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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2013 in all areas

  1. I think it is time for some BrickPicker members to realize that while we are indeed a LEGO investing site, we would like to promote LEGO investing within the rules set forth by LEGO. While we will not restrict discussions at the moment, buying mass quantities of limited sets is a strategy that is getting people banned. It is obvious that LEGO does not approve and they are taking steps to deal with large resellers. Personally, I sit on the fence on this issue. I can see why LEGO has issues with mass purchases of current sets and I do want to respect their wishes. I have changed my purchasing methods and now diversify even more than before. On the other hand, I am all about the free market system and don't want to restrict resellers. But moving forward, we are all going to have to readjust our investment game plans to work with the rules set forth by LEGO or fear losing the ability to acquire exclusive and limited LEGO sets. If you choose to continue to buy "en masse," then realize there could be repercussions. Also realize that there will be other members who play by a different set of rules and don't agree with your tactics. Good luck and please be respectful of one another. We can agree to disagree.
    5 points
  2. Exobro calls out kerrmando. Kerrmando calls out exobro. Exobro says don't call him out. Yeahbutwhat?
    3 points
  3. Ok guys, Kermando and ExoBro specifically, and anyone else who wants to chime in. Lets just end the little tiff here, it's been entertaining but we don't want it going any further. Please keep posts in this thread back on topic please.
    2 points
  4. Hah I didn't care if you had the set thats not what I was saying... check my store I have it sealed . I cared that you assume you know a lot about Legos... that is not the original Lego set for girls. So there is some BS you posted on Brickpicker..
    2 points
  5. No pm, I think a lot of people would like to see. As for the gryffindor set, how is this? I only have the backdrop handy because I parted out the set for my own collection of bricks (what can I say, I like the colors ) Oh and btw, don't call me out. I never post BS on BrickPicker.
    2 points
  6. Can we see pics of your crawlers, please?
    2 points
  7. I'm not even going to put up a front, I'll admit it, I'm super greedy when it comes to Lego............I love collecting it, building it, and reselling it. I want as many of the best sets as possible, in the best condition possible, period! I love Lego sets, not just the 41999 and I will continue to ride the profit wave and capitalize until the game is over.
    2 points
  8. Please stop name-calling people greedy.
    2 points
  9. I have zero sympathy for people who get banned for being greedy, not that it really matters that they are banned anyway....
    2 points
  10. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. This has been discussed a ton on other threads. At least 3 or 4 major threads that I know of. Let's not talk about it again on this 41999 thread.
    2 points
  11. Uhh, pretty sure when things cooled down, a lot of people realized BrickQueen was obviously in the wrong.
    1 point
  12. Depends for what company... I had plenty of positive results in my local environment about LEGO ... you have to understand not only word to mouth but SALES and increased revenue is an indicator of positive feedback! If sales increase after such bannings are enforced and remain higher then before this can be PARTLY (and only party even if 0.000001%) thanks to positive feedback possibly... but company cannot know that. I do agree though that mostly negative is many times noticed alot more than positive because those unhappy tend to express their unhappiness more likely.
    1 point
  13. Also, call his local post office (you can get their phone number by using Google and the zip code - i.e, Post Office 11111 Telephone number should bring it up) and ask to speak to the carrier who delivered mail the day it shows delivered. Postal employees often remember packages, and you can describe to him exactly what it looked like. Mail fraud is a serious crime in the U.S. - if this guy is legit, he'll cooperate with postal investigators. If he's not, this might scare him into "finding" the package himself.
    1 point
  14. I would avoide goof-off, I suspect that it has harsh chemicals (like acetone/nail polish remover) that may eat at the Lego. Try using a dry erase marker, it works to remove "permanent" marker off of dry erase boards (and my desk at work, there is no reason that is should not work on Lego). Simply draw over the permanent marker with the dry erase marker, then wipe it off. The permanent marker should be gone.
    1 point
  15. I would have thought shooting Greedo under the table never gets old, regardless of who fired first. Coincidentally, just the other day a friend of mine and I were just discussing how there are no alien minifigures from the famous bar scene other than Greedo. What a great playset an expanded bar scene could be, especially if it came with the bar-tender and a few other aliens.
    1 point
  16. TLG did not need to acknowledge anything and they can institute any policy they want. The only problem I had with the ban was the lack of warning given to the banned individuals. A single warning would have soften the ban and given an impression that TLG cared about loosing business from this group of big spenders. I have to acknowledge though, from TLG's point of view, an immediate ban was the only way to send the message loud and clear. To MODS: This thread has become widely OT. Perhaps, every post starting from post 1336 should be moved to the TLG ban thread ?
    1 point
  17. Do you work for the NSA? Did you ship to Snowden?
    1 point
  18. As far as I'm concerned your just pissed your favorite girl set wasn't actually a girl set... I'm done with discussing this though. I've proved my side and wasted everyone's time. If you still need to harp on it go ahead, I'm just going to buy more of this set and make more money, 4k is nothing in this sport when you really get into it.. especially when that 4 is already 8. Hope you get there in four months...
    1 point
  19. If anyone ever wants proof or a receipt from me I always say: Here's your proof !!!!!!
    1 point
  20. I'm confused in the direction this is going.. Getting too personal for business. In any case, I'm just glad to be able to buy 3 at retail today. Its damn hard when you live in freaking Kansas with no lego stores around (closest one was 3 hrs away... and it was OOS...).. I had to get my cali friends to buy them, and they all have busy lives lol... If I had a lego store nearby that had these, I would re-enter every 20 minutes with a different costume and pick up every single one with ca$**** money
    1 point
  21. I have to say this is the 3rd or 4th reference D has made to balls and everytime I seriously laugh out loud uncontrollably.
    1 point
  22. Guy is a professor at uc berkley. He is investing in these for long term. I offered him 4 more for 4 each. He is thinking on it overnight.
    1 point
  23. I guess I just don't understand the necessity of proof in this situation. We know that if there's one set people are working their butts off to get more, it's this one. We already know of at least one guy who has 83 and counting. We know that most of us use trust sparingly in forums, anyway. And we know that even if Kerrmando is a big fat liar with stinky doo doo in his underwear, it won't make a lick of difference to Exobro's quality of life. It was an unnecesary altercation spurred by common human traits that are better left elsewhere during civilized conversation. The only good thing that came of it was a nice picture of 12 Crawlers lined up all purty.
    1 point
  24. OOOOO ouch. Sorry for starting a discussion about the possible origins of "girl oriented" sets. Instead of you know, just bragging constantly about "employees" and obscene amounts of LEGO sets. In 4 months when I am 20, I hope to be just like you. Diabolos, I've never seen him post ANY pics until just now ever. You guys know I always post proof of my stuff.
    1 point
  25. Lol - not the next comment I expected from some one. Completely unconcerned - just want to see the crawlers. +1. lol
    1 point
  26. I'm 20 years old, in college and don't work besides "playing" with the Lego market, it's more fun than greed for me. I've been doing this since I was 12 years old, and been doing it quite well. I consider myself fortunate to have 20+ of this set not greedy. Someday a collector will thank me for keeping his set perfectly mint and ready for his collection.. If I could have bought 100 or 200 of this set I would have. I'm not going to sugar coat it and say I don't like money. I like this site but it is really an investing site, and this is a means to make money by delivering a product to a buyer that they can't obtain elsewhere or for a better price than they can obtain elsewhere, does that mean I maybe made someone else miss out on a Lego set once or twice in my life? Yes it does, but I can live with that, and with making quite a bit of money as well... If I can get more of these sets tomorrow, and thursday, and friday than I will, and won't really feel bad about it. It's a bad@$$ set and I enjoy just looking at them, built one for myself and hope to see the others become profits than I can put into more Legos! And Stephen's totally allowed his own opinions guys, I tend to agree with him on most things so it's not a big deal if he calls me and Rich greedy. Because probably in some ways we are.
    1 point
  27. Haha no you wouldn't It all stems back to the exclusive nature of this set. As far as I am concerned, Lego put in a limit to stop people amassing all of them for resale, trying to allow more people to acquire them. Those have been circumvented. Anyone could do it if they wanted as it all comes down to choice but these are the reasons why restrictions are being placed on us in the first place.
    1 point
  28. Did you check those sets with rebrickable?....maybe you could build a new set of keys! ;-)
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Man, why are you always so negative a pessimistic? I would expect better from a mod..
    1 point
  31. Me too...but I will just join in and act like I think the Seller is an idiot too. Ha ha...like Bric in Anchorman.
    1 point
  32. Ha ha...that is a great seller. Probably the only guy on ebay who will ever get this message from a buyer: "Hey, if I buy your LEGO KINGDOMS JOIST, the WATER PUMP for the accord, the PILLOW BLOCK BEARING, and the STROLLER can you combine shipping?"
    1 point
  33. His penchant to leave quick negative feedback, and then not bothering to leave any positive feedback since 2012 tells me he is not worth the headache. He is worthy to be blocked. Take that from someone who has been on eBay for over 10 years and has close to 2500 100% positive feedback.
    1 point
  34. So, good news and bad news: Good news: i picked up 5 x Helms Deep ($85) 3 x Black Gate ($41.98) 1 x Pirates Ambush ($69.98) Bad news: locked myself out of my car
    1 point
  35. The closest LEGO store to me does not have a 41999 display piece.
    1 point
  36. No it doesn't. It's on tight. Also, it has this weird "stand/base" thing that is built onto the bottom and I'm not sure why, or what it is really supposed to be.
    1 point
  37. To go along with this thread, the LEGO Store released a new polybag. 40055- Halloween Pumpkin. I built it today, but I'm really not a fan of it.
    1 point
  38. Yeah, tell me about it. People need to get more creative than making cars that were in movies.
    1 point
  39. To be fair, not everyone has put Emazers up on a pedestal.
    1 point
  40. lowillsw, on 05 Aug 2013 - 2:32 PM, said: I have not seen any Lego set that's been out of stock for a prolong period of time like the skiff. The big ticket items (any set 149 or above), would be back within 2 weeks after it runs out at the longest. My point being if it's gone for more than a few weeks on Amazon, BE very afraid.
    1 point
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