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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2013 in all areas

  1. This! This And This! Emazers, you're welcome to do what you wish. But I'd feel more comfortable if you didn't tell other people to pay their taxes because their "appears" to be a way around it. Whether you can get away with not claiming that income or not, it just not good advise. In general I'd rather not have these types of threads appear because they are just to mixed up and misleading. This is a forum with so many people from so many different countries with many different tax laws concerning these maters. Not to mention just the differences state to state here in the US. I'd HOPE people are smart enough to know not to trust tax advise given on an online forum such as this, I just don't want anyone saying "but taxman, those brickpickers told me such and such."
    4 points
  2. This continues to be terrible advice. It's telling people it's fine to commit tax evasion. Please, stop telling people this, the IRS puts people in jail for this when they catch them.
    4 points
  3. I am not interested in arguing the corruption of the government and whether they deserve any of our legally required tax dollars. I am interested in preventing any lurkers who think that buying and selling Lego with the intention of making a profit is anything at all like a yardsale. It's not.
    3 points
  4. Scalping, reselling, flipping, investing...it's all the same. Buy at one price, sell(hopefully) at a higher price. Bottom line is LEGO likes to manipulate the market. The bans and restrictions are just a few ways to generate buzz and cause people to further inflate the value of LEGO sets. LEGO is doing us a favor. They are instilling in consumer's minds that these sets are valuable and that they as a company are out there fighting against "scalpers and flippers," making sure Little Johnny gets his Minecraft set for XMAS, while in fact, LEGO is actually making sets more valuable in the secondary market because of these same restrictions, bans and sales reductions.
    3 points
  5. Using the "old" Library excuse to buy mass amounts of LEGO sets. Poor choice. I use orphanages and church functions to buy mine...
    2 points
  6. No, the law doesn't. PayPal is required to issue a 1099 at those numbers. It has absolutely nothing to do with the requirement of a business to report its income.
    2 points
  7. I had to check out the feedback after you said this. Here's my favorite: Complaint TAC1 (66) Feb 3, 2013 3339814 Seller Some parts received do match the others that were under the same part no. Reply: Bogus claim. Impossible buyer. Very demanding & rude. BANNED! So he can ban at will but TLG can't?
    2 points
  8. You should change your name to justareseller...LOL
    2 points
  9. Yes, PayPal asks for this information from everyone at some point, and they ask for it well in advance of the reporting requirement. Provide it to them if you want to continue using your PayPal account. Your opinion that you already pay way more than your fair share in taxes isn't relevant to PayPal or the IRS - and if your accountant isn't telling you the same, it's time to find a new accountant who will keep you out of trouble instead of getting you into it. You will need to declare your income regardless of whether you meet the criteria for PayPal to issue you a 1099 - your accountant can advise you on the best way to handle tracking income and expenses for your business.
    2 points
  10. Hey there fellow Lego fans! I recently created a t-shirt design titled "Anatomy of a Childhood Friend" and I'm trying to get it printed. If you like what you see, go on over to the link below and give it a 5 out of 5 rating! http://www.threadless.com/threadless/anatomy-of-a-chilhood-friend/ It can't happen without your help! Make sure to sign up or log in before voting!
    1 point
  11. http://weeklyad.toysrus.com/ToysRUs/BrowseByPage?storeid=2561670&promotionviewmode=2&promotioncode=ToysRUs-131206&listingid=0&sneakpeek=******&pagenumber=1 Look down on the left side where it says Book Jr.
    1 point
  12. Well you just need to prefix the URL with this http://www.pjtra.com/t/R0JGSEVNTk1CRkhORk5CRkVHTUZK?website=156548&url=
    1 point
  13. And then they just canceled it. Damnit. Gonna run by - if they are on the shelves I am gonna punch someone.
    1 point
  14. I am a huge comic book collector, so I figure I'll throw in my input. The first Hulk movie, directed by Ang Lee IMO was a very good movie on its own, but not a very good "comic book" movie if you get my meaning. Marvel distanced itself from that movie and had an actor change in the latest Hulk (2008) movie to be a part of the Avengers franchise of films. The 2008 Hulk wasn't very good either (the worst of the new Marvel-produced movies by far), so they had a third actor play Banner for the Avengers films. From IMDB "According to Kevin Feigie, due to positive reactions to Mark Ruffalo's Banner in The Avengers, a sequel will be made after Avengers 2." They have plans for Thor movies, Captain America movies, Iron Man movies, and Avengers movies until the end of time. Nick Fury, Black Widow, The Hulk, and Hawkeye, don't have any solo movies in the works AFAIK. The X-men, Wolverine, Deadpool, Blade, Daredevil, Ghost Rider, The Punisher and Spider-man films feature Marvel characters, but they aren't produced by Marvel Entertainment so those characters won't be featured in any Avengers movies until those licensing deals expire. Another quote from IMDB will likely explain it better than I did:
    1 point
  15. I am dying for some pictures of these! Really psyched they are releasing a $100 and a $70 set.
    1 point
  16. So first you need to keep in mind that there are two huge comic book companies which are completely rivals and their stuff usually doesn't mix. That is to say, Batman and Spiderman don't live in the same world because Batman is owned by DC comics and Spiderman is owned by Marvel. This is like an Iphone vs Samsung kind of deal. Second is that while some characters are owned by the same company and thus live in the same world, the rights are sold to other companies for a time and therefore the stuff sometimes can't mix. This is the case with Spiderman and Iron Man. Sony bought the rights for Spiderman and Disney has the rights for Iron Man. This means the two cannot be in the same movie or movie world until the rights of Spiderman to Sony pictures expires. So, most of the franchises are alone and in their own timeframe. Batman is not connected to Spiderman or the Avengers as he is owned by DC and Warner Bros has the rights. So his movies are(the newer ones): Batman Begins The Dark Knight The Dark Knight Rises Sam Ramei Spiderman is sequential and not tied to the other Marvel Movies nor the new Amazing Spiderman movies X-Men is like above and also owned by Sony I think, but they kept it separate and it's own franchise. Now, here is where things get interested. Marvel, the actual comics book makers, are largely responsible for Iron Man, Avengers, Thor and Captain America. So all these films live together and the characters can interact, and the movie quality is usually alot better as well as the comic effect. That is, since the people making the comics actually have a hand in the movies, they are very close to what you actually find in the comics themselves. So the timeline here is: Iron Man 1 Iron Man 2 Thor 1 Captain America Avengers Iron Man 3 Thor 2 Hulk has his own movies yes, but they are not made by the people who made Avengers so they aren't really connected. They are their own thing like the Spiderman and X-Men movies. Black Widow doesn't have her own movie. They probably didn't think the character would be popular enough as a solo movie since as far as I know she never had a solo comic that lasted very long while all the other characters have. She is basically just a character to put on teams with other heroes.
    1 point
  17. I never thought I would see the day Alcarin and Mos_Eisley team up. Isn't this one of the first signs of the apocalypse ?
    1 point
  18. Okay, when I read the original Bricklink post, my jaw hit the floor. Here's why: As some of you may remember, I am on the ban list, which is completely my fault, based on ordering history. LEGO caught me, fair and square. I still don't agree with their policy, but I appreciate it. One of the great advantages to not being responsible to shareholders is that you get to make and enforce whatever rules (within the law) that you want. I too received my ban letter. Now, the ironic full disclosure. I wrote this same individual at LEGO with best story I could come up with. Anyone want to venture what that was? Anyone? Bueller? Yep - I was "purchasing items that were raffled off to provide funds for our local library". You read that right - THE SAME STORY. I am actually the President of Friends of the Library (Frog will know this affiliation). We have done some things with LEGO products, but not nearly to the extent that I claimed in my response to them. LEGO said they would be happy to remove them ban if I provided reimbursement checks/etc. I could have easily come up with this, but was too bitter that I had to "defend" myself. So now this other person comes along and steals my excuse. Seriously? lol No wonder Mark at LEGO responded the way he did as he already had heard the same song and dance. I am not sharing this to get flamed, so please spare me. I just wanted to be upfront and honest with my fellow Brickpickers and to say that all may not be as it appears.
    1 point
  19. Hate to say it but the end consumer always gets the cost added on to them. If you don't pass on the costs and eat them yourself you won't be in business very long.
    1 point
  20. Seriously, if I came on this forum on a regular basis and told people it's totally fine to take Lego sets from Target without paying for them - just wear bulky clothes and move fast through the exits - I assume I would be told to knock it off.
    1 point
  21. Sell it hard and fast before anyone who might be interested in the Hulk sees the images of the upcoming sets. That ship is sinking.
    1 point
  22. I have only seen the ewok village on display at the lego store, but I agree, it looks awesome. I don't know what else could come close to competing with it. I bought one for my son for Christmas during the triple VIP sale. I can't wait until Christmas morning so I can help him put it together. He will be stoked.
    1 point
  23. Too bad many investors are blowing off the Galactic Titan and CHI Temple. I'm not.
    1 point
  24. Picked up 4 lion chi temples at TRU today for $71.22 each. On sale for $75 (today is the last day I believe) and used my TRU card for the extra 10% off on Saturday which bought them down to $67.50. After tax they came to $71.22, which is 44% off. I feel pretty good about this set at that price. It's the largest set in the theme, and as chima gains popularity every kid will want one since it is the good guys' base. I plan on holding until next Christmas to see what happens.
    1 point
  25. Maybe it is just me, but wouldn't this set look better if the reindeer had a red nose instead of black? It's an easy fix at home I guess.
    1 point
  26. I'm done buying them. I have flippin flipped them like I've flippin never flipped before and now I'm flippin done with them flippin flippers.
    1 point
  27. You fundamentally disagree that buying something for one price and then selling it for a higher price is scalping? If that's the case we may as well end the discussion because I didn't make up the definition. No part of scalping requires that anyone is able to buy up the whole supply of a given item.
    1 point
  28. While I have no problem with it being done, scalping LEGO sets certainly exists and it happens all the time. While it sounds nicer to call it flipping, it's the very definition of scalping. When everyone buys all the Dolphin Cruisers to sell on ebay at a higher price during Christmas, that's scalping. It's scalping anytime someone is buying the set for one price and immediately selling it for more. Yes, TLG can make almost any number they want of a set, but there are times like release date and Christmas when the supply can't keep up with demand on popular sets.
    1 point
  29. Of couse there isn't. There are some really good talks online about the subject by some economics professors. "Scalping" is merely creating a real market out of the shell of an artificial one. It's basic economics. The bottom line is that people want what they want when they want it at the price they want it. If they can't have that for some reason they blame anyone who has it. The word "scalping" arose out of the need to demonize people engaging in simple market-based economics.
    1 point
  30. I haven't seen that information anywhere - do you have a link? Here's more information on PayPal and the 1099s, tax i.d. numbers, etc.: https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/marketingweb?cmd=_render-content&fli=true&content_ID=marketing_us/IRS6050W
    1 point
  31. The action figure turtles were renaissance men... Well maybe not, but they had almost as many jobs as Homer Simpson. Basketball players, detectives, samurai, mech pilots, beach bums, garbagemen, and movie stars. I vote for Lego samurai turtles.
    1 point
  32. Woo-hoo! I built the 8097 slave 1, but meh. I really hope a ucs version will do the ship justice. kerrmando you better be right about this or I'm coming to your house to fart on all your sealed boxes B)
    1 point
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