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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2013 in all areas

  1. Yeah, what's up with that, from what I can tell Stephanie has a plane, horse, sport car, and apparently a beach house. Must be a Kardashian :-/
    2 points
  2. But indirectly suggesting that widespread crime is a normal part of a city is somehow ok? Maybe if they gave the cops some guns, things wouldn't be so out of control.
    2 points
  3. A new way to earn Brickpoints and increase the quality and quantity of the site's content has been born: Article Suggestions. Here is how the process will work: 1- Members who don't have the time or simply don't feel like writing an article, but have a great idea for one, will post the idea in this thread. One of the mods will then add the idea to this first post, including who originally posted it. 2- Anyone who is seriously interested in writing an article based on any of the ideas posted in this thread will have the chance to "claim" the one they would like to write about. Basically, it is a way for those that don't have the time to add articles to the site to still add some content, while it gives writers with a fresh pool of new ideas. 3- Once an idea is "claimed", one of the mods will update the thread and mark it as such. For example: Top Sets of 2013 (Idea by: FCB101) - Claimed by: Quacs Top Sets of 2014 (Idea by Jeff) - Available This way we can make sure no one writes about the same idea twice. 4- If a member decides to use an idea from this thread, crediting the member who suggested it is required. The author has to include something like this either at the beginning or the end of the article: "Original idea by: Ed" 5- If an article based on an idea from this thread is submitted AND is published in the Brickvesting Blog or Evaluation Corner, the member who came up with the idea will receive 20% of the total amount of Brickpoints awarded to the author. For example, if a member writes an article based on an idea from another member and is awarded 500 Brickpoints, the member who suggested the article will receive 100 Brickpoints! This is a great way to help the site and earn some Brickpoints on the way (you want to have as many as possible to post on the soon to arrive Classifieds, or to purchase a set on the BP Store), so start suggesting anytime! Article Ideas - 2013 Investment potential of 2013's Holiday promos (Idea by: MartinP) - Claimed by: Veegs - Impact of feedback on ebay listing price (Idea by Bold-Arrow) - Polybag investing 101 (By lobo1969) - TLG efforts to "mislead" investors/resellers (by brickcrazyhouse) -LEGO employee gifts (By darksam007) - Rumors, Investment Advice and Speculation - Should you take action or stick to your strategy? (By exciter1) - Brickmaster Kits (not the Ultimate Stickerbooks): Worth A Flip or Certifiable Flop? (idea by pigdragon) - TMNT theme analysis and relating S@H sold out periods to any secondary market price jumps (idea by Veegs) - Hero Factory (by JuneauJQB) - (Claimed by Eightbrick) - "Renting" sets and sell for profit (by jaisonline) - "Turboflipping" (by rcdb1984) - Claimed by FCB101 - Disney Princess theme (by Snarkie) - Bricklink vs eBay (by comicblast) - Claimed by gregpj - Auction vs BIN (by Migration) - Flipping vs Long term holding (by Ed Mack) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ed Mack: "To all members...For future reference, please notify me by PM when you submit an article/blog that was created from an idea on this thread. It's hard for me to keep track of everything and a simple private message stating that you got your blog idea from another person will help me divvy out the BrickPoints correctly."
    1 point
  4. How about an 'Investing in polybags 101' article? Identifying recent sleepers and trends? History of investing in polybags? This is a subject I'm trying to learn more about currently.
    1 point
  5. Ok, so many of you have noticed that there has been an update to the home page and content section. Overall I am happy that the transition has gone pretty good. Again, it's not something I wanted to do, but here are a few reasons why it needed to be done. Back in June is when we did the Forum upgrade. This I am happy about. The forum has been great and much better than what was there before. When we did this upgrade, I felt it would be good to utilize the tools that came with it and keep the system for the most part unified. The blog area did its job but it's actually a negative for the site. Overall its horrific for SEO (search engine optimization). This site in many cases fell off the charts for all the content that we had. I really don't think Google and the others really cared for find the blogs under /forum directories. So users are not finding the content anywhere near the top of the list. This may not be important for you, but its super huge for us. Using Wordpress, which is a true content management system, I will be able to do much better SEO techniques so searchers can find our content. It also was very hard to find the latest content. The other system had a horrible way to display the content. It drove me nuts. There is a huge update to the forum coming in early 2014. It looks very good and I am excited to get it on here. The problem that I saw coming was it was going to be very hard to upgrade. We made so many enhancements to this system with hooks/plugins that everything would probably break if we upgraded or we would have to wait a very long time to figure out if it would work. By switching all the content to Wordpress, I can remove all of the extra hooks and get it back to a basically default system which is great news. Brickpoints will now be handled on the Wordpress side. I have everyones totals, so even though you may see 500 points right now, over the next few days I will do an update and merge the totals. We will be able to do a few more things with this system and we will update you on that later, but one nice feature is that we will be able to award brickpoints for people that login daily. It's a great way to reward our loyal members. This conversion needed to be done and made live so that I can update all the brickpoint code in Brick Classifieds. Member Blog Writing - There will not be separate blogs anymore for members. Any blog articles that will be written are going to be fit right into the site. So that means Brickvesting Articles, Evaluation Articles, High End Reviews. We can create tons of categories to show great content. You will get all the good tools of Wordpress to work on your article. All you need to do is click the Dashboard link on the home page/side bar in the blog area, or click +New in the header in the blog area. That will take you to the dashboard and you can create a new article. We will get a notification when you are ready to submit for publishing. Ed will be announcing a new article contest in the very near future so get ready Brick Classifieds - I have gotten my butt kick at work and with travel over the past few months. It's been hard finding the time to get in and wrap this up, so I apologize for the delay. I am off for the next two weeks and I have already forewarned my wife that I will be chained to the desk to put the finishing touches on the site to have for you in 2014. I think it will be good timing that the holidays are over and we all know there is a huge surplus of Lego to sold. So get ready. Price guide will be the next huge hit. Once Brick Classifieds is out there and we are collecting feedback, we will be hard at work overhauling the price guide and Brickfolio. This will also be the start of creating Brickpicker Premium. We will give more details on all this, but from what we have put together for features, I don't think anyone will be disappointed. So bear with me for a day or two. I have already squashed a few bugs, but there is some more to optimize and fix. I know there are some weird issues with the mobile template and I will get to that. Thanks for reading my wall of text.
    1 point
  6. Real life SWAT differs slightly in gear and colors from state to state or even county to county. I did a huge study on it 'cause I wanted to design a SWAT MOC. My favorite is the Lenco BearCat here.
    1 point
  7. i built the hobbit barrel escape today, and started on helm's deep. So many pieces!
    1 point
  8. I really have to stop and read this comment slowly. Otherwise that "l" in titles almost looks like another "i". :whistle:
    1 point
  9. One day I'll actually read a helpful and positive post from you.
    1 point
  10. More R2D2's and Death Stars from Barnes and Noble.
    1 point
  11. Sold a bunch of burger and fry combos. I'm working the drive thru right now to pay off all the Christmas bills "Santa" racked up this year.
    1 point
  12. Isn`t too bad he says. Just to be safe he says. Pfffft, 100% return for an easy flip is excellent no matter how you look at it! Buy it, sell it, then pat yourself on the back for a job well done.
    1 point
  13. It really is amazing how many people assume that just because something is clearanced that it reduces it's investment potential. I was surprised at the increase when I looked at the overall themes the other day but then again it also had a shorter production run as well. As we are seeing, shorter production run sets tend to bounce up quicker in value.... something that could lend well to the Lone Ranger
    1 point
  14. Cute layout and nice clip. Haha, I noticed that detail around the end. Good building.
    1 point
  15. Apparently, the only way to "like" a blog now is by sending a $10 donation to my personal address. Can PM that to you if you'd like....lol
    1 point
  16. You had to park by casting. Yikes! Thanks for checking it out. Saves me a trip up there.
    1 point
  17. Take it back or keep the cool parts. You've probably already burnt the $10 you spent in stress and thinking about it too much.
    1 point
  18. No, I am taking credit for everything. I want all the power!!! Yes, I will update all that when I am doing brickpoints, etc.
    1 point
  19. I'm visiting Kmart almost everyday lol. It's only 10 mins walk and i have to pass it almost everyday.
    1 point
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