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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2014 in all areas

  1. Please everybody chant with me "DIE THREAD DIE, DIE THREAD DIE, DIE THREAD DIE" (keep repeating) If I get 10 likes I will chant it backwards like this: "DIE THREAD DIE, DIE THREAD DIE, DIE THREAD DIE".
    4 points
  2. I should get a prize for being the only one not posting here.... Oh damn.
    4 points
  3. If I get 10 likes on this post, I'll give you all the advice you need for LEGO investing.
    4 points
  4. Mark is going to turn out to be the greatest troll in the history of the internet.
    4 points
  5. Ok guys very important post is about to be announced by me yes 'mark from the UK' lol if i can get a least 10 likes ill let you all into a little secret into why i have purchased maybe every set that went on sale on ebay and in total 0000's just need at least 10likes and maybe you can make at least 3k on one set Thanks 'mark from the uk'
    4 points
  6. I am going to try and explain this and that is it. I am not going to go into a discussion about this. If people can get back to a real discussion on 41999s, then good, we will leave this open for people to truly talk about the Technic 41999 and what they are doing as far as finding them, buying them or selling them. The whole situation to me is a bit confusing. This Markr person in a way does not exist and does not participate on this site at all. It is generally one of his assistants who posts as Mark. They had the great idea to try and stir things up and make things exciting here (why I have no idea). The quote in the post yesterday was... "ill let you all into a little secret into why i have purchased maybe every set that went on sale on ebay and in total 0000's " So people were waiting to find out why did this person invest in so many of these sets. After a few hours of waiting to see what this was about, I got a little skeptical and wrote him to say, please let me know what this was about before posting in the forum. I also locked his account for 24hrs so that it did not make it on here because I had no idea what was coming. I was just being cautious. Obviously he didn't like that and was upset, but never checked the real Mark's email account to see my email. He then created multiple fake accounts this morning and started posting and pretending to be someone else and sticking up for himself. Anyhow, after a bunch of emails back and forth, the bottom line is that he had a Chinese investor looking for these sets and willing to pay good money for them. Even if Mark could get 10k for each of them, it would not have added up to his investment in these sets, so honestly I don't really buy this story at all. No one needs to agree with me about this, but I personally am tired of the games. If you want to spend a ton of money on the sets, you have every right too and good for you that you can do it. If you have had good transactions with him, great. I hope you have many more. I personally try to protect all the members. Everyone doesn't need it, but there are new members that don't know as much. If I have no idea what information or ideas come out of other peoples minds, it may lead new members down a path that may not be smart. I would have hated to see a new investor that has a few of these sets to open them up looking for the Golden Ticket, but just end up have a set with broken seals etc. I just wish he could have approached us first or thought about what his goal was before proceeding. Hopefully this thread can continue in a positive fashion and stay on topic.
    3 points
  7. Hi guys, Just wanted to introduce myself. I've always sort of been a collector like a lot of you. Back in the day ('85) it was GI Joe, (which I still have all of in near mint condition ) and baseball cards, etc. My brother and I also had a huge Lego set growing up that we used to build stuff with all of the time. It was one of the funnest toys we ever had. So, I've re-discovered Lego recently and have started collecting LOTR/Hobbit sets and had almost forgotten how fun all of this was. Good to be here!
    2 points
  8. 12345? That's amazing! I have the same combination on my luggage!
    2 points
  9. I have the #666. It's red with flames.
    2 points
  10. yeah, overproduction and decreased growth are the two main threats. at some point there will stop being so many new Lego customers. I'm not worried about 3d printers one bit. they're no more a threat to Legos than 2d printers were to books, or VCRs were to movie sales
    2 points
  11. http://www.buildwithchrome.com/m/
    2 points
  12. I've stopped hunting for Lego on CL for this exact reason...way too much work for far too little return.
    2 points
  13. Listen, the bottom line is that they wanted to pay money for specific plate numbers, but why would you want to open up all your sets to find out what you have. You would ruin your MISB for this. I don't like this type of tactic at all. You are never talking to the real Markr anyhow, its always his assistant. I don't think the real Markr has ever even been on this site. I am sure they have done a bunch of great transactions with people on here and that's fine and dandy, but why would anyone ask you to open their boxes? I personally don't care for it.
    2 points
  14. What is the Lego set to the left at 15 second in on that train video? Looks like a 3-in-1 Creator set. Is this a set that we've already seen photos of? Or something new coming, I can't tell what it is, looks like some sort of building. Could be a glimpse of 31026 Bicycle Shop & Caf
    2 points
  15. That guy was a train wreck that bought tons of crap. He probably can't find his computer.
    2 points
  16. He might be banned (again) when he wakes up :)
    2 points
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-FpN-Zxido&feature=youtube_gdata_player Very nice!
    2 points
  18. Wow, this post stands in such sharp contrast to all of the well written, valuable, time intensive information, freely offered by so many helpful people who make this site so amazing. Thank you to all the trusted members who have offered their time and knowledge to us, without asking anything in return. Ban this slimy troll before he starts posting Work with LEGO from Home schemes.
    2 points
  19. Thanks everyone! Lol. That's good.
    1 point
  20. I can't figure out what the names of these sets are but check out these summer offerings for Ninjago! Edit: 1st one is supposed to be the "X-1 Ninjago Charger". 2nd is "Battle for Ninjago City" I think.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. I was thinking about the early 1980s Airport Shuttle. Isn't that a monorail?
    1 point
  23. As I have been considering reselling, this is exactly what has held me back. I fully believe resellers are creating artificial demand for Lego sets. Further, taking a set from say 2004, and looking at its appreciation and comparing it to expected appreciation from 2012 on is not really valid given the apparent changes in the resell market. We won't see the true effects of the current resell climate until a few years from now, but it will be interesting to see what happens. My vote is the increase number of resellers will be what would hurt the secondary market.
    1 point
  24. This is the one that worries me the most. Some sets only sell 10-30 per month on eBay. If resellers are stockpiling hundreds or thousands of certain sets it could take years to sell through all those. Not to mention more resellers means more sets available in the secondary market which drives down prices. I worry too many people are happy with such slim profits that everyone will just undercut the next person.
    1 point
  25. add another item. Over-production of sets (supply vs. demand). This was the last chain opened that opened the TLG's floodgates of problems that nearly closed the company. some of 2001, all of 2002, and some of 2003.
    1 point
  26. There are so many sets coming out this spring that I think it will be hard for retailers to continue to find space for the Batcave. There are 2 more DC sets, 4 new Marvel sets, and plenty of Star Wars to keep the shelves full. Not to mention the 3 Guardians of the Galaxy sets coming in July/August, 4 new TMNT cartoon sets, and 3 TMNT movie sets coming this summer. I just can't see the Batcave lasting very long into 2014 but stranger things have happened.
    1 point
  27. I didn't mean you or anyone in particular , but this whole thread has been "off topic" since yesterday. Maybe I've just edgy cause I keep getting notifications on the new app just to find some YouTube video posted.lol Again this is not directed towards anyone.
    1 point
  28. What exactly were the "decisions made by the founders"? I don't know why you're surprised at people losing faith, this is BP after-all... nothing good every happens and the sky is constantly falling. Or at least that is how the forums generally read..
    1 point
  29. Yes and if you don't want it, buy and ship to me. :)
    1 point
  30. Bottom line is that if he was asking people for plate numbers, he probably already had these plates and was just trying to get people to open their sets, thus increasing the value of his. He has to think of something to make money off of the thousands of sets he paid over twice retail for. I know alot of people are too busy worshiping this guy because he bought so many. Give it a rest people. If you don't like the decisions that the owners of this site have made then feel free to start up your own site. After all the hard work Ed and Jeff have put into this site the last thing they need are members second guessing their decisions. Now can we talk about LEGO and not some tool trying to get attention and recoup his major losses.
    1 point
  31. I keep getting more amped up with how this new take on the classic Sleeping Beauty will turn out.
    1 point
  32. Interesting listing. Doesn`t seem worth it at that price though. I`d say it`s unlikely to be any less than $250 US, but of course we don`t know for sure. Why bother to make only a few bucks, even taking into consideration that non VIPs will be interested. As a side note, anyone on here who wants to buy for themselves, I`d suggest holding out until at least March/April. x2 VIP points are rumoured, and 10% is always nice. Unless you`re in a hurry of course, this set looks awesome!
    1 point
  33. Well, surprisingly my Emerald Express sets were actually shipped in the same box as my Daily Bugle Showdown and they were pristine. No pancake exchanges this time.
    1 point
  34. I was able to get Gorzan's Gorilla Mech for $31.99 from YoYo.com on 12/29/13, so you'll probably see it that low again.
    1 point
  35. Got this in the mail today Sale starts 02/02/14
    1 point
  36. Star Wars 9525 is on it's way out, 24.99 at the local (utah) lego store. That's 50% off. Shows retiring soon on shop at home. Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker
    1 point
  37. Damn it! You must've attended one of my seminars.
    1 point
  38. I love this thread and there is a lot of life to come for this topic over the coming months and years. Please don't let one slimy apple ruin it for the rest of us.
    1 point
  39. Right? I've been saying this since he became a members here. Everyone thinks I'm hating on him because he has so many crawlers......false, I just hate idiots.
    1 point
  40. Bought 4 Star Wars UCS sets on eBay for $600. One of them was a MF 10179. They needed a lot of TLC so I had to order about $650 worth of parts. I made enough money on three of the UCS sets ($1300) to make the MF absolutely free. Just sold it for $1600.
    1 point
  41. Stopped by my local Lego store on my lunch break today.. best/worst decision ever. Found a couple UCS B-Wings still on the shelf at %50 off and a 41999 Crawler o.o Quite surprised to see the crawler, employee said they got 2 in today by an odd mistake as they were not supposed to come to the store, but the manager decided to sell them anyways. Most expensive lunch break ever
    1 point
  42. Maybe its featured in the new lego movie? And one of the license plates will be a WINNING # like a golden ticket.
    1 point
  43. Star Wars Imperial Shuttle #7624 for me. Kind of what got me started in investing heavier into Lego sets. Amazon had a Buy-2-get-1-free deal years ago. I think I would up with around 35 of them. Started selling them in the $160 range but kept rising to $215 area at the time. Have two left that will be listed eventually. 10179's gotta be the one for single set profit if you go by per set amount. Had 11 that I bought for between $250(1) and $407(10), started selling too early, so a couple sold at $1200, then 1400, then 1800. Still have 3 left though. You just can't get caught up in the "if I still had it" anxiety. Just think about it that you were able to either enjoy or reinvest those funds into something else that continued your investment. Probably a few others that have the same ballpark rate, but haven't started selling yet. GG's, Flagships, Emerald Nights, etc.
    1 point
  44. No, married 11 years with two great kids. I own an investment advisory firm, so my wife completely trusts my investment decisions. I would like to make thousands on this stuff years from now. That requires a sizeable investment now. I am hoping for a half million in value 5 years from. We'll see.
    1 point
  45. Prizes and Surprises: As part of the February 8 in-store event, attendees can enter a raffle to win one of two exciting prizes. One lucky winner at each Toys
    1 point
  46. I like to move around all the retiring soon signs in the local store just to see people freak and buy stuff like Death Stars and Chima.
    1 point
  47. It depends where they are too. My more ghetto walmarts are still huge but they only carry the smaller sets. At the same time the candy, alcohol, and "family planning" sections are massive.
    1 point
  48. I was just about to mention Tony Stark. Ha. You beat me to it. Plus 1 for you since my son's name is Anthony,
    1 point
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