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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2013 in all areas

  1. Reading through the posts, it seems that some people are not "happy" with the deal. The one thing I REALLY think they are missing is the point that you will not be getting discounts on this large exclusive sets. I am taking advantage of this 15% and grabbing the large sets while I can. I really don't think we will get that opportunity anymore on sites like Amazon. If we do, we would be lucky, but I don't want to be kicking myself in a few days wishing I bought some of these.
    4 points
  2. So why don't you buy something today, get a boat load of points and then use them again in a few days when they run this again. It's a win win. I think you are really missing the point. You can double up on this. You will eventually want to buy another set, so the money will be there waiting for you.
    2 points
  3. Tru needs to stock the haunted house and give away a free vc with purchase!
    2 points
  4. I'm going to go with being sorry. Need to save money for holiday travel, xmas presents for other people, food, sustenance, and of course, smaller Lego sets for myself and my family. But thank you for putting this list together, Ed! It really helps for maximizing your dollars if you are planning to spend today. I would love something like this every time there's a good deal going on. It was hard for me keeping all the deals/wishlists/coupon codes straight (not to mention stacking/non-stacking) during the TRU sales this week.
    2 points
  5. Um, it seems like you bought stuff to get points on the other three cards (+2000 points) and returned them on the one other card (getting you -1600) so technically you really shouldn't be keeping all those +2000 points except for the difference in purchases/returns....but you think you deserve to keep those 2000 points and you are upset that LEGO figured it out and combined all the purchases/returns/balances as they should in a normal, balanced world? And you are going to make a scene about it if you can't get your way? Me thinks the video might be more embarassing to you than the LEGO store employee you will be berating, assuming you actually mention how you've been using/manipulating multiple VIP cards against their rules.
    2 points
  6. For sure. I have a buddy at work who is gonna open a VIP card and just let me use it - I am done with buying stuff from Lego for resale for the most part anyway. Its obvious with the exclusives ban, we are going to see what TRU is doing: packaging smaller sets with the exclusives to get your "discount". This sucks for normal consumers if they don't want the extra set but for those of us who sell, its straight up money off. Most of us can flip sets like that creator truck in a day or two. I actually enjoy that a little more anyway.
    2 points
  7. Here are the links members can use to make sure the site get's the revenue from any purchase made through any Amazon site around the world. As you know Ed and Jeff keep this site free to everyone that wants to join, so anything you can do to help is appreciated. We have had a lot of members doing this over the past few days, so hopefully more and more will do so in the future: &tag=brickpicker-21The same would be for all the other Amazon locations, but they have a different tag for each country AMAZON UK: brickpicker-21 AMAZON DE: brickpicker04-21 AMAZON FR: brickpicker03-21 AMAZON CA: brickpicker05-20 AMAZON ES: brick00-21 AMAZON IT: brick0e-21
    1 point
  8. http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-LEGO-FIGURE-BOBA-FETT-ALARM-CLOCK-RARE-CHRISTMAS-PERFECT-/301024686388?pt=Building_Toys_US&hash=item4616783134 Wrong picture?
    1 point
  9. If I know Ed, he is driving to all his local LEGO stores with a U-Haul van...
    1 point
  10. ^Look down, they should both be directly below you! :p
    1 point
  11. Today's complaint. It is snowing crazy. I can barely see two feet in front of me.
    1 point
  12. Echo What sauromosis said. I got the 17 dollar ticket and they applied it to my Purchase which was nice! Was also given the pick a brick box. Bought EV3 and HH. Got a second PAB and the holiday gift. Plus triple points available today for buying in the store!
    1 point
  13. Simple Lego fans dont buy 5 Batwoman and 5 Orc Forges when it shows up at LEGO Shop at Home time and time again. Neither do they put in multiple order on the same sets at midnighg. It's shooting fish in a barrel on a day like this if they really want to find out who resells.
    1 point
  14. I hear ya. I'm just going to hold my breath and wait to see if other retailers begin discounting exclusives again (pretty much any store online except TRU). All it takes is 2 semi-negative economic quarters and discounts will be offered again (if Lego is blocking retailor discounts). Luckily, I have multiple sets of the current exclusives that "should" be retiring soon for waiting it out. If I were someone without these sets or just want some to build, sure. Today is an "ok" day so they need to buy.
    1 point
  15. I think you can do as many as you want as long as the supply lasts
    1 point
  16. LOL.... description: THIS IS BRAND NEW. Wow...looks like mid 50th.
    1 point
  17. That's great and all, but someone needs to tell the seller that hot girls sell better than old men.
    1 point
  18. willy....staying classy as always...
    1 point
  19. Sorry to hear DNI...you're one of my favorite posters.
    1 point
  20. Don't they usually pay for return shipping? Demand a free box, and make them let you keep the damaged one for good measure.
    1 point
  21. Sorry to hear that DNIM. I hope they don't flag me. I consistently buy about 3-4 chess sets a month to part out and then a few other random things here and there. I've only spent probably $1000 but I DO buy those chess sets. "I'm just building a huge Kingdoms army" would be my excuse.
    1 point
  22. So, looks like no triple VIP online? Indeed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F4qzPbcFiA
    1 point
  23. Not like you can`t get their products anywhere else. I don`t understand why some people make a big deal out of it. I`ve never ordered any quantities that would justify a ban, but if I did, why would I care? Maybe I miss out on a little kick back in VIP points, but honestly not the end of the world.
    1 point
  24. I cracked open a brand new 10212 last night that I've had sitting in my storage closet since last January. It took me 2 hours to get half way through instruction book 1 (of 4). I finally appreciate sets that have numbered bags... I think there are about 25 bags, no numbers. Ack! But it's awesome so far!
    1 point
  25. These are indeed the people that I'm concerned about AS a Lego reseller. Some innocent, rich MOC guy working on a great project for the next show realizes he can get a lot of the parts he wants from one currently available set and wants to buy 20 of them... and gets banned for being a great customer who not only buys a lot, but actually goes out and makes Lego more money through free advertising with his fantastic displays. Lego's attempts to keep the items I want out of my hands will fail, because I'm smart and awesome and can thwart their system at will. Lego's attempts causing harm to collectors and MOCers and loving grandparents with deep pockets I get testy about, because it's a great way to turn those folks off Lego permanently, and that, unlike their silly shenanigans in thwarting me, can actually harm me as well as the innocent parties.
    1 point
  26. As a VIP, I got a leaflet in the mail announcing early access to 'exclusive online offers' on sat the 23rd. They didn't disclose what precisely. The new Hobbit sets maybe?
    1 point
  27. Hopefully it's better than that as that's pretty crappy.
    1 point
  28. People love to find the companies that fail and blame private equity while forgetting the ones that would not have succeeded without it. Also, is it overly greedy to loan someone money knowing they can't pay it back? Maybe, but borrowing money you have no way of paying is just as greedy as that. There are 2 sides to everything, it's just easier to blame the rich or the anonymous company. Personally, I have good memories from TRU from when I was a kid, so I would not want them to go under, but if they do, it just proves they just were not quick enough in adapting to the changing times.
    1 point
  29. I'd go get the rest of those forges if I were you, especially at that price.
    1 point
  30. Successful? Yes. Exploitative? Of course. Why else would anyone go to the China market if not to exploit cheap labour. http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2013-09-06/business/41819679_1_supply-chain-apple-s-kristin-huguet This is not the first time Apple has run into these kind of problems, mind. Trying to capture the Asian market is a politically correct way of justifying moving operations to China. Imagine the CEO issuing a press statement telling the consumers we're doing it to cut costs and maximise profits. Not to say it doesn't count at all, but at the end of the day, it is about cheaper labour, cheaper materials, good infrastructure, stable government. When you build a factory, especially one with lots of equipment, these are important factors to consider. I dare say Africa, Indonesia and Bangladesh do not fulfill at least 3 of the above criteria.
    1 point
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