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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2013 in all areas

  1. This is a classic example of the opportunity cost being too high. You can do much more with the $100 you are about to sink into the Sail Barge for 3-4 years. This set will likely be available to you in a year or two, and likely for the same or possibly a better price. Squeeze them down, and you've got a deal...
    2 points
  2. Okay deal, Terry, but not drop dead awesome. Downsides to it: 1. Price is/will be available later 2. You're tying up a decent chunk of money in the Sail Barge that will likely not mature for another 3-4 years. If you don't mind sitting on the Barge for awhile, I would try to squeeze a better price out of these. Offer them $200 and see if they bite. If not, buy JP and RP from Amazon and invest the $100 in used sets to flip quickly on eBay. Six months and a few flips later, you will have tripled that $100 (or more) if you're smart about your purchases. Then, you can invest that money in a clearanced Sail Barge and have $200 in your pocket.
    2 points
  3. To all BrickPicker members and guests... As my brother, Jeff, stated earlier, we are a new and rapidly improving site about Lego 'investing' and collecting. If you feel there is anything we need to change or add, please feel free to message us. It is a work in progress and new ideas are always welcome. Feel free to ask us any questions about the site or various Lego sets/values. There are over 8400 Lego sets in our database and sometimes mistakes happen. If you have any questions or opinions about various Lego sets, displays, or minifigures, let us know. We will help in any way we can. Thanks... Ed Mack
    1 point
  4. I just bagged a nice deal online: Ordered 10x Captain America sets, reduced to
    1 point
  5. I think that is a problem with ALL TRUs.
    1 point
  6. Hehe, or I could just upload a few. Here's a selection to be going on with
    1 point
  7. I find the current trend of Lego sets based upon movie franchises interesting. CUUSOO is kind of reversing the theme development that Lego has used recently with a number of their current themes. Instead of representing soon-to-be-released movies sets, CUUSOO is becoming a means of getting old, popular movies retroactively released in Lego form. These, coupled with the current movie-related themes, are really beginning to tilt the Lego product line heavily toward movie themes. Ten years ago, the only movie ever represented in Lego form on a broad scale was Star Wars, yet now we're looking at Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, Prince of Persia, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lone Ranger, Lord of the Rings, Hobbit, a number of DC and Marvel Super Heroes (Iron Man, Superman MoS, Spiderman, Avengers, etc.) and the aforementioned Star Wars, along with the new Lego Movie and Ninjago movie in development, and these upcoming CUUSOO entries for BTTF, Ghostbusters (unapproved) and possibly Wizard of Oz. That's quite a product line shift in a relatively short amount of time. I expect this trend continues as Lego uses these blockbusters as free advertising to sell their toys and to convert non-traditional markets to buyers of their other themes.
    1 point
  8. How about this for another way to view this transaction. It will be more cash out of pocket, but I think you will get a ton more value. 1. Target Red card get the Palace on line for $95.99 through ******...saves 7% and shipping is free (brings this cost to $89.25). Or you can buy from LEGO Shop at Home and get both free poly bags (the VW and the Clone), but that may not be worth it for you as you'd pay full retail. 2.Sail barge at LEGO Shop at Home by itself and get both polybags. (Let's say they are $30 combined value) 3. Rancor pit from LEGO Shop at Home by itself. You will pay a bit more but can get the Polybag. I would even consider adding something here to get over $75. You can use the $5 in VIP points you earned from the Sail Barge. You also would get another $5 back in VIP points (if you got the Rancor pit order over $75, which you probably should) You still might need to pay sales tax though...
    1 point
  9. I would not at $240. My targets on the Rancor pit and Palace are $40 and $80 respectively. As far as the sail barge is concerned, I think it is extremely overpriced. It should be 99.99 if not lower. I don't think I would pay over $80 for it as an investment. So I guess I would say Quacs is right - $200 would be perfect. If not, I would offer him $120 or so for just the palace and Rancor pit. Palace should be gone this year and the rancor wont be too long after.
    1 point
  10. It's essentially 20% off MSRP for all 3---is that enough for you? I'm no fan of the new sail barge---I'd rather have the old design , but I'd take the new minifigs. Personally I'd pass, but that's b/c I have the Palace and Pit at lower entry points and I'm nixing this sail barge.
    1 point
  11. For investing, I think it is a decent deal.
    1 point
  12. That seems like a solid deal, but you could also get the Sail Barge for $96 everytime YoYo.com has a 20% off sale (No tax, free shipping, 1% on top with EBates, etc).
    1 point
  13. I haven't found a smoosh list but I can already figure out one just from looking at the list and images. Barbarian - two swords, Jungle Boy's hair Scarecrow - pitchfork Bavarian Lady - pigtail hairpiece, pretzel (if you're used to it from Lederhosen Guy ) Evil Mech - armor with angled shoulder pads Tiki Warrior - javelin, huge concave mask (a lot of grooves across the front) Gingerbread Man big round flat head with two grooves along the side, coffee mug Holiday Elf - classic 2 x 2 block and tile, garden gnome esque cap with pointy ears on sides Yeti - ice pop, headpiece similar to Chewbacca's (very big, all one part, and has many grooves) Mountain Climber - pickaxe, soft rubbery circle rope Welder - mask, small cylinder brick Scientist - two fluted flasks Saxophone Player - the sax (what else), gangster's fedora hat Diner Waitress - waiter's oval tray (one open stud on the bottom dead center, flat on top with a slightly beveled edge) Grandma - cat, soft rubbery handbasket Constable - billyclub Lady Robot - square head with two bumps (eyes) on one side (the front), clockwork handle, angled back piece I could do this in my sleep under water with the lights out in the dark anymore.
    1 point
  14. I always give others grief about what they like or don't like similar to this. Anywho, some of the Jungle Mission designs for Exo-Force weren't so good.
    1 point
  15. I got a sweet Craigslist deal of Harry Potter sets. all for $20, turns out I only needed to supplement about 20 of my own pcs. Turned into this:
    1 point
  16. Not to mention the walk, traffic and getting in and out! I got lost even with GPS..walked at least 2 miles to the lego and back carrying the heavy bag. Never again! I left some choice words on his survey. Resellers are jerks huh? I think the gorzan set threw him off. He assumed I was a regular muggle type parent...and laid into resellers like a regular person would care anywys. Hey Dan in natick...and the rest of you lego employees reading...guess what...I am in the majority of resellers. We resell for profit and roll much of it back into MORE lego sets for ourselves, our kids and families, and more investment sets. Tread lightly before turning your staff against a healthy percentage of your customers with your blustery corporate memos that mean nothing. You can't stop free market capitalism. The money and products find a way to their most productive uses...always. At least hang a damn sign that says limit one...if there is a limit. Score another one for the "jerks" Dan. That is number 11 for me...without even trying very hard.
    1 point
  17. I will build it, I also keep all gifts. They buy them for me to build cause they know it makes me happy, to me thats priceless....
    1 point
  18. Answering your questions, 1)Try to get as close to original as you can. Being 100% complete and original goes a long ways with some people, and will make you the most money. If you have any color changes or missing parts, be sure to note them in your listing, buyers will appreciate honesty. To complete sets, Bricklink is an amazing resource for finding missing pieces. Some parts may not be worth it, but many pieces only cost a few cents and completing sets can sometimes be pretty cheap. Try to combine your needs into the fewest sellers possible, as shipping eats away at earnings. 2) You will always make the most money selling individually, but sometimes it's not worth the time to list and ship 100 small items. 3) Ebay will get you the most traffic, but fees can be a pain. I'm sure the UK has something similar to Craigslist like we have where you can advertise sets you have. Brickpicker will in the future have a Classifieds section to do the same thing, and I'm sure there are many members that would like old sets. 4) Dust is easy, some dish soap and warm water does wonders. For yellowed pieces, a mixture of Hydrogen Peroxide and some Oxyclean will brighten those old pieces. Leave them out in the sun for about a day and slosh them around a bit to make sure different sides get direct sunlight and you will be amazed at how much better the pieces look. This works on the old blue and grey pieces as well.
    1 point
  19. http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?S=8118-1 Set 8118 Hybrid Rescue Tank from Exo-Force. Took some detective work, but I was able to find it.
    1 point
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