a more traditional approach where demand is estimated, and inventory is produced to that demand level estimated, not necessarily flexible with current demand. How does Lego run their business? Are they JIT? That is critical to know here in determining the effects of the resale market. I would think the higher end sets can be more JIT than the smaller sets. JIT would allow Lego to cease production on dogs and increase production on winners as long as set up costs to change production runs are not significant. If they have more of a traditional inventory and production approach, then their estimates for their new products will be based on the demand from end-users and resellers combined. If resellers move out of the market due to diminishing profits from oversaturated markets as madcatsfan has described, then the traditional inventory and production processes of TLG will cause overproduction, and directly hurt Lego. Either way, resellers are a positive for TLG as a sale is a sale no matter who it is, in the short-term. Long-term is a different story for TLG depending on a JIT or traditional inventory process. Conclusion JIT: LeGod is correct. Traditional: madcatsfan is correct. Let me know if I am missing something.
    1 point
  36. 6 X-wing @ 38 ea 20 arctic @ 12.7 ea 15 Daily Bugle @ 31.75 ea 5 cycle chase @ 11 ea
    1 point
  37. I think that investors cannot be a problem for TLG. Investors just cover a gap in the demand - they are satisfying the collectors, who are new in the market or just forget to buy what they want. Without investors these collectors would be without chance to buy cetain sets. The only effects of investors to TLG is just: 1) an increase of demand for lego sets (TLC sells 1 million sets instead of 700 000) - this is a good point not bad point for TLG, 2) an extention of EOL - if TLG finish production of set X after 2 years, then investors are coming and extend a supply of these sets - so a real EOL come in many years after an official EOL - this is without effect for TLG - its just up to TLG, whether they want to participate on such secondary market by extending the official EOL, or by re-edition of the sets produced in the past. Some of us are describing that the problem for TLG should be a distortion of the market - many investors buy many sets, which can TLG read as a higher demand and produce more and more such sets. But this isnt a problem. Firstly, investors are just a smaller part of customers, which effect is not so big. Secondly, TLG can produce the sets in several portions and react continuosly on the situation in the market. Another factor is that most investors are coming in the end of life of certain set, not in the begining (in order to cut the storage time). And if TLG produce more sets than the real demand is, its definitely no problem - the EOL of this set will just come later than was planned. And more collectors will have a chance to buy such set for normal price. Again - NO PROBLEM FOR TLG.
    1 point
  38. My wife gets so mad at me when she builds because apparently me wanting the set to go together correctly is a form of criticism... she's like the Picasso of the LEGO world.
    1 point
  39. What amuses me is that people say something won't work while it already works damn well on the Bricklink site. LEGO fans selling to LEGO fans has worked for years on that site. Our commission structure will be less than theirs. Maybe many of you are just afraid of an educated buyer. Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker
    1 point
  40. This site is designed for the large number of LEGO fans that enjoy the hobby and want to save some money when collecting LEGO sets. There is much more going on behind the scenes than the handful of forum members that post frequently. Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker
    1 point
  41. I have no issues with you or anyone expressing their opinion. Your concerns have been heard and the reponse (from the creator of this site) was that if you dont think the feature will work then dont use it end of story. No need for further discussion on why you think it wont work. If you cannot comprehend this just let me know and I will arrange a time out for you so you can think about it. We do not tollerate trolling in these forums so you either conform or you will be removed, your choice.
    1 point
  42. No sir I deleted your posts and if you have any questions as to why I did you can PM me. PS keep acting like a 8 year old and I guarantee you won't be around when the classifieds roll out. Your opinion that it won't work and why it wont work was noted so no need to discuss it further.
    1 point
  43. I had a good offer yesterday from someone on a Jabba's Palace with no minifigures (listed for $55 which is honestly not bad considering people are paying $120 now for the full set) "I am offering you $35. I don't think you are going to be able to get your price of $55 for this as I have seen you haven't sold any. Without the figurines included, it makes it worth much less in my experience." Yeah - because the person who calls them "figurines" knows more about Lego selling than I do. My Response with a decline: "Unfortunately I need 55$ or I will not be able to feed my family massive USDA steaks. $35 only buys the cheap stuff and we would rather die than eat that. Please understand my families needs." Even better, I sold it for $55 2 hours later.
    1 point
  44. FWIW I received 4 HH's today from Walmart ordered with the GC deal. All 4 were in great shape. Boxes were stuffed with lots of butcher paper wadded up as padding though Walmart does not package as well as amazon does though.
    1 point
  45. I agree with this. I think LEGO wants to slow things down a tad. LEGO reps have stated that they do not mind people buying a couple sets to build, collect and invest in, but the issue arises when people buy 10, 20, 30 or more of the same set to resell. Not only does this sort of reseller make it more difficult for regular customers to buy these sets, these resellers will compete directly with LEGO when they list their sets. It also makes it hard for LEGO to make production estimates if resellers are propping up the market to a degree. Although the market seems to be coping with the added reseller's purchases, LEGO's recent buying restrictions have helped slow the reseller market down a bit IMO.
    1 point
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