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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2014 in all areas

  1. But the new one will have purple pants.
    4 points
  2. As somebody who loves Fox News, even I can say this article is a bit ridiculous. I see how they came to that conclusion but its a stretch. There are many other movies out that display very pronounced agenda's but the LEGO movie isn't one of them (well besides the agenda of building bricks ).
    2 points
  3. If you're looking to quit or cut down you've come to the WRONG place if you want to feed your addiction welcome.
    2 points
  4. I wonder. With the current disconnect of the stock market to the rest of the working world, I wonder if most people would give a crap or even notice if the stock market took a dump.
    2 points
  5. That dropship is awesome and the seacow as well. Damn you lego for making so many sets I want
    2 points
  6. I can't believe it but what he said word for word!
    1 point
  7. Idea: "Date retired" column in the Brickfolio. Sorting by that might help make a sell decision.
    1 point
  8. Well I prefer Flesh when it has something to do about ACTUAL movie (like LOTR, SW etc) But when it comes to LEGO themes I think yellow is perfectly fine... and I like it!
    1 point
  9. I love when people use the word trebuchet in conversation! Well done!
    1 point
  10. Who was it that said "when others are fearful...." that all you can eat Buffet guy. That being said, in 07/08 I was fearful and if I was smart, I would have invested more. Properties in SoCal tanked and now mine is going up 15% just last year alone. My house in Ohio is up %7 at least in a short 2 years. There will always be a correction, and then a rebound. Whoever said Cash is King was right. Dave Ramsey style. You better have cash available. While guns typically sell better during election years and political fear periods, they are a good asset to be able to liquidate quickly. Guns always go up in value and can be used forever. Toys, like LEGOs, also go up, exponentially more than guns in some cases (which is why I am on this board), but when a crisis hits where NOBODY wants to spend money as in 08, I wonder if people will splurge on blocks of plastic. I don't think so. When the fear of layoff or government shutdown is around every corner, the smart one will save his money. Remember when Starbucks closed thousands of locations? All those $5 coffees quickly became a perk, not a need. Now, with LEGOs and coffee, its a need. We can live life well. But as with 9/11 or any random day in the future, it can all change quickly. So where do you put your assets and time? Food? Guns? Survival? Fun? Education? Investments (LEGO)? All are preparing for a different view of tomorrow. For me, LEGO is used to spend good time with my kids, so its less of an investment than it is fun for today. I can buy a lot of LEGOs because I already have the other areas covered. And my wife said "you already have ENOUGH guns" but hasn't said that about LEGOs yet That being said, I am still investing, still putting into the ROTH IRA and scheming and plotting a financial well being for the future. Cash under the mattress is losing its value at what, 4%+ a year?
    1 point
  11. Moving along, would anyone like to take a guess as to what the exclusive minifigure included with the future home release of The Lego Movie will be? Hopefully it will not be yet another slightly different Emmett. I would not mind a robot character of any kind simply because I love collecting those guys for a my own personal army but that is just me.
    1 point
  12. Jabba's Palace from WM clearance tonight! $80, which is not bad in this area. Lets hope this set is finally done! :p
    1 point
  13. That is without a doubt one of the most inane arguments I`ve seen in some time. Lego Movie=Anti Capitalism. Really? Really?!? That`s all they picked up from it? That was their take-away? Pathetic. It is Fox though, so what else did anyone expect.
    1 point
  14. Spoilers..... Here is a list on yahoo of a lot of the cameos and easter eggs in movie http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-news/lego-sets-to-look-out-for-in-lego-movie-200310801.html
    1 point
  15. I built the United Nations Headquarters for my desk at work. I've got a lot of jealous coworkers right now.
    1 point
  16. Calm down now . I found this little outlet shop which is my new favorite place now. I left tons (not as great buys) behind including another AA. I just told my husband the other day I was gonna stop buying Lego til I sell a bunch so I had to. I'm crazy, right? hehehehe...Oh, I understand. I tell my wife that same thing. But I still manage to make it happen. I'm in too big an area for boutique stores to fly under the radar. Heck, nothing flys under the radar here. Good find. I'd love to score an AA, and I'm dying for a TH. Both of those at those prices - your husband should be mad at you if you DIDN'T bring those home!
    1 point
  17. Used Medieval Market Village 10193 I have wanted this for so long! I think I will modify it a bit to add to my Hobbit Lake town scene!
    1 point
  18. Calm down now . I found this little outlet shop which is my new favorite place now. I left tons (not as great buys) behind including another AA. I just told my husband the other day I was gonna stop buying Lego til I sell a bunch so I had to. I'm crazy, right?
    1 point
  19. Very excited about my finds today! Town Hall @ 125 Arkham Asylum @ 96 Dolphin Cruiser @ 28 DC and Town Hall brand new, sealed. The AA had some seals broken but all bags sealed.
    1 point
  20. I sold mine. At the end of the day, Quacs made the decision for me. I said that if I sold it and it reached $700 in 2 years I would be sad. Quacs said, "If you get 400 for it now, you aren't sure you could turn that $400 into $700 another way in 2 years?". And hes right - I will (hopefully) and I don't have to worry about it coming back now. If I had 50, I think I would sell all 50.
    1 point
  21. Welcome aboard...your screen names looks familiar
    1 point
  22. You're stealing films incorrectly if the video is poor quality.
    1 point
  23. The ones that make you money!! Research !! It really depends on the buy price point. Chopper showdown, funhouse, barrel escape, jedi defender, pirate ship ambush
    1 point
  24. Refund them. It's not right to keep their money and their product. It's fine to deduct for your postage and original fees -- I haven't had to deal with an Amazon refund in a long time, though, so find out how that's handled over there, you may or may not be able to the partial refund thing like you can on eBay.
    1 point
  25. Depends. The people who lost all their money on the stock market will probably have very little of none left compared to what they invested in. For those who didn't invest in stocks and still have jobs that pay decent money, they would be able to buy Lego.
    1 point
  26. Hi, I think it is retired from Legoshop France.
    1 point
  27. If the market crashes that hard, I doubt many people are going to buy our LEGO sets on ebay. I would be investing in gold, firearms, and ammunition.
    1 point
  28. If we were to repeat 1929 I would invest in firearms, not Lego lol. Seriously though there is no way you can compare 2014 to 1929 as far as stocks are concerned, two completely different animals. The trend is so strongly up from 2008 onward it would not be wise to stand in its way.
    1 point
  29. I am going to have way too many emmet figures...
    1 point
  30. Just built the Lone Ranger Constitution Train with my daughter........
    1 point
  31. I will probably regret not getting Ghost Train, but it seems so non-appealing on many different levels.
    1 point
  32. Finished this one up with my son today
    1 point
  33. Come on, that's what these forums are all about! Some dude I've never met before told me that the Batcave is retired. He works part time at the LEGO store so he knows everything there is to know regarding production and whatnot. I also know for a fact that there's only one right way to invest. If you aren't doing it this one particular way, then you're just sitting on dead money and I'm going to take every chance I get to tell you what an idiot you are. And taxes you say? Nobody in their right mind pays those. Customs and import fees? Those are for suckers. If you aren't price matching sold out clearance items from LEGO.com you may as well stop investing now. I think that about covers the facts. Again, these are not my opinions, these are plain and simple facts. Keep in mind that I've been doing this for 6 months so I know everything there is to know on the subject.
    1 point
  34. I don't know....but I do know that 1x VIP + Martian Manhunter > 2x VIP.
    1 point
  35. 1. I haven't yet. That is a logical next step but since the majority of my stuff is USPS, I haven't dived in quite yet. I already print more International than FEDEX labels and so I already print out stuff fairly regularly from the printer. Have A LOT more stuff to do store wise before I get to it. I will definitely post about it when I do. 2. Its pretty strong. I have not had to try to pull one off to really tell, but it was down pretty good.
    1 point
  36. Some sets, like 9474 Helm's Deep and 9471 Uruk Hai Army even went directly from "sold out" to "retired product". I see two options explaining this : 1. LEGO is just lazy about updating their website products with subtitles like "retiring soon". 2. LEGO doesn't want to better inform investors/resellers about retiring products. I will go with option #2 : showing half price deals on already sold out products is just a way to keep prices down a little on eBay and other places. People who want to buy a 30$ set from the LEGO Shop at Home will see that the product is sold out and that it was selling, after rebate, for 15$. It could very well hinder these people to buy the set 40$ (for example) after EOL since there's a big difference between 15$ and 40$. Just my 2 cents.
    1 point
  37. Working on a 6860 Batcave with my daughter........ Father / Daughter time......
    1 point
  38. Are we really having the Haunted House modular conversation again? This is almost as bad as seeing another bubble thread. The Haunted House is, well, a house but it is not a modular one. It does not use the technic pin system for connectivity, there is no sidewalk or back alley area, and the whole thing opens up like a storybook instead of having removable stacking floors. It does fit perfectly in appearance with the other modular type of sets but it does not utilize a modular design. There are certain requirements which make the modular house sets exactly that otherwise they would just be regular houses like any other one from Creator. If the Haunted House is a modular then so is the Family House here.
    1 point
  39. The HH does fit the the mold for being considered a modular in terms of design and compatibility with the other modulars. But I think the fact that collectors today and more importantly many in the future that want to go back and collect all the modular buildings will leave the HH out of the list to obtain because it is not listed as an official modular. That dampens future demand a little, by who much is not exactly know, but it will have less demand as a modular than the official modular line.
    1 point
  40. I appreciate the effort someones gone to to get all this inside info on new sets, but they really do need to upgrade their potato camera
    1 point
  41. It really is amazing how many people assume that just because something is clearanced that it reduces it's investment potential. I was surprised at the increase when I looked at the overall themes the other day but then again it also had a shorter production run as well. As we are seeing, shorter production run sets tend to bounce up quicker in value.... something that could lend well to the Lone Ranger
    1 point
  42. Lol for such a big talker, it's beyond amazing how truly ignorant you are.
    1 point
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