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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2013 in all areas

  1. I know a lot of stocked up before knowing that it probably is around another year. I am becoming more bullish so I decided to dump my stock. I got most of them around 80$. Well, they are sold out about everywhere. Ebay is trending up and up - now up to $160ish. I sold two for $160 last night. If you want to offload them ( as you should be able to easily get more next year) now is the time.
    3 points
  2. If the Death Star Retired say Jan 1,2014 how many of you think that it will only be selling for $700 in 2019, I am telling everybody this will be the most massive panic buying lego set ever, this set should be $800 and rising after a year or two. And as for the SSD don't wait forever to get this set either. I just got 2 more SSD and one more Death star. 29 death Stars and 15 SSD, Watch when these sets do retire some of you who didn't get any will be asking us on here is $600-700 etc a good buy, and then higher and higher. I will be living on Wall Street and you guys who missed the boat on these will have the blues for many years. Ed
    3 points
  3. The Batman in the new 76011 Nightwing/Man-Bat set has only been in one other set before, which was the 30160 Batman Jet Ski polybag. The Batman in 6863 and 6864 has the exact same torso printing as the Batman in 76011 and 30160, however there is a small difference. The Batman in 76011 and 30160 has a different cowl.
    2 points
  4. Winter Village Cottage This would follow form with most of the other Winter Village sets if it were retired this year, but as you say until the "Retired Product" moniker comes up on the S@H website it's all speculation. Same for Mini-Modulars, Fire Brigade, and any other "Sold Out" or "Call for Availability" set. That said, there are folks on here with access to information that have a good track record. As usual, nothing is gospel but it's better than looking at sets retail duration and trying to read the tea leaves on your own.
    2 points
  5. Are you fellas charging 20% restocking fees on returns? I do on eBay. I know it won't make a diff when it reaches Resolution Status but at least, it makes buyers think twice about bidding on my auctions or acting like moronic buyers. By the way, we do have the eBay Fruitcakes thread that have all sorts of stories. eBay went all downhill after sellers weren't allowed to leave negative feedback. I'm still mad about that.
    2 points
  6. I have to say I am not sure if there will be much to clearance out after Christmas. Last year at this time I was hitting all kinds of stores and finding great deals everywhere. Retiring sets, recently retired sets, clearance items, etc. Then after Christmas I bought over 200 sets from various stores that had clearance sales. This year I have been to those same stores and found nothing. What worries me even more is that there isn't even anything left that would be clearanced after Christmas. I will still go out after Christmas to check but my feeling is that there wont be anything worth buying.
    2 points
  7. I wouldn't return it if I was you. The people that buy retired sets are usually collectors, and box condition doesn't really matter unless it's a set like the UCS Millennium Falcon. Before I started investing, I would buy sets and throw away the box right after I built the set. It would be better to just sell the set on eBay. They are going for approximately $190 right now. I remember one time I bought an Orc Forge that had a few dents and a small hole punched out of it, and considered returning it, but decided not to after reading an article about box condition by Fcbarcelona101. It was very helpful.
    1 point
  8. thanks DNIIM, I'll move some of my Falcon's. Now I just need the Epic Dragon Battle and Jabba's Palace to start climbing.
    1 point
  9. I think it is moving fairly quickly at $110. I might try $120 just in case though.
    1 point
  10. I assume you're question is with the Brickfolio. Complete the first entry as "Used", and make a second entry with "MISB" checked. You should be able to add multiple versions of the same set in the Brickfolio.
    1 point
  11. Production for 10197 stopped many months ago. Whatever is left in the wild is it. Same for WVC, Mini Mods and B-Wing. Every other 10xxx set will be around for at least 1 more year. Source is the usual british boys who brought you 10212, 10219, 10217 etc last year.
    1 point
  12. Beach House and Juice Bar are at Wal-Mart now. I also saw a Sunshine Ranch at TRU yesterday. Cool set, I'm excited to build that one er I mean my daughter will be so excited to build that one!
    1 point
  13. The Ranch was available at my TRU yesterday, but for $90. I declined to purchase I dropped it like a hot potato.
    1 point
  14. Throw it in a Friend's set and call it - Olivia's Crotch Rocket.
    1 point
  15. We got a human calculator over here ...
    1 point
  16. Just did some math (using the Death Star) and $0.04 is basically 1%. Oh no, it's the 1%'ers! :frantics:
    1 point
  17. It was limited to what store it could be bought from like Stephen brought up it being a Toys R Us exclusive meaning only Toys R Us and Lego themselves could sell it. You would not (or at least should not) see it on the shelves of Target or Walmart.
    1 point
  18. Lego came up with their own nice Winter Village setup so it would be really rad if they also did a Halloween Town.
    1 point
  19. Sell those trees now, they're hot! I actually only got like $7.50 each for mine, but that's still $5 profit for almost nothing.
    1 point
  20. I am sure this won't apply to everyone, and I don't mean to offend anyone, but in my experience, Walmart employees are almost always useless.
    1 point
  21. And then there are some people who are just anal. :lol:
    1 point
  22. It's an interesting question. From a purely economic perspective, selling some set and holding the last one does not make sense. Either you are happy to sell the sets and take the current price so you should sell them all, or you are not, so you should keep them all. Or if you have already sold them but now have renewed positive outlook on their growth you should buy more of them back. That only really applies to EOL sets as current retail available ones it doesn't really matter how many you sell off if you can still get more. Also, I'd never open a set for personal use under the justification of "it only cost me $xx amount when I bought it." The decision to open should be a trade off based on the current market price as that's essentially the opportunity cost you are forgoing by "consuming" the set yourself. Of course if you plan to sell the used set after building it or displaying for a while then you factor that in by market price - expected used sale price = cost of me opening the set.
    1 point
  23. I'm going to jump on the FB train. I just called my local store and they have one in stock that I was able to be held for me. I don't want to regret not owning at least one of these.
    1 point
  24. Very nice! I'm surprised by that Constitution Train Chase price. That's basically the price it is over here. Nice scores!
    1 point
  25. A nice buying online Lone Ranger day today 15 x Constitution Train Chase - $75.06 each retail $139.99 10 x Commanche Camp - $21.57 each retail $39.99 5 x Calvalry Builder - $12.39 each retail $22.99 2 x Silver Mine shootout - $64.26 each retail $119.99
    1 point
  26. Excuse me Ed. It is "I like Lego". Lego is both singular and plural. Ha. There are some Anal Fans of Lego out there. Lol
    1 point
  27. Too many hoarders and scavengers, I say!
    1 point
  28. Why leave now? You have been upsetting people for 2 days in this thread. Lol
    1 point
  29. Wow, this sounds like a really spectacular way to conduct your business. And anyone wonders why they may take steps to stop this behavior, like scratching out barcodes?
    1 point
  30. Or more desirable ? How many of those boxes were marked personally by the LEGO employees ? Those are now special edition boxes
    1 point
  31. It is solipsism to think one's own personal preferences actually matter when it comes to something the size of this market. As an investor you have to divorce yourself from personal preferences and subjective thinking. The market believes Fire Brigade is the best Lego set ever and it will preform as such after EOL. Despite being out four years, despite being bought and cherished by tens of thousands it will be a set that performs as well if not better than other retired modular. I believe the popularity and widespread appeal scared a lot of investors from hording this set en masse, and that will prove itself out immediately after retirement. I like the BWing. I have three, bought two half off on May the Fourth. It will slowly appreciate as a lot of EOL Lego does but it will come nowhere close to the numbers Fire Brigade or some of the EOL Superheroes stuff will show.
    1 point
  32. I am on the opposite side as many are on this set. I believe that once this is done, it will be one of those that you wished you would have purchased. At 50% off to me this is a no brainer. I don't think you will get insane money for it in the future, but it should give you good returns at the 50% off amount. It also displays well in my opinion and will provide many key minifigs that you won't be able to get in the future unless they release the dwarfs in a newer set. Many people will part this out right away or try to flip for an easy profit. Once these dry up it will be a nice sleeper in my opinion.
    1 point
  33. I'm on the opposite side of the fence - clear winner in my mind at 50% off in the future. Perhaps part of the problem is psychological - when there are plenty on store shelves and discounts are huge investors tend to be a little wary. We ask ourselves why they aren't moving sets at this price...and some of the above posts are some good reasons. That being said, it comes from a great theme with probably at least another wave coming next year (I think Emazers said the license was until 2015) and once they dry up at retail and have been retired a year or two...
    1 point
  34. Walmart's 50% off starts right after Christmas. Like other members have noticed though, the stock of older sets (due to a few reasons) seems to be pretty depleted. You never know though, some stores clearance some strange things at weird times. Last year I got a couple Mil Falcons at half off. It definitely varies by store. Target's clearance will actually probably start the week before Christmas, they do their markdowns weekly on Thursday, but it will take a few weeks for Legos to hit 50% off. So you won't have to worry about it til mid/late January. I am sure folks here will keep you posted.
    1 point
  35. I'm not even worried about this year. I have a closet full of stuff to get rid of before I need to think of bringing more in.
    1 point
  36. I agree, stock is really depleted for a large part, unlike last year.
    1 point
  37. I'm not expecting much this year on the after x-mas clearance sales at Target and Walmart. The inventory that I would have expected to be marked down has largely already been sold and replaced with new sets. There may be some deals to be had, but I think it is going to be pretty slim pickings. This time last year, there were multiple stores around me that were well stocked with the retiring Star Wars sets...this year, I have hardly seen any of the retiring Star Wars sets over the past few weeks. My sense is that the stores are getting much better with their inventory and product management so that they don't have much left to clearance after x-mas.
    1 point
  38. ...And that one sold, too. Wow. Yeah, Friends sets just aren't worth investing in. . .said no one who knows anything.
    1 point
  39. I take my own pictures for everything, but don't have any issue with those sellers that don't.
    1 point
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