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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2014 in all areas

  1. So my story begins upon leaving the movie theatre after viewing The Desolation of Smaug. With nothing scheduled for the afternoon, I decided to take a quick peek in the nearby Wal-Mart to see if there was anything of note within their clearance section. This particular Wal-Mart is one of the older, less desirable ones, small and disorganized that I had frequented only once before. If I had any expectations, they would have been extremely low. So into the store I go, heading straight for the clearance banner hanging by the garden section of the store. As I walk down the aisle, my heart skips a beat when I gazed upon a new, undamaged 4840, The Burrow. I couldn
    8 points
  2. We aren't spreading lies on this bull board? That is what I have been doing... Well this is awkward.
    2 points
  3. Queen Anne's Revenge, from a local toy store for 129.95 Now I have two and won't feel bad about opening this one to build with my son when he gets older.
    2 points
  4. Filled a shopping cart for the first time today. Got some stares, it was fun! I also had my 5 year old with me - he was surprisingly nonchalant about the whole thing, and never questioned the sets, since we were buying the Trash Chomper from the Lego Movie and that was all he cared about. We got the taco guy, panda guy, and the two-faced cop CMF's as well. On to the deals, all from a Fred Meyer I had noticed last week that was still well stocked from after Christmas. Most of them in the NW around Seattle are pretty sparse. They are running a buy 2 get 1 free deal, and also have a 10% off coupon that works for toys (basically covers the WA nearly 10% sales tax). The deal stacked with sale prices, hence these buys: 3 x 70709 Galactic Titan $46 each 3 x 75019 AT-TE $41 each 3 x 60008 City Museum Break-In $32 each 2 x 79003 Unexpected Gathering $37 each 1 x 9499 Gungan Sub $36 Some aren't close to retirement, but I couldn't pass them up at the prices.
    2 points
  5. This is the most active forum I've been a member of for quite some time. It makes a big difference when you have good community participation and I hope this is only the beginning.
    1 point
  6. I have been a member here just a bit longer than being a moderator, both of which is going on more than a year now, and I am not planning to leave anytime soon or ever. The site can be a chore at times but it is fun. Plus I would not have had the opportunity to earn the Haunted House sitting on display in my room if it weren't for BrickPicker so I have Ed & Jeff to thank for that as well. I guess I could blame you guys for my Lego spending habits but let's face it. None of us need an excuse to buy more Lego. Ha. Also I wouldn't have found many of the deals from last year if it weren't for the whole 'Deal Hunting' bit so thanks again.
    1 point
  7. That`s great! You never can tell with those stores. Sometimes you get nothing, other times, well, you know
    1 point
  8. Went to a Target today and couldn't believe they had a Butterfly Beauty Shop!
    1 point
  9. Calm down, it's pretty common for sets to hit retired on S@H while they are still available at other retailers and even LEGO Stores. They don't call every store in the world to check current inventory. When S@H runs out and goes to retired product, the set can be considered retired since it is no longer being produced and whatever is left in the wild is about all that's left.
    1 point
  10. That's a train wreck waiting to happen. This seller is obviously in way over their head and has no idea what they are doing. Since this person doesn't have a clue as to what they have and it's true value, I wonder how it got to that point? How did they get so many new sets without knowing anything about them? Is it a family member who inherited a collection due to a tragedy? Could it be a scorned ex-girlfriend or boyfriend selling off their significant other's prized possessions without them knowing? The possibilities boggle my mind. If I was them I would just end this listing and start over. They are only making themselves look more stupid the longer this stays active. Posting their idiotic replies to each question isn't helping the matter either.
    1 point
  11. We still have some surprises up our sleeves.
    1 point
  12. thank you all one thing I've noticed here in the UK, the Hulk set 6868 is going for crazy money at the moment, I bought this before Christmas for
    1 point
  13. I'm working on moving mine now. $200 is good for me, nice profit, and LOTS of space with how massive these boxes are... At first I was excited about how big the box was, then I learned exactly how precious shelf space really was...
    1 point
  14. lol Thanks for your welcome and the link, I'll check it. Here was my first set my mom offered me after I was courageous at the dentist when I was 6 :
    1 point
  15. Sweet. Thanks for sharing!
    1 point
  16. Barnes & Noble LEGO Movie Event - January 25 Caught this on bn.com tonight. "Join us for a hands-on learning event as we countdown to the LEGO Movie. Activities, Fun and Surprises! Saturday, January 25." Looking at my stores in San Diego, each one says something different. Some mention a limit of 40, and ask for an RSVP. Others say free movie posters. Still others say there's a "Hidden Message" and coloring activity or cupcake decorating. Start times vary from store-to-store, most of them in my area are at either 11:00 or 11:30, but some start at 3:00 or 6:00.
    1 point
  17. Friends line is starting to jump the shark w/ some of these upcoming releases. The jungle theme seems out of place.
    1 point
  18. That is a fantastic story! I have never had anything even close to this happen to me. The best I did was about three months ago when I went to a Walmart in the middle of nowhere on my way home from a cabin that my parents go to every year. This Walmart's clearance Lego section was almost half an aisle! I couldn't believe it! I ended up spending right around a thousand dollars, most of which I probably should NOT have spent, but we all know how that goes. To make a long story short, I left with varying quantities of the following: Quinjet - $35 Hulk - $35 Mines of Moria - $54 Batcave - $49 Gungan Sub - $49 Gandalf Arrives - $9 (and this was after they were all looong gone in my area) - got 8 of them that day All in all a very good day. Nothing compared to the original poster's story though. I could not imagine finding three Burrows in one place! Nice score!
    1 point
  19. For anyone wishing to turn the Palace Cinema into a straight section should check this MOD out.
    1 point
  20. Congrats! (And thank you to whomever fixed the post title so I could live vicariously through Checkers' good fortune!)
    1 point
  21. It's all about the Clone Troopers these days. Just saw a Youtube vid of a guy with 3,800 of them and kept thinking "man that would be so much cooler if they were stormtroopers". But hey, I'm an old school original trilogy snob
    1 point
  22. space? easy to display? shelf space easily runs out if you have several modular buildings built... Wow, if that's true, I'd definitely happy to buy one of the new set to go with the one I have. But I guess they will need to include HH if they want to make another 5?
    1 point
  23. Oh, I didn't know that. Anyway yeah, Denethor isn't really improtant (plus I'm sure they'll eventually make a Human Torch minfig... We can just sub that in for him )
    1 point
  24. The Dolphin Cruiser would look a lot more menacing with flick fire missiles. Even if they were pink and purple...
    1 point
  25.     They are easy enough to add. "Hey Ariel, it's me, Prince Whatever"....Wham! Flick-fire right to his grill. That actually might make me want to build that set. :)
    1 point
  26. They have been putting them on everything. I was suprised the disney sets didn't have them.
    1 point
  27. If they do a UCS Mt. Doom it better come with Flick Fire Missiles.
    1 point
  28. Seeing as how the SSD is no longer in the Lego catalogue, I figured today was the day to buy one to ensure I have one for myself. I got it at Legoland Toronto where my membership gives me 10% off all purchases, which is the best we ever see on this set up here other than double VIP points month at the Lego store itself but I wasn't going to wait with this set. I also got An Unexpected Gathering for much the same reasons to complete my personal use collection of the first wave of Hobbit sets, While I was there I saw they have 10 Orc Forges on their shelf in mint shape from what I saw. If I hadn't cleaned them out of that many 2 months ago I would have taken them. Happy hunting fellow Canucks. I then went to 2 Targets and got one each (because that's all there was or else I'd have bought much more) of Hulk Helicarrier, Power Armor Lex, Mirkwood Spiders, and Attack of the Wargs for 50% off. Target has shot up to become my favourite Lego source in the less than a year it's been open up here. Just have to wait for the clearances.
    1 point
  29. In the not so distant future, TLG will only produce white bricks to avoid alienating color blind consumers (Architecture Studio was a trial run). Also, they will stop producing "male" and "female" connectors, as they are clearly sexist pieces.
    1 point
  30. This brings up another moral delimna - Why did you buy a goblin king from Lego LEGO Shop at Home?
    1 point
  31. Just get a job with the federal government and you will no longer have to worry about moral dilemmas.
    1 point
  32. What set doesn't have stickers anymore? And I count six for just that set (unless there is another on the rear bumper).
    1 point
  33. If you are a real fan of MC Escher's work like me then you may love to see this rendition of a classic work of art known as "Relativity" in Lego. The Daily Mail I also found this one for the mind perplexing "Ascending and Descending". Ascending and Descending by Brett Jordan
    1 point
  34. Amazon recommended a new book for me about Lego art by lego sculptor Mike Doyle. Beautiful Lego The cover of the book is of his world Odan. His website for the project is mikedoylesnap.blogspot.com. Or take a look at this one: www.thisiscolossal.com/2011/09/lego-victorians-mike-doyle/ I think it would be great to have a list of all the great Lego Sculptors out there. I would also like to add Sean Kenney. www.seankenney.com I know there has been a smattering of cool work throughout the forums, but maybe we should collect it here so we can all be amazed.
    1 point
  35. Just completed this morning. Comments welcome, just be aware I cry easily. Mods, if I break any rules along the way on these please let me know, as I'm not trying to sneak in advertising, I'm just a proud MOC-momma.
    1 point
  36. I've got an Orc Forge. ...2012 from the Lord of the Rings collection.
    1 point
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