Although we've discussed at length already the reasons for why Lego is banning large resalers, when I take a step back and look at it from a more "common" point of view it still just seems somewhat unbelievable. I've worked in the personal protecion/security/military environment for years, and in all that time I've removed alleged thieves, drunkards, homeless, and people violating the peace a countless number of times from various establishments. But I still feel baffled at the idea of forcibly removing someone from a retail store for spending money there.
Lego: We've got a guy down here we want removed from our store.
Cop/Security: Ok, is he causing a disturbance?
Lego: Well, kind of. He's banned from our store but he's here right now.
Cop/security: Ok, so what's the history? Was he violent in the past, made threats, stole? Should I bring additional backup?
Lego: No, he spends too much money here.
Cop/Security: Excuse me?
Lego: He was banned by our corporate office because he spends alot of money in our store on the same thing and we don't want that.
Cop/Security: So let me get this straight, you want him removed as a result of your refusal of service because he spends too much money there?
Lego: Yes
Cop/Security: Ok? I've heard of a person buying too many drinks in the bar, but this is ridiculous. We'll send someone down I guess, if that's what you really want (rolls eyes).