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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2013 in all areas

  1. Got this message from an eBay customer today after shipping a Friends Sunshine Ranch. "Thank you. I had send that second message before seeing your last one. You are saving my life BTW. Count on kids to ask Santa for a set that doesn't come out until January 1st. "But Santa can get it! He can get anything!" Thanks again." Anyone else have some holiday cheer to spread? Resellers aren't so bad.
    4 points
  2. Sorry star wars nerds, but SW was heavily influenced by lotr: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/History_of_Star_Wars#History (search for "lord") lotr nerd OUT
    2 points
  3. I am pretty sure I would come home to the sith lord thrown in the yard with all my belongings.
    2 points
  4. A toy factory or train station for 10173 (the first WV set).
    2 points
  5. Thanks for the reminder! Added to my wish list: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0006HUQZ6/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=10T9JFV99F1Y5&coliid=I3NWWOBXEX3DE5
    2 points
  6. Seriously, once you hit around 200 feedbacks, no feedback = good feedback
    2 points
  7. Lots of fakes floating out there. I would only buy one in a sealed package these days.
    2 points
  8. My father-in-law knows I love Lego and was cruising the Target at Westmount Mall in London, ON. He came across 50% off Attack of the Wargs and Shelob Attacks, which is basically what TRU.ca had as their Black Friday sale (although they backordered me and never delivered the actual sets). Anyway, I was at the Windsor location yesterday and they didn't have these on the shelves at all, and my father-in-law bought the three Wargs in London, but for those of you not in these cities, might be worth a stop at Target on the way home from work. I also think one of the bigger Creator Sets was 50% off, but he couldn't recall the name of it. Happy hunting!
    1 point
  9. Thanks so much for this! Can't wait to try it out. Thank you!
    1 point
  10. I'll list out the steps. 1. Log in, click on the 'wanted tab' 2. In the lower tab section 3rd one in it's labeled 'part set'. click that 3. type in the set number of what you want parted out 4. type in a new wanted list name for it (you can uncheck the notify by email if you don't want to get spammed by a million different vendors) 5. click the box that says 'set minimum desired qty' 6. click submit for edit 7. Now you have the entire set parted out with the minimum required parts needed. You can delete and change quantities as desired/need.
    1 point
  11. you should get the older one, it's friggin HUGE and a pretty nifty build, though I don't recommend it if you have cats, it's fragile as all hell
    1 point
  12. Not so sure about this as one of Lego's most popular lines is essentially the same exact thing that Lotr is, Castle. Castle is about olden times with no tech and possibly goblins, wizards, dragons, etc. You would think if they can make so many castle sets, making Lotr sets wouldn't be an issue.
    1 point
  13. I guess it depends on what part of "culture" you are looking at. Tolkien actually invented Orcs and his image of Elves is what most people now see Elves as looking like (being tall with pointy ears). So Lord of the Rings vastly influenced video games and board games from Warcraft, to Warhammer, to Dungeon and Dragons, to Everquest, to Morrowind/Skyrim, etc. Basically anything in the "fantasy" genre of books, games or movies likely has copied things from Lord of the Rings. Tbh, other than being highly popular, I don't see what Star Wars has brought to the table in terms of influencing the science fiction media other than maybe light swords and use of special effects. Btw, I was a Star Wars fan since I was a child and didn't even know Lotr existed till the first movie came out but facts are facts. I did however know about Orcs, Goblins, Elves etc before the first movie (not that they came from Lotr, but games I played had them in it).
    1 point
  14. IMHO LOTR is nowhere close to being as influential on pop culture as Star Wars.
    1 point
  15. The North Pole would be awesome complete with sleigh, reindeers, elfs, and toy shop!!!
    1 point
  16. Because Lotr is actually older than Star Wars thanks to the books and likewise has a huge fanbase. Infact, pretty sure Lotr inspired most other fantasy franchises like Dungeons and Dragons making it just as influential if not even more than Star Wars.
    1 point
  17. I don't think this set is near retirement yet. It's available from LEGO Shop at Home, the lego store and major retailers in the UK yet the eBay UK price has jumped to above RRP. I put it down to people being thick or addicted to eBay. But as sellers that why we like them. I recommend buying this when its discounted or at the next double vip points time.
    1 point
  18. This question comes up on occasion. I honestly think part of it is the fact that casual toy buyers don't even think to buy direct from Lego. People are accustomed to buying from Walmart, Target, etc.
    1 point
  19. Check out Ewok Village sold prices...
    1 point
  20. Hello from Amazon Services, Here are the requirements: "We are writing to let you know that your seller account currently meets the Holiday Selling Guidelines for the Toys & Games store this holiday season: - Your first sale on Amazon.com must be prior to September 19, 2013 (sale does not need to be specific to the Toys & Games store): Yes - You must have processed and shipped at least 25 orders between September 1 and October 31, 2013 (orders do not need to be specific to the Toys & Games store): Yes - Your short term order defect rate must be no greater than 1% as of November 1, 2013. Your current order defect rate: 0.0% - Your pre-fulfillment cancel rate must be no greater than 1.75% between October 1 and October 31, 2013. Your current pre-fulfillment cancel rate: 0.0% - Your late shipment rate must be no greater than 4% between October 1 and October 31, 2013. Your current late shipment rate: 0.0% To remain eligible to sell in Toys & Games store during the holiday season, please continue to meet our Holiday Selling Guidelines." I assume this ends by Dec. 31st at the latest but I don't know for sure. Best of luck!
    1 point
  21. Nope, underpriced according to overseas standards. My cousin paid $200USD for it in Hong Kong. I know a few indonesians who paid $250USD for it in Indonesia, so there you go.
    1 point
  22. Subtitle for Picture #7 (left most on 2nd row): "Imagine going home after a long stressful day to find your favorite Sith Lord greet you as you drive in" {Darth Vader voice} "Luke I am your father " {/Darth Vader voice}
    1 point
  23. I was actually thinking the opposite. I own all five WV sets and a few PBs and the two 2013 LE Holiday sets, and the last thing I want is another tree. There are three "decorated" Christmas trees in my display (Toy Shop tree and two polybags), there's a small one inside the WV Cottage, and there are tons of the fir trees that come with every set. As always, different strokes I guess. I agree that a Christmas tree could be done very well and look great. I really like the Town Hall idea, but I would enjoy any relevant street shop: WV Restaurant or WV Candy Shop? I could see another WV House being released too, and how about WV School House? My least favorite would be a set that expands the WV Market. It's my least favorite of the line (although it I still like it) because it doesn't have a light brick incorporated - so disappointing - and because there isn't one central building (the carousel is good, but not great) to pair with the others.
    1 point
  24. This would be interesting. Maybe we will see a "Winter Village Town Hall", with a Christmas tree out front (like a really big Christmas tree)? You heard it here first folks.
    1 point
  25. Holy crap... is there any way they have this many they wanted to dump this cheap?
    1 point
  26. Glad you feel our pain. This set is
    1 point
  27. Eh, plenty to complain about with dogs and their quirks too. Ever had your dog get into the garbage? Oh and by the way. Brian is back everyone! WHOOHOO! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rQ1tMYZKrg
    1 point
  28. Any of you know of or use some type of program that can cull tracking numbers from ebay sold to get a real tracking on them? The tracking in the phone app is a joke. Many of my sales show as acknowledged, even though they were delivered 4 days ago. I am trying to figure out after 200 sales..why only 3 gave feedback. Was wondering if packages weren't delivered yet..when I noticed this mess. I've been cutting track number out of ebay sold, and pasting into usps and getting real track info...but that got old after 3, and real old after 5.
    1 point
  29. I'm going to build a mountain with these barrel escapes and have the barrels roll down the mountain like a waterfall. Going to get another 10 more.
    1 point
  30. Here it is; top 10 stupid reasons people have actually got fired for.
    1 point
  31. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=360816494387 ebay my friend
    1 point
  32. No need for me to do that. I just do my regular pickups in the US and sell them for 50% markup without waiting for the items to discontinue, even better.
    1 point
  33. For those who have knowledge of inane things (like me!), The 2014 Jeopardy! Online test is January 7-9. Consider signing up. That is all. :-)
    1 point
  34. price matched two at TRU tonight. Manager who did the override said she was the former manager of the closed kmart in town, kinda ironic.
    1 point
  35. I got myself some wolverine choppers, too..
    1 point
  36. I don't know of a program, but if you use the regular website My eBay page, the tracking there is generally reliable (it can lag behind the USPS site by a few days and/or be missing, but MOSTLY it'll be accurate). Feedback slows down this time of year - lots of folks just don't have/take the time to leave it in the midst of the Christmas rush, and more and more buyers in general don't bother any more. Also, I've noticed as a buyer that eBay no longer sends me feedback reminders, so my own feedback in general is coming in at a lesser rate than it used to I'm sure partially due to that. Use caution if you plan to follow up with your buyers to ask for feedback (I never do, and personally recommend against it - I let sleeping buyers lie.). Tact is needed to make sure the twitchy amongst them don't feel "hassled" by such requests. I know of more than one unfortunate seller who has received a negative stating, "Here's that feedback you wanted."
    1 point
  37. I can't see LEGO now ever completely or permanently discontinuing any of the truly iconic ships (X-Wing, TIE fighter, Y-Wing, A-Wing, MF) especially with the new movies coming out. All of these have seen numerous remakes/re-releases. They are simply too popular. I'd only buy these if you can get them at a big discount with an eye on flipping/selling them during Christmas. These always seem to sell out at Christmas and you can make some good money flipping. For example, I got some TIE fighters last year on 50% clearance after Christmas for $30-35. This Christmas after Amazon sold out of them, I was selling them for $70-$75 each. The X-Wing is going for $85-$90.
    1 point
  38. My DC from Walmart arrived, posted on eBay, sold in about 3 hours
    1 point
  39. I'm trying to decide if I should listen to your advice or to your username...
    1 point
  40. I love it when people compare sets now with sets that appreciated 300% before Lego Investing was really popular. Same thing with FB. Anyone that thinks it will come close to even the Green Grocer is smoking something.
    1 point
  41. Use [.spoiler.] [./spoiler.] without the "."
    1 point
  42. Sorry, I didn't feel like quoting you and Stephen. This seems like a very simple situation. It's a little sad, in my opinion, that this question even needs to be asked.
    1 point
  43. No worries! Trust me, I didn`t have you in mind when I typed that. But now that you mention it....
    1 point
  44. Combine them to make Olivias Funhouse.
    1 point
  45. I am hording these now, ordering a bunch every week. At $30 it is hard to go wrong with this set.
    1 point
  46. I am not posting this to gloat, I am posting it to inspire hope for everybody who wants more Hulk sets... Today I went into a Target in a relatively busy area, and there they were with rays of sunlight beaming down on them...5 Hulk's Helicarrier Breakouts. It was the exact thing I hoped to find when I stopped in. I had opened and parted out all my Hulk sets just a week or two before they officially retired, so I was a little salty about not having any. The point of all this is... they are still out there to be found. Even if a place seems unlikely, check it anyway. That's what I did today, and it paid off. Happy hunting!
    1 point
  47. My LEGO sales paid for my wifes Mercedes. Ok, its not a Mercedes, its a Dodge Caravan and the LEGO money only puts gas in it.
    1 point
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