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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/2013 in all areas

  1. I finished building the Shuttle last night. It is huge. It is pure awesome. I paid retail for this one back when I was naive but in the end it was worth every penny! I don't plan on selling it either. I didn't keep track of hours as I did it over 5 days, but it was at least 10 hours, probably close to 12 after having to go back and fix a couple mistakes. I had put the gears to raise and lower the side wings on wrong so the front set would go up and the back set would go down. Oops! It wasn't too hard to fix from the bottom thankfully. And to the previous comments about it being kind of creamy on colour - it isn't pure white. As I assembled more and more of it, it became clear that it was off-white. Curious about this, I took loose bricks and compared them to bricks in our Lego collection (loose and part of completed sets) and those bricks are definitely off-white too. I think we just don't notice when the white is contrasted by other colours or when the set doesn't have 1500 white pieces in it!
    5 points
  2. Both of my sons have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a degenerative muscle wasting disease. I started both of them on standard sixed Legos when they were 2 and 3 years old. It is amazing to see how Lego as helped their confidence and their overall attitude towards life. Sounds tacky, I know; but if you can focus on the things that help people and make them happy, it really does take their mind off of the negative thoughts. My kids can't play sports, so we just focus hard on the things that they CAN do to distract from the things they can't do. LONG LIVE LEGO!!!!!
    5 points
  3. We need to replace the ticker on the home page with "Exclusives don't appear on the wholesale list."
    3 points
  4. There may be more examples, but: 1) Availability of current sets. Last fall when the Minecraft sets came out, Lego wildly underestimated their desirability. With resellers scooping up as many as humanly and computer-ally possible, actual fans found themselves unable to find them in stock, the secondary market saw a huge boom for a bit, but Lego feels (and not unreasonably so), that fans and kids got a bit hosed in the bargain. 2) Availability of buyer dollars on discontinued sets. If I am a lego fan and I have $500 to buy sets with this month, I can spend that $500 on currently available sets from Lego and/or their authorized retailers (either of which help Lego's bottom line at this time), or I can spend my $500 on discontinued set from two years ago that Lego originally sold for $200. Not only is that taking money from Lego's bottom line this year, but insult to injury the $500 I spend only ever gained Lego $200 (at the time the reseller bought it from Lego or authorized reseller). 3) Brand protection. If I'm a chain-smoking crackhead with bad breath and warts who regularly treats my customers like dirt and I'm also a Lego reseller, I give Lego a bit of a black eye by association of my fugliness with their product. Of course in my case I'm a glamorous 47 year old who doesn't look a day over 23 (or, if you ask my sister, a day over 83...) with beautiful merchant manners and a winning smile, but not everyone is so awesome.
    3 points
  5. Oh, I understand. Maybe one day. I'm afraid that many members might go in disguise because they are afraid of LEGO spying on them. LOL
    2 points
  6. False. Some resellers were never collectors. You're 2 for 2 in this thread, simmer down.
    2 points
  7. I buy from resellers all the time...it's called eBay and Bricklink.
    2 points
  8. I think if you have read in past threads about Brick Classifieds, Ed and Jeff have mentioned that everyone on this site is NOT all about reselling. They have stated that there are quite a few people that come here looking for deals. They have over 20,000 members, I am sure all of them are not resellers.
    2 points
  9. We're not always resellers. Sometimes we're collectors.
    2 points
  10. From what you said in the other thread about buying 10,000 GBPs of LEGO sets in one month from S@H, I'm sure God already knows.
    2 points
  11. I'm afraid that ship has sailed. While there may not be anyone here openly contemptuous of all levels of Lego selling, there are a nice steady flow of those who set the "unacceptable" mark right above what they themselves are doing. Re: affiliate links. Although I am by no means a heavy hitter (yet, she chortled evilly...) I will apologize for not using the click throughs more reliably in my own purchasing. My only defense for everything that is not Lego LEGO Shop at Home is I'm a ditz and I just forget. I promise to try to get better. Lego LEGO Shop at Home I just won't do - I understand that I'm paranoid, but that doesn't mean they're not out to get me. Fortunately, I do very little buying from LEGO Shop at Home so you're not missing much from me. AND, if this site charges money sometime, I am totally on board with that. Especially some kind of prime area. Maybe in that paid area we can realize something a bit closer to Legofreeman's ideal at the top of this post.
    2 points
  12. I would sell the Burrow now! The only thing it's going to do is probably decrease, plus it's going over $100 right now on ebay.
    1 point
  13. Why is it that when people decide to run across the street they always SLOW DOWN RIGHT BEFORE THEY GET TO THE OTHER SIDE?
    1 point
  14. Plus, order from Yoyo and you never have to worry about purchasing those packaging air bags.
    1 point
  15. YoYo.com is the best.
    1 point
  16. Being willing to pay what someone is asking for said item is no more unethical than the person asking too little for said item.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. It honestly is no different than any countries currency. It's all just perceived value for something made out of thin air. Money is only worth what people believe it to be worth. Retired Legos only have worth because people put worth behind it. Same with anything. It's just like any other investment honestly. I could invest tons of money into Tesla 'stock' thinking it will be worth something, but that doesn't mean much other than what people's perceived value of the company is. I could buy a $20 stock piece of paper and sell it years for now for crap tons of money. That's how I view bitcoin. Just another way to invest money.
    1 point
  19. before investing in ripple, read this: http://ripplescam.org/
    1 point
  20. Maybe you should read about bitcoin and then realize it isn't necessarily a gamble at all.
    1 point
  21. There are more collectors on here than you think. I pretty much just use this site to find the deals that you guys post. :shrugs: Plus I missed out on most of the 2000+ sets, so this site presents a good place to find people who hoarded the sets that I want to buy.
    1 point
  22. We may have had a disagreement, but I honestly don't think you've done any harm. Anyone who thinks it through will realize the most effective way for Lego to I.d. eBay resellers, if they really want to, is not to waste time playing with hit or miss links to eBay here, but instead to sign up for an inexpensive Terapeak account that would give them an list of every reseller on eBay and how much they sell.
    1 point
  23. Keep it to one thread please. I'll give you some leeway here, just one thread. Thanks.
    1 point
  24. Same here. Wifey and I love to cook. Usually we pick an asian dish - korean mostly nowadays - and go through the ingredients, go out and get'em, come back, cook and have a meal. We find it very comforting. Same thing happens when we open a WV set and put it together. Does anybody know if Lego has a charity foundation or if they have made donations to hospitals or any organization that could help those which could be benefited with this wonderful tool? It'd be interesting to know.
    1 point
  25. I definitely find building Lego sets to be therapeutic. It's what got me into it as an adult. Brings order to a disordered mind. You can't control the chaos around you. But there's a finality and satisfaction in completing a set. (Well, unless there's a piece or a page in the instruction manual that's missing. Then all hell can break loose. ) I find the same effect in following a favorite recipe (when cooking).
    1 point
  26. I said this plenty of times "The Wholesale List that I get is just for the regular sets, no Exclusives, The List for Exclusives that are retiring are only known by a very few people, There are people at Lego who are known to try and bribe to get to see that list, I would pay to get a hold of it. So if the Haunted House is retiring well massive panic buying will happen. Ed
    1 point
  27. Forgive me if I'm missing something, but I don't understand why resellers are buying so much from LEGO Shop at Home, other than exclusives. LEGO Shop at Home rarely has sales, and even the sales I've seen aren't that great. The only time you're getting a decent deal is when you get a good free set (like the winter set). But even then, it's usually in the 20% back range. Between Amazon, target, TRU, Walmart, Kmart, B&******, and even eBay, it seems like every set I've ever been interested in has been for sale cheaper at some point anywhere besides LEGO Shop at Home. So why spend thousands if they're going to charge you more AND possibly ban you?
    1 point
  28. Check out these unique revamps of the Chima Speedorz by Fenrek!
    1 point
  29. It's called "deathbed repentance".
    1 point
  30. Do consider that everyone is different....some people have coupons, gift cards, no state taxes. They can also order it online and get free shipping boxes and packaging...Nobody here is the same. It is worth some people's time, and others it is not. if there was a failproof way everyone would do it. Even so, one could return it if they were that upset with the market.
    1 point
  31. Scored at a garage sale today and got: 7754 SW Home one 7678 SW Droid gunship 7778 SW Midi scale falcon 8037 SW Anakin's Y-Wing 8089 SW Hoth Wampa cave 4720 HP Knockturn alley All complete with instructions $100
    1 point
  32. This year Thanksgiving is a first day of Hanukkah...Last time they shared same date during late 1800s but there wasnt a national Tgiving Day back then...Correct? And it wont come againfor another 77000 years or so....some estmates. So, Commemorative T-shirts? Pretty remarkable year, dont even mention LEGO sales....
    1 point
  33. UCS Y-Wing. I am going to have a real hard time selling this one, it's just impressive. That's the problem with this game we play, I justify buying sets by telling myself that I will sell them for profit and once I have them I start considering keeping them.
    1 point
  34. Man, not sure how this set will perform now that there have been so many massive sales. I bought mine for $52.50 (including 5% tax) each months ago thinking easy triple next Christmas (going on the assumption that this was the last year for it. Retail is $129.99 up here). Not going to happen now.
    1 point
  35. I've never seen this or anything else go for half price especially at Walmart (unless it was a fluke). My Walmart got rid of their stock of these a couple of months ago so I won't see this kind of deal at all. I think Target still has some but doubt they will be there after Grey Friday. No matter, that was an awesome deal you found made more awesomer because you're in Canada!
    1 point
  36. This is one of the cooler pieces I've seen. http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=87055
    1 point
  37. They should just change the status to "Tired".
    1 point
  38. Seriouly, are any of your posts useful? Why do you bother when 95% of your posts are just negative and asking people to show reciepts or posting in a thread here that has nothing at all to do with you.
    1 point
  39. Yes.... Optical illusion at its finest. Check this out on the "Ascending and Descending" MOC by Andrew Lipson. Appears to connect all around just like the original drawing when in fact.... it does not. Brilliantly planned build with the perfect camera angle equals incredibly amazing illusion!
    1 point
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