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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2013 in all areas

  1. I have just a couple things to emphasize in this discussion: 1) Don't run your business or set your policies on a transaction by transaction basis, or on emotion. Look at the situation and decide what is going to be the best solution for your business to a given problem long term, not at how you can come off unharmed in every single individual transaction - that's never going to happen, but you can remain successful and profitable by taking the long view and looking at the big picture instead of getting all ramped up over every real or imagined virtual shoplifter you suspect or dumbazz you are forced to cope with. 2) KNOW your eBay rules and follow them. I re-read large sections of the eBay selling pages regularly because they do sneak in stealth changes, there are things that I forget or didn't apply to me at the time so they didn't register, etc. What you WANT to do and what eBay will ALLOW you to do are often very different things. You can make a few mistakes as a seller and a few more as a buyer, but too much lawlessness whether you intend it or not is going to make eBay smack you, and that's not beneficial to your bottom line if you want to remain there as a buyer or seller.
    2 points
  2. I agree and never said it was a spectacular deal, just posted what I found....geez. I've already sold a few myself on amazon during the holidays at almost $100 a pop. Will sell the others near that and whatever doesn't sell will sell for more once it EOL's, a popular theme, iconic scene, etc.
    2 points
  3. That literally has no affect on people who buy from Amazon.
    2 points
  4. Thought it would be nice to track all this in one place. Anyone going to be there first thing when they open? Anyone know when they actually open? I'm hoping to score some LR Trains, Jabbas Palace, Unexpected gatherings (I don't know that any of these are going to be on clearance, just hoping) and basically anything else on clearance. Ill post updates of what I see at the different stores in my area tomorrow, I encourage others to do the same Edit: I realized I probably should have put walmart in the title, this is posted in the walmart section though
    1 point
  5. So truth be told...I've never built a lego set in my life. I'm 25. I decided that I needed to at some point. I have a fascination with winter and cabins and such this brought me to the winter village cottage set as it also has a practical sense under my Christmas tree. lets be honest here, I'm 25band not exactly gonna play with a ninjago set. So its Christmas eve. despite being a lego investor and loving money and knowing the potential this set will bring I opened one. I thought i'd build this whole set in a hour and have it displayed for Christmas. ....I have been humbled. A few hours later...I have an igloo and truck built. I'm also not much of a drinker at all and am 7 drinks in. My sister walks in the door.....OMG lego,...are you tryna build that? I am. I ll help she says. I used to have the harry potter castle and built it over and over. I had no idea my little sister liked lego. Now I have hope that this set will be completed before Christmas morning. even with me taking an extended break eating hot wings and watching kind of queens. Its created a cool bonding experience. It has also made me realize the fun I missed out on as a youth having not played with lego. I now get it. these toys are awesome and gives a sense of accomplishment. my only fear is that I am drunk and have quite an investment collection. A few more drinks and I may not have an investment collection and just have toys. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and hope we continue this great community next year and ever expand on it.
    1 point
  6. With what DNIM is planning, the point is that he will know, for sure, whether the buyer is a scammy McScammerPants or not, because he will have verified the sets. With that information - if I am certain a buyer is lying - it's easier to spike their guns. You require a return in the same condition the item shipped, you get the return, it's missing pieces you KNOW were there, and if you use managed returns through eBay (which I personally recommend), you refuse the return based on the item coming back incomplete. eBay will review the case and your record and the buyer's record. They may still decide against you, BUT they may not. If the buyer has a record that looks a little bad, if you have a record that looks really good, they may either deny the buyer's return (and they get nothing) or they will at the very least have a "watch this guy" bot note/strike on that buyer for the next time he tries it. The problem in this case is folks open Lego sets, remove minifigs, and then return the items to the stores who don't realize/care they've been opened and sell it to one of us honest and unsuspecting chumps. Yes, the buyer in this threads case may be a liar... but he may not be. It's a lot easier to stand your ground and take the case to the end if you know for sure, as a seller, what you sent to the buyer.
    1 point
  7. Cars and knife are more widely used weapons than guns on attempt murders. Let's take those off everyone's hands too and let the states drive and cook for us. Not happening. Back to the thread, are the investors making a killing or the gas stations?
    1 point
  8. ha so its a tool? I think if this was any other set I would have figured that out. thanks. You all can bust my balls a bit for that. lol
    1 point
  9. Guns don't kill people. Bullets kill people. Unless they are rubber. Then they just sting.
    1 point
  10. Tell that person to go F' himself. Unless you weighted out your set to verify everything is inside, it's he said she said, and you'll lose the case regardless with Ebay. If you already have 100% feedback, it would not affect your track to be seller plus or power seller. All you can do at this point is damage control and hopefully keep as much money as possible without give him a full refund. Just take the negative feedback as a small papercut instead of a huge shiner.
    1 point
  11. In this particular case, with the known issues on this set, I'd go with segreto's advice if you want your best shot at avoiding the negative. Regardless of weighing, eBay will side with the buyer on this one. You can demand the return before refunding but I wouldn't bother if it's not worth your return postage cost to get a partial set back.
    1 point
  12. I opened a SW set from Meijer and it was missing all the minifigs. It is a pretty crappy thing to have happen, but it does happen. I would drop ship him one from an online retailer and let him keep the ruined set. Let him know what you are doing and make sure that he knows that you are going above and beyond what is expected. That should make him happy and hopefully you avoid any negative feedback.
    1 point
  13. What kind of bizzaro world is this where tru has 50% off and walmart only has 25...
    1 point
  14. bought 7 Unexpected Gatherings on clearance for $49.00 ea. http://community.brickpicker.com/index.php?/gallery/image/1133-unexgatherclearance/
    1 point
  15. I'm hitting ebay, waiting for people like you guys to load up and take a 10-15% profit from me while I do my regular flip job in Canada the week after when I get my items.
    1 point
  16. Some open at 5 others @ 6... Check you store hours online
    1 point
  17. Myer website is goneski. It has been playing up for ages anyway but can't handle the stress of today.
    1 point
  18. I've scored a few good deals past 70% but they are very few and far between. One store near me had a quintet and tie fighter for $10 each. The Walmart app said they also had a goblin king for $10 but I didn't find it. Typically I find a good amount of stuff at 50% at my walmarts. Very few things make it past 30% at target. I killed it at kmart this fall pending about $800-1000 on things 55% off. I've got my CC ready as well as a wad of cash for this next couple days/weeks. My day job is going to be way busier this year so I want to stock up so I have plenty to sell this year.
    1 point
  19. Thanks for the heads up. Finally, Haunted House at a discount to RRP. Good discount selection on LEGO Shop at Home too.
    1 point
  20. I remember recently reading how lego distanced themselves from all other block brands by going to the great extent of sourcing each and every single raw material in every part of their product- a massive undertaking. I highly doubt they plan to then junk it all up
    1 point
  21. Looks like LEGO Shop at Home has 30% off a surprisingly decent range. Looks like mostly the low to mid price range, nothing expensive is discounted.
    1 point
  22. I have been building ninjago all day. My 4 year old can not get enough of these and has me making them as fast as I can. We have built all the new ones except the big Mech dragon. Tonight I get the joy of building the temple and sonic raider. I am in ninjago hell!!!!!!
    1 point
  23. I just do it by putting a camera on the box - it shows me putting it in and never goes off until the person receives it. Then it tapes them opening it. Sure, I pay thousands of dollars in cameras, but I don't lose packages.
    1 point
  24. Found this in the back yard honey, fell out of santas sleigh!
    1 point
  25.     You have to start writing the Book of DNIIM
    1 point
  26. I sent her the following email, because I don't really want to wait for a call back and I want a paper trail too: Hello, Amazon recently contacted me via email addressing some concerns you had with your Sydney Opera House. I attempted a phone call, but only got the answering machine. I have to apologize for the seemingly cryptic message, part way into the message I realized that the intended recipient of the item might actually get the message and did not want to ruin any kind of surprise. Anyway, I digress. Yes, you are correct, I did pay exactly $39.95 for the item in question plus a 6% sales tax in the great state of Pennsylvania. It also cost me about $4.50 to ship the item to Massachusetts. An item you received in two days despite paying for standard shipping. Yes, I did sell it at quite a mark up, for $71.04 (after shipping). However, I did not get to keep all of that money, as you may think. Firstly, Amazon takes a whopping 15% of the combined total of item price and shipping. That is $10.66 right there. Secondly, there is the cost of ink and paper, which may seem minimal, but they add up over the course of hundreds of items in a week period. Thirdly, the envelope costs about 15 to 20 cents each. Thirdly, I had to drive these packages to the post office and drop them off. The post office is approximately 10 miles away, so 20 miles round trip. And finally, and the largest expense of all, is the time I spend doing this. This is a basically a part time job for me. I have to do research on what items are most likely going to sell out everywhere else. Then I drive from store to store, finding those items. I purchase them for retail price, sometimes on sale, but Lego Architecture is almost never on sale. It's a risk I take, and for the most part it pays off. But I clearly can't sell it for the same amount I paid for it. In all honesty, I made a profit of $14.34 on this transaction. I understand that you want a refund for the sale of the item. I can understand that, not knowing all that was at hand. But in all honesty, if the label had been peeled off, wouldn't you have paid the same price? Also, if I weren't selling it, wouldn't you have paid more for it? Because I was the cheapest person on the marketplace at the time you purchased it from Amazon.com. If you still want a refund, all you really had to do was ask. I'm not a horrible human being. You could have messaged me straight through Amazon.com. I will gladly refund you the $66.55 you paid for the item. However, I can't refund you for the shipping, and I would have to insist that you pay the return shipping to me, since the item was exactly what you ordered but the only argument is buyer's remorse in the price that was paid for the item. In the spirit of Christmas, however, I would like to make a counter offer. I will offer to split my profit in half and refund you $7.17 and you keep the item and give it as a gift for Christmas. I'm usually very thorough with removing price tags before shipping, but the Christmas season is a shipping mad house. I am up until 3 AM most nights after work getting shipments processed. Please excuse my oversight.
    1 point
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