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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2013 in all areas

  1. The stupid got thick in here fast. Greedy capitalist bastards! Now where are those coupons so I can go get 4 more architectural studios. That's the problem with you folks...you forget there is always someone poorer than you, when you rant against the rich and successful. I can take you into some areas of providence or Boston where you are the greedy bastard running around trying to corner the lego architectural studio market. You'll get your teeth knocked in if they see you walking down the street with $400 in legos. Even if you carry a Romney/Bain sucks sign. Still can't believe so many find this site, and complain about capitalism and rich people. Most of us here respect the successful, and want to join them...not despise them. Greed and jealousy are close cousins. Are you a better person because you don't use lbo to load companies with debt, try to ipo them after a turn around, or break them out to creditors? You are working harder than Romney? By buying up lego sets before Christmas, so parents need to get their gifts from you at huge mark ups instead of the store for retail price? Are you more noble than venture capital, than private equity? Take your jealousy elsewhere please. We are all greedy here, and want to make the most money for the least amount of work/risk. Willy<-greedy and wants to be like Romney Private equity bought kb fao, and tru for a reason. They were for sale. Why..because they were going bankrupt ANYWAY! And the stupid comes out when you bring up Romney's name. He left Bain ****** 2001. Bain was EQUAL partners with kkr and vornado when they bought these 3 stores... In 2005.
    7 points
  2. Thank you. Couldn't agree more. People need to quit name-calling in general and especially quit calling people greedy, especially on an investment site. Poor, uncreative, incompetent people (or people trying to push an agenda) are the ones who sit around calling others greedy.
    3 points
  3. If you were on their reseller list your postcard might have been covered in Antrax.
    2 points
  4. I was told the same thing today. Then the clerk got super excited and was telling me about all the new sets they were going to be selling in 2014. (which we all knew) I was a little bummed out, I've got 19 but wanted a few more before they retired.
    1 point
  5. I cracked open a brand new 10212 last night that I've had sitting in my storage closet since last January. It took me 2 hours to get half way through instruction book 1 (of 4). I finally appreciate sets that have numbered bags... I think there are about 25 bags, no numbers. Ack! But it's awesome so far!
    1 point
  6. These are indeed the people that I'm concerned about AS a Lego reseller. Some innocent, rich MOC guy working on a great project for the next show realizes he can get a lot of the parts he wants from one currently available set and wants to buy 20 of them... and gets banned for being a great customer who not only buys a lot, but actually goes out and makes Lego more money through free advertising with his fantastic displays. Lego's attempts to keep the items I want out of my hands will fail, because I'm smart and awesome and can thwart their system at will. Lego's attempts causing harm to collectors and MOCers and loving grandparents with deep pockets I get testy about, because it's a great way to turn those folks off Lego permanently, and that, unlike their silly shenanigans in thwarting me, can actually harm me as well as the innocent parties.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. A couple of posts here as the reveals were pretty heavy for Legends of Chima! The Brick Fan Starting with the Legend Beasts.
    1 point
  9. From the album: Quacs' MOCs

    My son's birthday cake, guarded by the Golden Dragon...
    1 point
  10. 3x8 = 24 7x3= 21 4x9= 36 8x5= 40
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. I am starting to get a lot of discount promotions. This is not Lego related, but maybe someone wants to buy a new Lego game, or new supplies for the PS4 or XBOX One. This is a one day special today November 21st. If you buy online and do local pickup, you will get $10 off any order of $50 or more. Xmas time is here too, so its a way to save a few bucks that will be spending most likely anyhow. Click here!
    1 point
  13. It's sloganeering/headline reading that breeds this reaction. Not reading/research and deep thinking. If you don't/can't understand how private equity works, someone with an agenda will simplify it for you..and send you out feeling smart to spread the message. Idiots utiles I believe the French call it. It's a lot easier to have a couple sentences or phrases placed in your mind for easy recall, than to read a 10,000 word treatise on leverage buy outs, and research what is involved in taking a public company private....and realizing the inherent risks/rewards associated with this method of capital extraction. The poor/uninformed always need a villain. Someone to hate, and/or blame for their personal failings. It makes life easier, and more bearable, thinking some God or rich person, or government is really in control of you..the system is rigged...you didn't stand a chance..Just give up, my child...I'll protect you. But it's going to cost you...put a little in the basket/plate, render unto Ceaser, pay your taxes, give your fair share etc.
    1 point
  14. If you have a mortgage, your leverage is astronomically higher than those guys in private equity. If you lose your job and run out of cash, you'll go bankrupt just like a company cannot meet their loan obligation. Payday loans and mortgage crisis have nothing to do with private equity owning a firm that sells toys. I'm not sure how optimizing cash flow from an LBO is so unethical?
    1 point
  15. Woah. Woah. Woah. Is greed good? Absolutely. (see the original Wall Street) Maybe you misinterpreted my statement. Without going in to a lot of detail, it is OVERLY greedy to loan someone money knowing dang full well they will never be able to pay it back. Kind of like PayDay loans. Kind of like the mortgage crisis. But I guess that is all okay, because they do it all under the name of Capitalism. Jealous? Of what? Of purposely ripping off a company so that they go under? Nah. Not me. I love capitalism. I must have missed all these previous posts where people complain about it and the rich people. Do I want to be rich? Sure. Would I sell out an entire company to do so? Hell no. I am more than aware of the less fortunate. I live right next to the meth capital of California. See it all the time. Your comment makes no sense. So because there will always be people who are better off, that entitles them to screw the next guy? WOW. Glad to know there are still people out there willing to bury their ethics in the name of profit. I am not going to drag this on, but I stand by my statement: greedy bastards, with more emphasis on the second word.
    1 point
  16. They should just change the status to "Tired".
    1 point
  17. I would hate it if they do go under - mostly because I love finding ways to get around their dumbass pricing schemes. The one thing I will say - My TRU is packed, all the time. They sell a lot. So this isn't Kmart, or at least not where I am.
    1 point
  18. My guess is once the movie is released and you have "officially" seen Smaug - then you'll get the Lego set to go with it. A UCS Smaug to go with the Tower of Orthanc would be amazing.
    1 point
  19. It looks like it could be a future Architecture set.
    1 point
  20. I just finished the 10212 Imperial Shuttle. What an amazing build! It looks fantastic and is much larger than I anticipated. I will probably hang onto it for 1-2 years then try to double up on it. Paid $235 used, no box. Complete with manuals and figs though.
    1 point
  21. Willy, I caught your post before you deleted it, and I personally wish you would have let it stand. I'll give my own version: I may have $5000/month to invest in Lego in various forms. If I am "glad" that the guy here who has $10,000/month or $100,000/month is being thwarted because that's "just too much", I'm being self-righteous and self-deceptive. It's a disturbing attitude anywhere, any time, but it's especially disturbing on a site that is supposed to be about INVESTING in LEGO, for pity's sake. It's like a vegetarian showing up at a steak restaurant to wag his/her finger in everyone's face and explain they THEY are good because they only eat fish, while we're bad because we eat cows.
    1 point
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