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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/2014 in all areas

  1. All I have to say is buying clearance sets at Target or Walmart and returning to Lego is WRONG, flat out WRONG!! However buying something at discount and selling at double or triple retail is not wrong in my opinion. If I buy a set at 20% off and sit on that set for 2 years and sell it for double, I am the one taking the risk, waiting it out, paying for storage fees, etc. It's the same concept as used car lots or stocks, buy low, wait awhile and hold the product, then hopefully sell for a profit. There is a big difference here people!
    5 points
  2. And I can see you years from now in a bar Talking over a football game With that same big loud opinion But nobody's listening Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things "Mean" - Taylor Swift I don't know why lyrics just pop into my head sometimes...
    4 points
  3. Here's a quick little something on the topic. I know it's Wikipedia, but it covers the points. If people really think this kind of activity is harmless, they're wrong. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_fraud
    3 points
  4. It's confirmed. This set will be available to purchase in February for Lego VIP members. The price is $199 USD.Here is a link to the Facebook post with more photos of the set. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.696381333727752.1073741837.207089142656976&type=1
    2 points
  5. I know there's good clearance stuff. But that's not generally the stuff people are pulling this with. If they can easily sell it on ebay I'm sure they do that as a first option. I just saw this happen yesterday. Dude returned two sets that are all over the target clearances right now. Walked in with a Target bag and everything. I knew they were clearance items, the employees knew, but there was nothing they could do about it, for now, and they certainly don't like it. The return policy doesn't exist so that "ingenious" entrepreneurs can take advantage of it. They don't want to trade two slow moving sets for a Parisian Restaurant.
    2 points
  6. Yea, you're returning clearance crap for a hot new set. I'm sure they think it's awesome. It's interesting how people can rationalize just about anything.
    2 points
  7. I posted about this a month ago and I got crucified. While I see numerous posts about people asking for old screenshots on a product from Kmart that is out of stock and sold out and they try to show to TRU or Target and get a price match from salespeople who don't know any better. Lots of people bypass Lego rules by buying more than 2 41999 Crawlers and etc. I'm not here to judge others on how people get their discounts or quantities of products. I'm sure a lot of people on this site get their Lego's 100% legitimately from sales and clearance and etc. But I'm sure there a lot of people here are quote un quote "immoral" by some peoples Lego's standards. Who cares how people are getting Lego, bottom line we are here to make money. Outright stealing is obviously not right but if Lego stores allows for any return without a receipt, that's their issue, not our moral issue.
    2 points
  8. I've noticed at least a few occasions where people post about returning sets they bought on clearance elsewhere to their local LEGO Store for full retail store credit. Then in the daily deals thread on the first, several people were saying how they had or were going to return their Cottages to rebuy at the lower sale price. I'm not looking to crucify anyone here, but I'm genuinely interested in peoples' thoughts on these practices, especially the people who are doing it. What do you think of the practice? Are the stores giving you any grief when you are returning and/or "price adjusting"? Do you think it could have any negative impact on future returns for yourself or others? I know not everyone who does this will want to post about it in public, but I'd love to hear what you have to say about it in a PM if you're more comfortable with that. Thanks!
    1 point
  9. I do not return sets for a discount. In a case of buying a set(or any item) from a retailer and the set goes on sale shortly thereafter, I will contact that retailer for a refund. 99% of the time, the retailer will refund the difference. If you are desperate enough to work the system by buying sets at KMart or TRU and returning them at a LEGO store, then this site is not for you. That is one of the reasons resellers and investors are getting a bad reputation. I have to believe though that these retailers need to be more proactive in the returns department. Target restricts returns without a receipt to a few returns. It is a good policy. On a personal note, my wife thought she was doing a good thing and bought me a Prince of Persia set at 50% off at Marshalls. She did not see the tape over the seals. The set was missing the minifigures. Damn crooked reselling return thieves!!!
    1 point
  10. The new figures don't have a note anywhere on the site saying how many were made so it's difficult to know if demand will exceed supply. Previous CB minifigs did have "limited to 250" etc (even though they broke that with a second run on the chemistry enthusiast figs). Highly risky as a long term investment, as CB can just release more if demand is huge. You could take a risk and try and buy some and resell during the out of stock phase, but to me there are better ways to invest your Lego money at present. My figs shipped yesterday, can't wait to add them to my lab
    1 point
  11. Damnit! You beat me to it! HAHAHA! I always pull that up to annoy a few friends of mine.
    1 point
  12. Benny`s Ship screams classic space! It`s excellent from the photo, and pretty much an instant buy for anyone who loves that sort of thing. MetalBeard`s ship is stunning! Can`t wait for more detailed photos of that one, or for it to get into my living room Whaaaa? U no like Nyan Kitty? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p39zm3DGgPg
    1 point
  13. I dont want to scratch it from the box
    1 point
  14. I'm sorry. If you have to ask if it's something is right or wrong, chances are what you are doing is questionable. You are STEALING DEFRAUDING if you are buying goods for clearance in returning for full price. There is ZERO DEBATE on that. If you do it, you are a lower life form than the FREE SH*T ARMY that sit on the A$$ receiving EBT, free housing, and a plain drag to society. There are only a few of you out many out there, your action will affect all of us down the road. I hope you get caught eventually. Actually no, you'll be wasting government resources trying and jailing you. I'll let karma take care of you. Be careful next time crossing the street, and I hope you choke drinking water.
    1 point
  15. Have you seen this : http://lego.wikia.com/wiki/70816_Benny%27s_Spaceship Looks awesome! (Sorry if this was posted before in some other place)
    1 point
  16. Retail price and MARKET Price are two different animals. Don't demonize people for realizing that some items have a higher Market Price than Retail Price and using the levers of CAPITALISM to take advantage of it. People cannot be demonized for pricing a Dolphin Cruiser at $100. No body has to pay $100 for a Dolphin Cruiser. In fact, these were on the shelves all September, most of October, and we all found plenty in November. In fact, if I hadn't bought the Dolphin Cruiser to save for that parent, they probably would have NEVER found it anyway. Marking up items to the MARKET Price is not fraud. It is capitalism. Plain and simple. Don't like it, move to China, commie. I have no problems taking the entire counter of anything, with the purposes of reselling. It's on the counter to be sold. That is the store's first and foremost goal, especially if they aren't "banning" resellers like Lego. Most stores actually like resellers. It's why they accept reseller certificates. I have never been denied the ability to get items tax free with my reseller certificate from Target, TRU, Kmart, Walmart, and Kohls. I have never attempted at Lego because I know they do not allow it. If there is a limit in place, I will ring out multiple times, and get in the back of the line each time. I have wiped out entire counters of TMNT action figures, and when parents come by, I ask if there's any particular one they're looking for. If I have it in my cart, I give it to them if I'm feeling nice. I don't have to though. I was usually just in the holiday spirit at the time. If someone cut me off outside in the parking lot, all bets are off. If it's on the counter, and no limit is in place, the entire lot is fair game. I got there first. Tough noogies. Log onto Amazon and buy the stuff out of my store, at a mark up, and factor it as a cost for being too slow. However, refund fraud is a very real threat to a business. Everyone ******* and moans about how Lego has taken away discounts, blah blah blah. Well every dollar they lose to clowns who are refunding a $100 set they got for $25, then buying $100 of current hot legos takes away from their bottom line. For every $100 they give away for stale product that doesn't sell, they have to sell $200 worth of stuff to make the $100 back. You guys doing this are DEFINITELY ruining it for a lot of other people who are just honestly trying to exchange a gift, or had honestly lost their receipt and paid cash. That policy will be abolished if it is abused. I have some brass balls when I go into stores. I buy tons of stuff, and I expect good service too, not a stink eye for buying up merchandise. I have no problems price matching an entire cart of merchandise, as long as I know I'm abiding by the store's Price Match policy (ex. only 2 items of the same kind being PM'ed.) But I would never, ever even think to consider price adjusting a clearance product. The price is never going to go up! Are you guys going to come back next month when it's 50% off and price adjust again? And when it's 75% off, and when it's 90% off? Where's the line drawn? It's not a sale price. It's a clearance price. It's never going back up, only down!
    1 point
  17. Make your kids do this. This is why you had them. Welcome to the site.
    1 point
  18. Has anyone else spotted the polybags at Target NOT near the LEGO section? Maybe we aren't looking in the right spot...
    1 point
  19. Lol - I just searched for top 100 retailers and then copy and pasted it in a sarcastic manner. lol Heh I know. And I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. I absolutely have done things that are morally wrong. returned something to walmart several months back and they gave me a higher price than I was sure I paid for it. I didn't remember what it was so I kept my mouth shut. Wrong of me. And owning a business, I fight moral issues every day. Should I grab all of these. Should I skimp on this to make more money. It changes you - I fiht most of it off, but risk/reward analysis sometimes wins out. But there is no reason to act like its not a dirty thing to do.
    1 point
  20. And it should, I don't get why it has taken them so long.
    1 point
  21. These older sets are a little more touchy and their amazon numbers can change since there isn't a lot of stock of them. Other sets may take over the amazon number and that is what I think happened in this case.
    1 point
  22. The Persian restaurant? Wow, when was that announced?
    1 point
  23. says the person justifying a form of theft. The first is not really - again, its called market value. If you don't understand this, then I think you might have more problems than any of us can really help with. There are definitely levels - I particularly don't like buying stuff on pre-order and reselling it for a ton (over what you are technically allowed per person - If I get my one copy and want to sell it, thats fine - get 20 and sell, probably not). Selling something at christmas when the market value is higher just makes sense. And you aren't forcing anyone to do it. I bought several Dolphin Cruisers - I sold a ton of them and actually had several people tell me they were happy I was selling them as they were gone everywhere. Not the same as cheating a company to make money. You will NEVER be able to justify it and the fact you are fighting it so hard shows you are trying to justify it to yourself. The upside is that you have a moral compass somewhere in your body. The downside is that you are ignoring it and making asinine comments like comparing it to selling something for market value. That's the only stupid thing happening right now. I do it to - I have made mistakes, done something I shouldn't have, and then defended it. However, I admit to myself shortly after that it was wrong. Give it a try.
    1 point
  24. To be fair, not all clearance is crap or else you wouldn't have posted pictures of the sets you scored (jealous because my clearance has been ass). Some of it may sell immediately at retail - like a batcave. But your point is valid. And I don't want anything to think I was rationalizing it. I wouldn't do it. Just do see from Legos point of view it may not be as bad - even trade for them. How often does the Lego store have to clearance something to 75% off? Just not the same thing. Whatever moral thoguhts about it - selling something for market value when the value has risen is not the same thing. Houses generally appreciate in value. Also there is this magnificent thing called Inflation. So there are reasons things are worth more later on and its justify-able. If everything was sold at retail after it became scarce - it would be even more so. In fast, things HAVE to be sold at a higher amount. Its the way economics work. As far as returning stuff you bought for less and getting something for more - Its just shady. Its not being an entrepreneur or being clever, its a form of theft. Just like buying something at one walmart on clearance and returning it at another that sells it for more. Yes, cash is not changing hands so its not straight up as bad, but I don't think that is the intention of the rule. And I think if you asked a Lego employee, they would tell you thats not allowed.
    1 point
  25. Yes - Frys still has them for 17.99 I believe on their website. Ordered from there a couple weeks ago and they are really good shipping, customer service wise, etc. not even surprised anymore.
    1 point
  26. This part right here mentioning fakes is exactly what I was wondering about before. I mean if a person had the resources to, they could create an acrylic case with 'proper' appearing AFA graded sheets, stick a box in there with just enough junk to make it feel & sound legitimate, then stick it on eBay claiming the item is an actual AFA graded Cafe Corner or whatever. Grading an action figure is one thing because at least you can actually see the character whereas a Lego set would just be a box stuck into another one here.
    1 point
  27. I got 19 of them for 50% off. Maybe I should take my receipt in for price match They had been moved from the stocking stuffer aisle to kids crafts/birthday party aisle.
    1 point
  28. Too late. The interest will fade as most big fans of the series would have already pounced on the Lab. I think it's funny the set goes for so much on eBay... it's basically a small to medium size set with around a dozen custom printed pieces plus the custom figs. I love the set and have it displayed but take out the generic red and tan pieces and you're more or less paying 500+ for a dozen printed pieces. Crazy. The minifigures are never as "limited" a run as the sets, either. Just my .02... EDIT - Don't want to seem like I'm dismissing CB's work, I'm not. It's phenomenal and they are the best designer of custom pieces you will find.
    1 point
  29. You have to consider intent. IE buying something for 50% off so you can return it to walmart / lego store for more money = return fraud.
    1 point
  30. Built the Silver Mine Shootout today. After I was done, my first thought was that if this set didn't have "Disney's The Lone Ranger" on it, investors would be hoarding it. It is a sweet western themed set that has so many cool play features. Great minifigures (Chief Big Bear is incredible) too - the set has everything. I did wind up doing my own modifications to allow the train to pass through. It's not as easy as I thought it would be, but I thought it came out decently. Here are a couple pics to show how it came out (yes, that's my son's "Bertie" minifigure that my wife requested at our local Legoland DC - we're supposed to bring Bertie on adventures and take his picture while on them).
    1 point
  31. I think it's a waste of time and assets. The market for graded lego is very very small. The reason people pay big bucks for retired lego sets is because they want to open them, build them, and then display that beautiful work of art on their coffee table, shelf, or work desk. Now I could see these people paying a little extra for a nice case to display their newly acquired prize possession in, but not for a box. Don't try to re-invent the wheel.
    1 point
  32. This looks very, very cool! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95gUCiT_-A8
    1 point
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