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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2013 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. I believe its the same thing and "liking" the post.
    2 points
  3.     Well there are people on this site that have "1 to build". In essence by forgoing the sale they are saying that they WOULD pay $400 to build it.
    2 points
  4. http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?S=8118-1 Set 8118 Hybrid Rescue Tank from Exo-Force. Took some detective work, but I was able to find it.
    2 points
  5. This is just conjecture, but it seems like minifigures best gains are if you get them while they are cheap and available. Getting them on the secondary market to later hold for a longer time on the secondary market seems like a tough thing to gauge. Plus a lot of them could be remade at any point in time. My thing is - I may keep minifigures that could do well provided I get them free (VIP) or for retail in a limited capacity, otherwise I just do sets
    2 points
  6. My son was running around the store today and posed for a quick picture. Notice the "retiring soon" sign. This set has been around for a while.
    1 point
  7. I would get the R2-D2 as well. it is a great build and display piece.
    1 point
  8. My opinion would be that R2-D2 will do better overall in the long run as an investment. All three are great sets to build though.
    1 point
  9. That figure was a limited edition available only through certain promotions, which are now over. The only way to get him now is on ebay. Sorry :(
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. for an 8ish pound package shipped securely and with insurance (which they all want) of that dimensions, they are looking at probably spending 140ish to ship to China..
    1 point
  12. buy them all. part out the black gates now ($30/profit on each), and that will basically pay for the pirate ambush sets which you can hold to sell after eol.
    1 point
  13. That's why this set is super hot, many people missed the boat :-) btw, I think I screwed up. I picked up a 41999 at a Lego store couple days ago. The store employee put 3 remaining boxes behind the counter. Each box has the front side faced up. Out of the 3 boxes, 2 of them I spotted the front side got bended pretty badly, so I picked the 3rd box where the front side looked absolutely perfect. I was so excited that I didn't bother to check the back side of the box. Today when I try to store the box inside the closet, I notice the back side of the box has minor scratches everywhere, they look like scratches done by finger nails. They aren't obvious if looking from distance, but as I get closer, they look pretty bad. Oh well, for 41999, I think having a damaged box is better than coming back home empty handed. I guess I shouldn't complain.
    1 point
  14. Answering your questions, 1)Try to get as close to original as you can. Being 100% complete and original goes a long ways with some people, and will make you the most money. If you have any color changes or missing parts, be sure to note them in your listing, buyers will appreciate honesty. To complete sets, Bricklink is an amazing resource for finding missing pieces. Some parts may not be worth it, but many pieces only cost a few cents and completing sets can sometimes be pretty cheap. Try to combine your needs into the fewest sellers possible, as shipping eats away at earnings. 2) You will always make the most money selling individually, but sometimes it's not worth the time to list and ship 100 small items. 3) Ebay will get you the most traffic, but fees can be a pain. I'm sure the UK has something similar to Craigslist like we have where you can advertise sets you have. Brickpicker will in the future have a Classifieds section to do the same thing, and I'm sure there are many members that would like old sets. 4) Dust is easy, some dish soap and warm water does wonders. For yellowed pieces, a mixture of Hydrogen Peroxide and some Oxyclean will brighten those old pieces. Leave them out in the sun for about a day and slosh them around a bit to make sure different sides get direct sunlight and you will be amazed at how much better the pieces look. This works on the old blue and grey pieces as well.
    1 point
  15. I plan on building one. It is difficult though. The whole idea of building something that could make me quite a bit of money, is considerably difficult.
    1 point
  16. Hey Brian, got a 200+ figures lot coming my way so prepare your fingers lol JK JK..
    1 point
  17. Its always funny to me when someone says something is super rare and then they have 5 of them. I know it can still be legit, but its sort of ironic that were't rare enough that a bunch of people didn't get tons of them. At the same time, it is working for the crawler.
    1 point
  18. Whew, glad it all worked out! And REMEMBER signature confirmation on shipments over $250 - without that, even with delivery confirmation, they WILL win an item not received claim through PayPal!
    1 point
  19. Cohens, I'd use a single box. Be sure to pad well between each set (so they don't rub against each other), and also make sure to waterproof each set, you never know what sort of weather conditions, lawn sprinklers, etc. they're going to encounter. Finally, make sure you fill the box with packing material so that the sets can't roam around the box.
    1 point
  20. built heartlake high with my daughter this morning. it's a superb friends set, with lots of details, and it fits in beautifully in her little friends town, right next to Olivia's house. she loves the idea that now her friends characters have a place to go to school, just like she does! (she starts 1st grade this Tuesday).
    1 point
  21. hahah that's me!!! I am totally worth the cost of shipping
    1 point
  22. i found a few articles on google. https://www.google.com/search?q=lego+red+ghost&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t
    1 point
  23. haha, that would be me!! and yes, that is my lovely girlfriend in the background who puts up with my lego's lol
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. I just had a very similar thing happen. I bought a used 7020 and the seller stated 3 missing parts and 1 replacement part. I just got done inventorying the set and I found another piece missing and 2 more substitute parts. The 2 substitute parts are 2 large technic bricks 1x14. He substituted 2 different color 1x12 technic bricks. If this was you, would you contact the seller and let him know or just let it slide? I will have to add the items to my ever growing bricklink wantlist.
    1 point
  26. I have one happening right now - except it was a new set - one bag was open and a few pieces or missing. She said she would refund me the money, but is still nmot really being very apologetic. She also packaged the set about the worst I have ever seen in my life. I usually only leave negative in a very very bad situation. She will probably get neutral.
    1 point
  27. For the sellers who did realize their error and tried to help with the problem, I would leave neutral feedback. They made a mistake when they listed the set, but then they solved the problem.
    1 point
  28. I have done the same, more than one! Doh! Those 1980s instructions are harder than today's. Kids have never had it so good But it's easy to do, especially if you are building from a bulk lot. The last set I did it on, I missed the mini figs flippers.
    1 point
  29. I've had this happen about 3 times to me now. In each case I contacted the seller and they usually apologized and sent the missing pieces/parts/instructions. I waited to give feedback or to file a case until I gave the seller a chance to make good. i notified them in my initial contacting email that I would prefer to work it out with them and give them a chance. So far I haven't had any issues and the sellers I've dealt with have been very nice. I understand that things happen and if you give them to opportunity to make things good they will 99.9% of the time.
    1 point
  30. I posted a similar question the other day about possibly leaving negative feedback. I was looking at it from a pure business perspective I black/white, but everyone who chimed in helped me realize that most sellers on eBay (even experienced ones) are doing it part time and stuff happens - sometimes without control. So while my "business sense" still says to leave negative or neutral feedback if the seller makes a mistake, I think as long as they rectify the problem, then it should be positive. I actually remember a few months ago, I sold a "100% complete" set and the buyer said there was 1 piece missing. I could've swore I double checked all the pieces, but it was a common piece and I had an extra so I sent it to her - only cost me an envelope and .66 cents. She gave me positive feedback which I appreciated!
    1 point
  31. I agree. Feedback's biggest value is how the seller responded when something went wrong. In other words, all sellers will have transactions that don't go perfectly....but how they handle it is what makes a good seller or a terrible one.
    1 point
  32. Something that works for people who buy from me is stating their problem in feedback, and leaving negative feedback, which gets the seller's attention. At that point, the seller is worried about future sales and usually will try to help you and eventually get you to change your feedback. I'd give the sellers who acknowledge their mistake and work with you to solve it, in a fashion that satisfies you, positive feedback. Just make sure that you note in the feedback that there were some problems. Something like "Pieces missing, but seller sent missing pieces. Great communication." Or something along those lines. Now if the seller decides not to do anything, give them bad feedback. They deserve it. There's nothing I hate more than messaging a seller/buyer and them not replying, so just the fact that he's responding is a good sign! Good luck, Pat_teeth_hurt!
    1 point
  33. Whoops, I missed this one...multi-quote fail on my part. Thanks, and you're right Diabolous80. Plus, seriously folks, all of the VIP purchases are tied together in their system (store and website). It would take a skilled programmer less than a day to write a safeguard in to the system that limits purchase amounts for each VIP card number. When they swipe my card at the LEGO store, they instantly have a complete record of my entire purchase history. I know, because they told me how much I've spent and the largest historic total they've ever seen on a card (it wasn't mine). They are blowing hard-earned trust points by refusing to take responsibility and treating their best customers like some sort of shady criminals. It's not about the 500 or so people they will end up banning. The point is, those 500 people are people...and people share stories like these with their friends, families, and all over the Internet. Not the way to build brand loyalty or trust on a broader scale.
    1 point
  34. Sorry for back-to-back posts on this, but the more I think about TLC banning customers, the more I see how out-of-line they are
    1 point
  35. What?! Wow TLC...way to dive face first into the next potentially viral, corporate PR backlash. The one-sheet on this story practically writes itself: 1. First TLC agreed to sell you a product and a legal transaction of goods took place. 2. Then they decided they sold you more than they wanted to... 3. So their solution was to track you down and call you at home, to accuse you of some sort of nefarious activity, and inform you that they've put you on "their list" and will demand you to show legal ID to any employee who asks you, should they catch you trying to buy certain products from them. Bwahahaaa! It's only a matter of time before one of the banned customers gives TLC a very good reason to apologize and offer a potload of VIP points to make up for their mistake.
    1 point
  36. I think it is time for some BrickPicker members to realize that while we are indeed a LEGO investing site, we would like to promote LEGO investing within the rules set forth by LEGO. While we will not restrict discussions at the moment, buying mass quantities of limited sets is a strategy that is getting people banned. It is obvious that LEGO does not approve and they are taking steps to deal with large resellers. Personally, I sit on the fence on this issue. I can see why LEGO has issues with mass purchases of current sets and I do want to respect their wishes. I have changed my purchasing methods and now diversify even more than before. On the other hand, I am all about the free market system and don't want to restrict resellers. But moving forward, we are all going to have to readjust our investment game plans to work with the rules set forth by LEGO or fear losing the ability to acquire exclusive and limited LEGO sets. If you choose to continue to buy "en masse," then realize there could be repercussions. Also realize that there will be other members who play by a different set of rules and don't agree with your tactics. Good luck and please be respectful of one another. We can agree to disagree.
    1 point
  37. So, good news and bad news: Good news: i picked up 5 x Helms Deep ($85) 3 x Black Gate ($41.98) 1 x Pirates Ambush ($69.98) Bad news: locked myself out of my car
    1 point
  38. Wow, that is a toughie. Hmm.... From best to worst, here is just my general opinion.(I am not an expert of parting out sets so please keep that in mind.) (1.) Wolverine's Showdown - three great minfigures, awesome chopper (2.) Droid Escape - the two Sandtroopers are cool, C-3PO and R2-D2 are the classic Star Wars duo (3.) Spiderman's Spider-cycle Chase - Venom....that is all (4.) Iron Man Extremis Sea Port Battle - War Machine all the way, kind of a tie with above set (5.) Shelob Attacks - Samwise and possibly Gollum, feel rather iffy on this (6.) Loki's Cosmic Cube Escape - ....nothing really exclusive here, nice vehicle and parts though
    1 point
  39. I am posting this as I been getting alot of E-mail from people saying they really screwed up by buying hundreds of the small cheap sets, instead of getting the Big and exclusive sets. Now I guess Everybody on here would get as many old Exclusives as they could afford at the regular Retail price right now if that had a chance. Like the Remote AT-AT, Imperial Flagship, Carousel, Cafe Corner, Green Grocer, Dubai, Statue Of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, Imperial Shuttle,Diagon Alley, 10195 SW Dropship, SW 8129 AT AT and there are more, but the point of this is so most screwed up and missed the Train on Most of these. So I am telling you that you don't have to screw up this time. Everybody wants the Haunted House, Tower Bridge on one of Amazon's Flash sale, well if you are on the computer at that time and you get 2 thats great, but its only 2, and that goes for all the other exclusives we are all hoping for a flash sale,But don't hold your breath.Thats why buying some of these exclusives at retail for me is still a deal, But it looks to me if most of you who can't save 30% or more on the sets you won't buy it. And the ones that said that on the older exclusives I listed should be pissed off at thereself for not buy at retail. If you would of just bought 5 of each you would of cleaned up. Well its going to be the same situation on the exclusives out now. I am 64 years old and spent about 24 grand on Lego last year, and looks like this year will be at or more, because in about 5-6 years I should have hundreds of thousands of Lego ready for selling, So $179 haunted house from 2014 sold for $500 and up in 2019 and I have 49 left, thats why if you have to pay full retail do it, get those HH, TB, Batman Arkham, Death Star, SSDS, Fire Brigade,GE, Town hall, Pet Shop, Ewok Village, ETC.So After I make a few hundred grand I will most likely be done selling Lego, I think I no what I am doing on selling lego I have made lots of money selling them, so much I paid Cash for a new car in 2004 and another brand new car in 2008 in cash.I will be investing 90% of my Money on the Lego sets that I think will do good,"AND THERE ALWAYS BE EXCLUSIVES,AND THERE WILL ALWAYS BE PEOPLE THAT WILL BE BUYING AND PAYING BIG BUCKS FOR THE RIGHT SETS." But for you new investors who want to make serious money you have to spend money not $50 or $500 I mean thousands to get started, and the hard part after you spend thousands you have to way a few years. And for you guys riding around all day looking for cheap sales well good luck, but the big money is not going to be made doing that, now if you are making money flipping and buying the big and exclusive sets well thats great. Ed
    1 point
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